
Melling Primary School


Summer Term Week 14. Cup Winners. WOW!


Apter Cup  -  02/07/2021

Well done this YR girl for a well-deserved win! You have done everything that the Apter Cup asks of us - you are a great friend to others who shows loyalty and friendship every day to your classmates and you are a truly determined girl when it comes to completing the work we do in class! You really are that great partner and friend that we encourage children to be. Well done for your achievement and for showing us all what it means to be the best that you can be. We love your great attitude to school, to your friends, to your staff and to making the most of all the opportunities and learning in class. You are shining in your school and everyone is noticing you - WELL DONE!

Sports Day 2021!

Details for a new after school football club for YR are below. There will be a session for the children who took part last half term on Monday 14th June which is to replace the one missed when the children were on a school trip.

New YR After School Football Cub


The winner of our YR cup this week is a friend to all. She has such a lovely, kind and caring nature and is always looking for ways to help others. She has lots of patience and listens well to what her friends are telling her. She is so helpful to staff and notices when other children need a friend to play with. She has been especially kind to one little boy, involving him in her play and ensuring he is happy when outside the class. She works so hard and never gives up. She is a little ray of sunshine and a pleasure to have in YR. What a great friend you are! We are so proud of you! xx


Lego Stem Afternoon. We made lego models and programmed them to move, make a noise and change colour. WOW!

Courtesy Cup YR

14th May 2021

The winner of the YR Courtesy Cup this week is a little boy who is a little ray of sunshine. He brightens up every day with his infectious personality and gorgeous smile. He has fantastic manners and never forgets to use them. He listens well to others and is always kind to his friends and teachers. His behaviour is outstanding and he always strives to do the right thing. He tries so hard with all activities and completes everything with a big smile on his face. He has a lovely caring nature and this was demonstrated this week when he found a snail in the nature trail, made a home for it and gave it a name (Gerald!). He made things for his snail and took it home but then brought him back to school to visit its friends. This YR boy is a true example of what it means to have ‘Melling manners’. We are so proud of him today. Well done and keep smiling. xx

Apter Cup winner   -   30/04/21


This YR boy is so helpful to staff and is great at doing jobs and helping to tidy up. He has a gorgeous personality and smiles his way through every day. He never leaves anyone out when playing and is able to help others sort things out when things don't go to plan. He offers to help all the children in the class and not just his close friends. Being the YR child he is, this boy could win any of the three cups. What a pleasure you are to have in class and we are all so proud that you are the worthy winner of the Apter Cup, this week. You are an absolute superstar! Keep up the good work.

Cullen Cup          -              30/4/21                    

 This YR boy has a fantastic attitude to learning. He is so conscientious with his work and always gives 100%. His writing is fabulous and he always ensures letters are formed correctly. He sits lazy letters on the line and makes tall letters tall. He is a perfectionist and always wants his work to be beautifully presented. He strives to improve every day and this is shown in the progress he is making. He is keen to take on new challenges and never gives up until he is satisfied he can do no more. He is a shining example to others in the class and it is a pleasure to teach him. This YR boy could be awarded all 3 of our cups as he is a perfect example of what a Melling Child should be and demonstrates all of our school values. What a superstar! We are so proud of him and can’t wait to see how well he progresses as he moves through school. He is destined for great things. x

Apter Cup

The winner of the Apter Cup this week is very well deserved. This YR girl is a fabulous friend to all her class mates and her teachers too. She has such a lovely, caring nature and is so kind to others in the class. She has a lovely personality and is always smiling. She never leaves anyone out when playing and is able to help others sort things out when things don't go to plan. She plays with lots of different children and encourages others to join in with her play. This YR girl is so helpful and is the first to offer to do any jobs that need doing. She is a great example to others at tidy up time and when she has finished her own task, she offers to help other children with theirs. She never gives up and perseveres with activities until she has reached a satisfactory result. She is an absolute pleasure to have in YR and demonstrates all the qualities needed to 'Be the best that you can be'. What a superstar! xx


During the first week back after Easter, YR have have fun playing as pirates in the outdoor play area.

YR After School Football Club

YR Summer Term Newsletter

Courtesy Cup Winner - 19/03/21

This YR boy has impeccable manners and never forgets to use them. He always says please and thank you and reminds others to do the same. He is a great example to others in the class and always has a big smile on his face. His attitude and behaviour are outstanding and he always tries his best. He says excuse me and sorry when needed and is not only polite to adults, but also his peers. He could win any of our cups today as he works so hard, is a fabulous friend (to staff and his peers) and never gives up. This YR boy is very helpful and is great at tidy up times and when jobs need doing. He is a little ray of sunshine and brightens up our days with his fabulous sense of humour and bubbly personality. What a super star!! xx

March 2021... Return to school.

We are looking forward to welcoming all of our lovely YR children (and parents/carers) back to school on 8th March. We have missed you all so much! Well done for doing such amazing work on Google Classroom. We have been amazed at the wonderful creations you have made at home. You have all taught us lots of new facts about dinosaurs and we are now hooked on Dino Dana!

Please see the YR newsletter below with information about YR routines and topics this term. (The dates stated for parent/teacher meetings may change to the following week)

We can't wait to see you!

Lots of love 

Mrs Hargreaves, Mr Fawcett, Miss Scott, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Rogan. x

YR Spring 2021 Newsletter

Lockdown 2021


Another year, another lockdown. First and foremost, from all the YR staff we hope you stay safe and protect yourselves from the virus once again, during this new lockdown.


Work will be set on Google Classroom, just like last time. 

If for some unknown reason you happen to have lost or misplaced your child's login details, please email the class email which is: and a member of staff will be in touch, as soon as possible.


