
Melling Primary School

Year 1




New Y1 Football After School Club




We had the best day...WOW IT WAS HOT, but WOW IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!

Cullen Cup Winner 2nd July 2021

WOW! What a hard-worker this young lady is! Give her some work and she disappears, never to be seen until it's all done! Such independence is great and we really try to encourage it ready for Year Two - so for Abi to be working like this already shows just how grown up and sensible she is! Well done for the quality of work you do Abi - you always give your best and the way you have persevered this year with your letters and handwriting has impressed all the adults in class so much - enjoy your special day - you really deserve it!

Sports Day 2021

Thanks to Mr Millington, the children in Year One had a brilliant morning of athletics - running, jumping and throwing with all their might! It was such a fun morning and the children tried so hard to give their best performances! WELL DONE Y1!

Gymnastic Fantastic!

Practising our gymnastics skills on the apparatus in the hall...

Apter Cup Winner

24th June 2021

We are delighted to award this Y1 boy the Apter Cup today. Miles is such a worthy winner because of his excellent attitude to school and his determination to succeed in every lesson. He has a brilliant work ethic - persevering and conscientious - and gives his very best in everything he does. He works well alone, always head down and getting on with the task in his usual no-nonsense way, but is also a great partner to others when working - and a fun friend when playing. What a great example to others in Melling School! Well done Miles! 

Church Farm Trip

What a FANTASTIC day at the farm! We all had such fun getting to know the animals and feeding them. Who knew that sheep only have teeth on the bottom and that emus can run at 30 miles an hour! 

Guiseppe Arcimboldo

We had great fun learning about the artist Guiseppe Arcimboldo and about his fantastic portraits with fruit and vegetables. We used his work for inspiration to create our own collaborative portraits, working with a partner to create our own MASTERPIECES!

S.T.E.M. Lego Days

We had an amazing afternoon, creating lego models and making them move and make sounds. We controlled them by creating algorithms on the tablets. We worked with partners are we co-operated really well.


Observational Drawings

We have been carefully examining and drawing Spring flowers.


We designed, planned and made pizzas in Y1...mmm!

Apter Cup 14th May

Well done Sam for a well deserved win! You have done everything that the Apter Cup asks of us - you are a great friend to others who shows loyalty and friendship every day to your classmates and you are a truly determined boy when it comes to completing the work we do in class! You really are that great partner and friend that we encourage children to be. Well done for your achievement and for showing us all what it means to be the best that you can be. We love your great attitude to school, to your friends and to making the most of all the opportunities and learning in class. You are shining in your school and everyone is noticing you - WELL DONE SAM!


We've been getting stuck into Geography with MESSY MAPS - it was fun to re-create aerial images of the school and its surrounding area.

Learning about Plants

We have been learning about the parts of plants and trees. We planted lots of seeds and we are looking after them carefully and watching them grow in our Y1 Garden Centre.

Springtime Blossom

We colour mixed paints and painted these Spring blossom trees.

We wrote acrostic poems about SPRING too.

Spring time in Year One!

We practised writing in sentences with our ideas about Spring time.

Click on an image to see it large.

Five-a-day Fruit Kebabs

It was interesting to learn about the different parts of plants that we can eat - leaves, roots, seeds, flowers, stems and fruit. We enjoyed making fruit kebabs...YUM!

Having fun in the Sun!

We are really enjoying the warmer weather!

Y1 Football After School Club

Spring 2021

Happy Easter everyone from Y1

Please go to the google classroom page for our Easter Song.

Cullen Cup 23.3.21

What a hardworking, sensible boy this is! We were so happy to present the Cullen Cup for excellent work and careful presentation to Oliver. He has shown real determination to complete every activity as quickly and carefully as possible and he is finishing so much excellent work in Year One. He has made superb progress with his handwriting and with the presentation of his work - he is really giving us his best! We are so proud of Oliver's excellent attitude to his work - nothing is ever too much and no challenge ever puts him off his stride. Well done Oliver for keeping going when the work is tough and when the work seems never ending! You have a great, positive attitude to school and this is just right!

