
Melling Primary School

Year 1

Please send your child in with a plastic bag, clearly labelled with their name. Ready to bring some of their books home to keep 😊

Weather permitting the park trip is still going ahead 13.7.23. Please make sure your child is in full school P.E kit, they have a coat with them just in case in rains on the way back to school and comfortable footwear.

They need a water bottle and a snack. We will be back for lunch.




As the weather is getting nicer, if you want to send your child in with a cap/ sungalsses and suntan lotion (please make sure they can apply it themselves if needed) please do, but make sure the items are labelled clearly.


12.7.23 there is no more homework now.

READING BOOKS: all reading books are to be sent in Friday 14th July. The children will only come home with their reading record. Any reading they complete whether it be through the 'Summer Reading Challenge', 'Oxford Owl' or 'Oxford Reading Buddy', they can document it in that for September.



Our class email is:



Set on Education City or Purple Mash.

Only complete 2/3 activities a week.

Weeks when paper homework is sent home the online activities do not need to be completed.



Go out: Tuesday

Hand in: Monday


Oxford Reading Buddy

Oxford Reading Buddy helps your child to get better at reading. It contains hundreds of books that your child will enjoy, all matched to their reading level. Special ‘Coaching eBooks’ help your child to understand what they read. Quizzes check how they are doing and send results back to their teacher. Oxford Reading Buddy can be used on on desktops, tablets and mobiles. 

Oxford Reading Buddy - books to read along side school book (at home).


I have set our weekly reading books on Oxford Owl so your child can read these at home. This will help them gain the fluency skills they need for during our phonics and guided reading sessions in school.

Please ask your child the questions at the end of the book and do the quiz if you are able too.



Mrs Grainger


What an absolute delight the children have been today.

So well mannered and polite with other children in the park. They spoke beautifully to the staff serving the ice-creams. 

Hopefully the sugar has worn off now 🤣


The children have been working super hard these last few weeks completing lots of end of year assessments. They did them all with a smile on their face and enthusiasm in their hearts.

I am really proud of each and every one of them for the amazing progress that they have made and shown me since I took over as their teacher in November. To say I am proud is an understatement. I am gutted we only have a few weeks left together before they spread their wings and head to upper Key Stage 1. I know they will carry on being just wonderful!


Thank you to all you lovely parents and carers for your continued support throughout these last few months. It has made my job a little easier heart


I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and they enjoy a well deserved rest after their amazing hard work and determination to do well!!!


Love Mrs Grainger xx








Please be accessing as many of the phonics sounds at home as possible to help your child secure any they are finding tricky. Focus on the alien words with them. You can even get them to make words themselves using the 'special friends' that they are learning about.

For example; special friends 'i-e'. Fred talk, s p i-e t m. Blend, spitem.


We are currently completing our last assessment with them before their official check in June.


If your child is part of the booster sessions can you please ensure they are on time and not missing any of the sessions.


Thank you.



Week 1 Summer term1 completed!


We cannot believe how quick the first week has gone!

As you will all be aware we are approaching assessment season for all children, especially those in Year 1 - Phonics Screening Check 2023. 

We are doing lots of phonics in class now, as well as mini interventions during the day. 

All homework between now and the end of term will be based around phonics and especially recapping sounds that some may have found tricky.


I have uploaded lots and lots of phonics resources, above, that you can either print out or simply write it on a piece of paper.

Any additional support you can give your child at home will help them so much for passing the check.


Before Easter every child completed a mock test for it and I made a note at the top of the page of any sounds they struggled with. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE continue to practise these at home as often as possible.


You can type the specific sound into YouTube using 'Read Write Inc ' before it and it will give you loads of videos to watch. Ruth Miskin is the creator of Read Write Inc so her videos will be best.


We will be completing one final mock test towards the end of term to see where the children are.


Thank you for your continued support.


Year 1 



We have had SNOW much fun today!



Parents and gaurdians,

Please make sure both reading books that come home are returned to school on your child's reading day!

We are having books not being returned and this then impacts other children who may be waiting for that book.

Even if it hasn't been read or only half read, please still send it in! We will send it back home once all reading counts have been made in your child's reading record.