We are hoping to have work set up on the Monday morning for the week ahead. However, on some occasions work may be added as the week progresses.  

Please remember to click the 'hand in' button after completing work and uploading supporting evidence as it will allow us to know who has completed which tasks.


Please do not rush through the work has been set and try do a little bit each day. You were all superstars last time and hopefully it will carry on again.


Finally, we are still here to help and support you - please don't forget that. So, if there is anything we can do to support your child or yourself, please get in touch. 


Thank you

YR staff

Cullen Cup Winner

The latest Cullen Cup winner in YR is a shining example to others in the class. He always tries so hard with all activities and never gives up when completing tasks. His writing skills are improving every day and his handwriting is beautiful. He has an amazing attitude to learning and always strives to be the best that he can be. When doing 'hold a sentence' as part of our phonics sessions he is beginning to write the sentences with very little adult support. He is able to use his phonics knowledge to sound out unfamiliar words and the presentation of his work is fabulous. His drawings are of a high standard and he is able to stay in the lines when colouring. What a little superstar! 

Please use the link below to see our performance on the African drums.  

YR Apter Cup Week 10

The Apter Cup for friendship this week goes to a lovely little girl who has a heart of gold! She is a friend to both staff and children and gives the most amazing hugs. She is kind, caring and helpful and never needs asking to help others as it is just in her nature to do so. Only today she was spotted trying to help another child in the class put his shoes on. She persevered and never gave up (another aspect of the Apter cup) and she did this with a smile even though it was her play time. This YR girl is so helpful to staff and is great at doing jobs and helping to tidy up. She has a gorgeous personality and smiles her way through every day. Keep an amazing friend. You are a YR superstar and we are so proud of you. xx

This week we have been celebrating Halloween in YR!


Children in YR can come to school on Tuesday 3rd November in Halloween fancy dress as we will be doing activities linked to this all week. In YR we always wait until after the children have experienced the event so they have more experiences to talk about and share. During the week we will be focusing on the stories Room on a Broom, Spinderella, Meg and Mog and Funnybones and doing activities linked to these stories. We will be making and writing potions, doing funky finger activities with pumpkins and spiders, using spiders as part of our maths activities, making crafts and much much more. Don't forget to look out for the photos on the website! 

Thanks for your support.

The YR team. x

Courtesy Cup Winner

A huge well done to our courtesy cup winner for last week. This YR boy has settled so well into Melling School and has consistently demonstrated his 'Melling Manners'. He never forgets to say please, thank you or excuse me and is a little ray of sunshine. He smiles his way through every day and is so kind and loving towards others. He is a great example to others in the class and he always tries to do the right thing. His behaviour is impeccable and he tries so hard with all activities. This YR boy listens well to others and takes a genuine interest in what his friends and teachers are telling him. He is polite, well mannered and is always there to lend a helping hand. I just know this YR boy is going to achieve great things in our school. Well done and keep being amazing! 

YR have been recapping their knowledge of the number 4 by going on a scavenger hunt.

Just a little reminder to parents who have not already done so. Please can you bring in your child's waterproofs and wellies next Tuesday with their name written in them. As the weather is starting to get colder and more wet, children are needing to have waterproofs and wellies on to go outside as we go outside in all weather conditions in YR. The ones we have as spares in class are not very waterproof anymore and we do not want your child to be getting wet or not having the opportunity to play outside with their friends.


Thank you

Mr Fawcett

Hi YR,

I hope you are all well and staying safe at home. I have been doing lots of work for school on my computer at home but cannot wait to be back in school on Friday. I hope you are enjoying the work that Mr Fawcett has set on Google Classrooms and the stories that Miss Scott has read to you. Unfortunately, I have been having some technical issues with Purple Mash so you will be unable to see the work that has been set. You can still log in though and choose some activities to do yourself. I am missing you all dreadfully and can't wait to see you all back in school next Tuesday. I have got lots of fun things planned for us to do. Make sure you help your grown ups while you are at home and keep being the best that you can be. I am so proud of you all. Lots of love, Mrs Hargreaves. xx

YR have been getting active by playing lots of games with Pro Skills, who come in to do one of our weekly PE sessions.

Home Learning 


First and foremost, we hope you are all keeping safe.


There will be work set daily on Google Classroom, Education City and Purple Mash.


If you are struggling with anything, please do not hesitate to email us on


Once again, keep safe and we can't wait to see you all again shortly.

Apter Cup. Autumn Term. Week 3. YR.


The YR girl who is getting the Apter Cup today has settled so well into YR. She comes to school every day with a smile on her face and is a pleasure to have in class. She is a lovely friend to both staff and children, has a very caring nature and loves to help others. She loves to talk to her friends when playing and has kept staff entertained with all her stories. We especially liked the one about her visiting London to see Boris Johnson!! She is such fun to be around and if we were four years old we would definitely choose her to be one of our friends. She also has a can do attitude and never gives up. She tries so hard with everything she does and perseveres with all activities. She is a real little superstar and we are so proud of her today. Well done!

YR Parent Information

YR Newsletter Autumn Term 2020

WELCOME TO YR! smileyyes

We would like to start by saying how lovely it was to meet you all during your visits to school and we look forward to getting to know you all more during your child's time in YR. We will be sending the magic moments book home when your child starts with their first home learning challenge already inside! WOW cards will be put inside your child's phonics pack which will be sent home as soon as we have learnt our first few sounds. Please keep checking our class page for updates and photos of the wonderful things your child has been doing in school. A YR newsletter will be added soon with information you will need for the Autumn term. We will also be doing a power point presentation to explain reading, phonics, our approach to number and other useful information to help your child at home. See you all again soon. 

Love Mrs Hargreaves, Mr Fawcett, Miss Scott, Mrs Rogan and Mrs Thomas xx