Many Thanks

Y1 team 





End of Spring Term 1.


I cannot believe we are at the end of another term! It has gone over so quickly!

The children have worked their little socks off this term and produced some amazing work, given fantastic answers during discussions times and just been brilliant overall!

On quite a few occasions various staff members have been walking past the class or they have been popping in to speak to myself and they couldn't get over how quiet the children were. They have even been complemented on their hard work. One teacher walked in and thought it was a junior class! They have just been absolutely amazing!! They definitely deserve a rest this half term to recharge their batteries ready for Spring term 2.


Take a look at all the photos from this week. We have been looking at children’s mental health as well as ‘Safer Internet Day’. The children have had some brilliant discussions throughout these sessions.


Please make sure you book you child’s school dinners by midnight Wednesday 15th February. If they are not booked by then they will need a pack lunch for the first week back.


p.s. The children have all brought their books home from YR these do not need to come back. Please also ensure their bags are emptied for the new term as tray space is limited and they only need their snacks and reading books (on their particular day) in their bags.


We hope you all have a brilliant half term and a well-deserved break.


Love Team Y1 xxx

MENTAL HEALTH WEEK thinking positively about ourselves


Just like that, we have 1 more week before half term commences! This term has gone by in a blink of an eye.


We have been doing lots of focus on 2D and 3D shapes in class this week so please get your child spotting what shapes they can at home and is there a shape that is more common than the rest.


The children were brilliant in Rainbow Park, so well behaved and well mannered. They even got to play on the equipment when their Science lesson was over. laugh


There will be no homework set next week (6.2.23) but the children will still be required to do their reads as normal. Their new books will be set on Oxford Owl on Tuesday.


We will send home 1 extra book for over half term but any additional reading they do can be accessed from one of their own books or through Oxford Reading Buddy, there are 100's of books on there.


Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Y1 team x


Your child's latest 'Phonics Screening' scores have been sent home today. Please go over these with them. Address any words they haven't achieved. 

Some children have had additional phonics work sent home to help them with their phonics sounds. This is not to be brought back to school. Please use this as often as possible to help them secure any sounds they are not 100% on.

We will complete the next assessment around March/ April.



Y1 team smiley


Apologies the spelling books have not gone home today.

They will be in the children's bags tomorrow. Please continue to complete activities on Education City.


Please keep an eye out for letters coming home this week in regards to our new Reading Campsite in the library.


Many Thanks

Y1 team



Cannot believe our first week in the new Spring term is over.


The children have completed their Read Write Inc assessments for the Autumn term so will you notice their books change during next week. If you find any books we put your child on is too difficult please let us know immediately. You can still access plenty of books through Oxford Owl, there are hundreds to choose from, just select your child's reading band (inside of their current reading book). If you cannot access this please let us know.




For this term, the children will only bring home their weekly spellings, all other homework has been set on Education City for them to access. Please let me know if you have issues accessing the work.

There is a wide range of Maths and Phonics recapping work for them to go through. Please ensure they only complete 2/3 activities a week. I don't want them overloading themselves with additional work. The activities themselves last no more than 5 minutes each and they are really fun to do.

If they want to access other activities, that have not been set on there, they are more than welcome to do those as well.


Occasionally your child may bring home some phonics sounds to learn, these will be in addition to their spellings. I ask that these are learnt on a regular basis to help them retain the spelling/ phonic patterns.





We really cannot stress the importance of how much reading is crucial to their everyday learning. 

If they are reading their own books at home, please write them in the records.

If you do not write down your child's individual daily reads we cannot count the reads, therefore they will not achieve the wonderful rewards we have in school.

As I mentioned earlier Oxford Owl contains hundreds of books aimed at your child's reading level.

The book they are reading during their Read Write Inc sessions can be found on here, this is to be read as part of their 3 reads per week.




I am really excited to be teaching your wonderful children again this term, we have lots in store for them through our amazing varied curriculum laugh As mentioned in last terms 'News Letter' the children will be taught Maths, Phonics and English by myself and then Mrs Hargreaves will be with them in the afternoons to teach them topic. 


We have had the absolute pleasure to welcome to our class this term, Artur, he is from the Ukraine and he has integrated brilliantly into our little Y1 family already. We look forward to the next few weeks. We have all been learning a little Russian to help him understand some basic things in class. 


Have a lovely weekend, see you all Monday heart

Mrs Grainger

Thank you for our lovely gifts and goodies over Christmas.

We hope you have all had a lovely break and a well deserved rest.

We cannot wait to see all the children back in tomorrow, bright eyed and bushy tailed laugh



All children need their own plate of party food for the Y1 class party on Tuesday. Please make sure their bag/ plate is labelled clearly.

If they bring in any toys please make sure these are labelled too and that we cannot be held responsible if anything breaks or goes missing. PLEASE NO ELECTRONIC TOYS/ TABLETS/ PORTABLE DEVICES.



We are experiencing lots of rough play at the minute, during playtimes, we have spoken to all the children on several occasions about how we have kind hands and kind words. Please reinforce this at home too.



We will send another reading book or 2 home on Monday for over Christmas. These do not need to be brought in on Tuesday as it is Party Day and we will not be doing readers. Children can also access a huge range of books through Oxford Owl too.

Anything your child has brought home this term please make sure it is out of their bag as they keep bringing things back into school and we only have limited space in their trays.



Your child has been given a Christmas present off all the current staff in Y1, we hope they enjoy reading the books and eating the chocolate. 😊


What a magical week it has been in school this week!

If you haven't seen the photos yet from the Christmas lunch or the Grotto please take a look in the gallery. 


The children are still practising hard with their lines so please ensure they are practising them daily at home too. This will help with confidence and projection of their voice.


If their costume is still not in, can you please pass it in during next week, as we will need it for the dress rehearsal in front of the whole school. If your child requires something from us, please let us know so we can have it ready. laugh


I am still only sending spellings home for the children to learn; their additional homework is to learn their lines confidently. If they really want to access something else, then can go onto Education City and do anything on there (Maths, English or Science; all 3 if they want too).


Thank you

Mrs Grainger

Week 13

Just a little homework update.


As you know we have lots going on in school this term so please ensure your child comes in with their homework books on a Monday (so we can have their new spellings in ready for Tuesday). As well as their reading books in their bags.


As of tomorrow, I will only be sending home their spellings as we want the children to use their time learning their lines/ songs for the play.

We still require them to read 3 times a week, minimum.


We are going to make hats this week for the Christmas lunch, on Wednesday, but if they have one at home they want to wear they are more than welcome to bring it in.


Please check their bags tonight as the play tickets for each child will be coming home. Max 4 per child.


Many Thanks


Week 12

The children have been working super hard with their Christmas songs and they are putting their all into learning their lines Miss Hayde, we cannot wait for you to see it 😊

We have our Christmas lunch on Wednesday 7th so if your child wants to bring in a Christmas hat they can but we will be making one in the week. If they have pack lunch, you can make it a little bit extra special for them if you choose too.

Friday 9th is Santa’s grotto, so, if you haven’t paid the money needs to be in by Wednesday 7th December, we cannot accept payment after this date. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. But we need to know numbers in advance to make sure Santa’s little helpers have made the right amount of gifts.


Miss Wood has confirmed the phonics workshop is Wednesday 7th, there was a slight typo on the letter.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone

Y1 team xx

Parent - teacher meetings

Apologies a message should have been sent out in regards to the appointments last week. With Mr Fawcett being off Mrs Ainsworth cancelled all Y1 appointments.

Once we know when they will be rescheduled for a letter will be sent out.

Many Thanks

Apologies for the late upload of photos and weekly update.

We have been really busy in Y1 over the last 2 weeks. As you can imagine the lead up to Christmas it's all full on. There are things happening in every inch of the school.


In class we have been learning, number sentences, to part whole models in Maths; new phonics sounds (daily) and going through the new Read Write Inc books in class; learning the Christmas play and so much much more!!!

As it has been so busy I have forgotten to get the Ipad out to take photos of them during lessons, but I am sure if you ask the children they will happily tell you what we have been up too laugh


During this week and next we will be completing lots of assessments with them (this is normal this time of year). So if your child has not read in class this is the reason why, so please make sure they are still completing the minimum of 3 reads per week at home.


It's all hands on deck in Y1 right now with number bonds, phonics check, writing assessments, key word checks... the list goes on.


If I do not reply to emails I do apologise. If you do send anything important please ring the office as I cannot always guarantee I'll read it on the day and I wouldn't want to miss anything important.


Many thanks for your support with homework and the reading at home!


Mrs Grainger



Children and staff have been asked to wear odd socks to show support for anti-bullying. Mrs Ainsworth will be holding a whole school assembly on Monday and we would love it if everyone could show their support!!


Also, with regards to the Christmas play.....

Mr Fawcett had previously picked the roles for the children, however when Mrs Hayde has mentioned the roles today, some children didn't like what they had been given. So, we are going to sit with the children on Monday and sort the roles with them. So if anyone of them mention this please reassure them we are re-doing the roles and they do not need to worry laugh


Mrs Grainger

Children in Need 2022

Aut 2 Week 10

The children have had a great week so far, they have even started learning the songs for their Christmas play!


We have been focusing lots on number bonds to 10 this week and they have all come on leaps and bounds. yes


In History they have been detectives looking into Guy Fawkes.


In our writing lessons we have been looking at exclamation and question sentences around the book 'No-Bot the Robot with No Bottom'.


We've had some further relaxation in P.E with yoga today, ask them so show you the banana pose. heart


Cannot believe how quick this week has gone over!


Remember it's Children in Need tomorrow (Friday 18th), come in Pudsey clothes/ spots/ pjs and remember your £1 donation. laughheart


Mrs. Grainger x

Homework books

We apologise the books didn't go home last night, our brand new shiny sparkly printer has locked on us and we cannot print anything off at the minute. Hopefully it will be sorted today yes


Y1 team


What a lovely week we have had! So much has happened and so many birthdays have happened. First day today of no cakes or sweets, we didn't know what to do with ourselves haha laugh.


The children have been working super hard with their maths looking at sorting and grouping objects, discussing what has a greater or lesser value. The children have been fantastic models for it. Lots of discussion has taken place around all the vocabulary to help fix it to memory.


In Science we have looked at classification and which animals belong in which category (birds, amphibians, fish, mammals, insects and reptiles). We had a look around our school and nature trail to see what we could find. We hoped to find a shark but sadly we didn't so we had to pretend that we had one so we could write about 'fish' smiley. We were lucky enough to see lots of birds and someone walking their dog though.


They have been working super hard hard with their phonics too! We have completed a story on 'My Dog Ned', please ask your child about this, hopefully they will remember lots of the different sentences that we have looked at.


I am really happy to still be working with your children each morning till lunch and then they will have Mrs. Hayde in the afternoon. She will be covering History with them.


The Y1 team hope you all have a lovely weekend, fingers crossed we have some more dry days yes



Mrs Grainger


All the children looked super smart ready for their photos today. Please look out for their photo letters in their bags explaining how you can purchase them. 

There are also some other letters in their bags in regards to 'Children in Need' and homework books, please make sure you have seen these. If you are missing any please let us know.


The children have had lots of fun doing Maths today. It has been hands on, imagining that our blocks were sweets. They had to look at groups of greater or fewer than. They all tried super hard!!



Mrs. Grainger



The children have been learning about Guy Fawkes today and we have been looking at why we celebrate Bonfire night and who Guy Fawkes is, as part of our History lesson.

From this we have made firework rockets using numicon, drawn firework patterns whilst looking at the shapes of fireworks and then finally designed our own bonfire collage.

The children have worked super hard today and its been lovely teaching them again heart



Mrs. Grainger

Aut 1 Wk 7

Autumn 1 Week 6


This week in phonics, we have only been recapping our speedy sounds because we have been focusing on our writing unit, in relation to the book called 'No-Bot'. Our two main objectives this week have been to use 'and' to expand our sentence and also using descriptive words (adjectives) e.g. big, red, slimy, huge and scary. We will be recapping these objectives at the start of next week before moving back to our usual phonics programme. In maths, we had finished our place value to 10 so we started our place value to 20. We learnt to count forwards and backwards as well as understanding 16 for example is made up of 1 ten and 6 ones. Next week we move onto one more and one less than as well as comparing and ordering numbers. We have also worked hard this week on our seasons of the year again but this time thinking about what we might wear in each of the seasons. We carried on with football with Mr Millington in PE and with Mr Fawcett we did dance and yoga again. Mrs Randall has been carrying on teaching us about the song 'Hey You!' which the children are amazing at singing.

This half term, we have been learning about the different seasons. Test your child on their outstanding knowledge of the seasons.

The British Summer

Autumn in the UK

The British Winter

Britain in Spring Time


Poor Bernard! All he wanted to do was play at the park he had no idea he would loose his bottom!! With the help of his friends can bernard find his bottom? Lets find out in this book by Sue Hendra.


You will realise your child has not come home with their homework and spelling book today. This is because the school printer is not working. Once the printer is up and running again your child will be sent home with their books again.

If you have either of these books at home please can you send them into school in the meantime.

Autumn 1 Week 5

It has been all hands on deck in Y1 this week. We have finished our maths topic - Place Value to 10. We will still be working on our number formation, as a lot of us are finding some numbers tricky to form still. In phonics, we finished recapping our Set 1 and 2 single letter sounds and special friends. Next week, we will have just doing speedy sounds in phonics and be doing our first writing unit. In our topic lessons we have looked at what/ who is special to us, living and non living things and Harvest.

This is our class harvest song we are learning in class. Unfortunately, it will not allow me to upload the backing music but the children should know the rhythm of the song.

Autumn 1 Week 4

This week it has been aspirations and inspirations week. We have read stories about Michelle Obama and Queen Elizabeth II. Mr Fawcett told us about his inspiration in Thursday's assembly who was his friend Emma who has cerebral palsy and could not walk until she was 8 and is now a teacher too. We been working hard once again recapping our set 2 special friends in phonics. In maths, we have been learning about the greedy crocodile which is our symbol for greater than, less than or equal too. We have learnt about different ways to sketch in art and the differences in the 4 seasons in geography. Aswell as reading some of our favourite stories.


The Star Of The Week goes to Niamh O for her work in phonics.

Roar Lion goes to Thomas for showing resilience and coming into school even when he was not feeling 100%.

Autumn 1  Week 3

This week, everyone in Y1 has worked there socks off. In maths, we have been working on our mastery skills of one more and one less than. This is going to give the children a great foundation going into next week when we start to learn about greater than, less than and equal too. In Phonics, we have continued to revise our set 1 and set 2 special friends sounds: ou, ee, ow and sh. Each day, the children completed a mini spelling practice which included 4 words related to one sound aswell as  completing a hold a sentence accompanied with a beautiful picture. We learnt about the 5 senses in science: touch, taste, sight, smell and hearing. The children were able to locate these on a human body and also identify the purposes of each one. In Pe, they have been working on their kicking skills with Mr Millington and with myself we continue our dancing scheme of work pretending to be animals from Antartica. We challenged ourselves in geography to learn the 4 seasons of the year. We then started to talk about the 12 months of the year and will continue to work on this in the coming weeks. Please find below the "Seasons of the Year' song Y1 loved so much. 

Seasons Song

The Seasons Song is a Science song that teaches the seasons of the year. The Seasons Song teaches the Spring, Summer, Autumn (Fall), and Winter.


Welcome back everyone - I cannot wait to get to know you all. Watch this page as I will post regularly (where possible) with updates of how we are getting on! Full class information will be posted in the class newsletter but for now, reading days are Monday and Wednesday for boys and Tuesday and Thursday for girls. P.E. days are Tuesday and Thursday. Homework is set every Monday afternoon, due in the following Monday. However, if completed beforehand, feel free to send your child's homework in sooner.

Please pop in and see me if you have any questions...and I look forward to meeting you all soon in person.

 Mr Fawcett

Key information for Y1 parents!