Welcome back to school - we can't wait to see you all again!

We are so thankful in Year One...


Autumn Term 2020

Happy Christmas Everyone!

Check out GOOGLE CLASSROOM for the full video!

Whole School Reminder:

Thursday is party day - wear party clothes and bring an individual selection of party food/treats.

Rockin around the Christmas Tree...

Class Update - 10th December 2020


The homework currently set on Education City will run until the end of term. There will be no homework set over Christmas but reading books will be sent home for the holiday. Parents, please check at home for any school uniform that belongs to our class cupboard as we are running very low - some class clothes have not been returned over the Autumn term.

Many thanks

Miss Roberts

What's the time Mr Wolf?

We've been learning to tell the time and to solve time problems...

Twas the night before Christmas...

We loved our Christmas themed dance lesson...

Class Update - 4th December 2020

Y1 will be recording their Mini-Christmas performance on 14th December and will need a Christmas jumper and hat/antlers/bow for this day please. Please wear normal joggers on the bottom as it is a P.E. day! Homework has been set as normal tonight and will run for TWO WEEKS. This will be the last homework of the Autumn term, although books will still be sent home until the end of term and for the Christmas holiday.

After Christmas, children will move to reading from the reading scheme in school three times a week (this is the normal reading frequency for Year One). However, I will still do my DAILY READING LESSON first thing each day (it is then that children are taught reading skills that they practise with the reading scheme) and children will still read daily in this reading lesson. Books will be sent home three times a week also, but we encourage you to still read every day at home - by splitting longer books up over two days, or by reading one book each night for those who bring home two books. If you have any questions about this, please email or phone me anytime.

Kind regards

Miss Roberts

2, 4, 6, 8...who do we appreciate?

We have been counting in 2s up to 30...

Class Update - 27th November

Welcome back everyone after the week at home! Hopefully the homeworking went well and children enjoyed their time working in their pyjamas, instead of school uniform! Just a quick note to say homework has been set tonight as usual for a Friday and is now live on Education City. We are currently practising for a mini-Christmas class performance - for remote viewing - and will send details of this soon, so watch this space!

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Roberts 

Remembrance Day 2020

We learnt about why we have Remembrance Day. We remembered those who have died before by making poppy wreaths and giant poppies. We think that we are getting good with the scissors now!

African Drumming

We had fun learning to sing an African song and to play the djembe drums.


Courtesy Cup Winner - 6.11.20

What a GORGEOUS GIRL! We are so happy this week to award the Cup to this lovely girl, who is a real example of perfect manners and courtesy. She never forgets to say "please" and "thank-you" - and we really do mean NEVER - and she is always kind and friendly to the other children. She says "excuse me" when she wants to speak in school, waits her turn in class with the others and her behaviour is truly excellent! If anyone wants to know the behaviour we look for in our Melling children, then look no further than Indie - WELL DONE Indie, enjoy your very special day!

6th November - Week 10 Update

Education City homework has resumed this week and will continue now until Christmas. It will be run as before - set every Friday for the following Friday - and I hope you are enjoying completing it children! Reading will continue daily until Christmas - the children are really improving with this extra reading - but after Christmas we will move to three times a week for everyone. I will let you know around Christmas time which days your child will be reading. Purple Mash, the online learning platform, has also opened its annual Christmas Card Competition - if you think your child might be interested, please log onto their site for details.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Roberts


Halloween Fun in Y1

We had a really great day - all dressed up and lots of party games, party food and treats! We LOVED the pass the parcel but our favourite was the silly tricks in our trick or treat game!

Week 8 - 22nd October Update

devil       devil       devil       devil       devil       devil

We made it to the half term finally! It was quite strange at first but we all soon settled down into the new normal of Melling School. The children have earned a rest now, after all the hard work  been doing in Y1, so there is no homework for the holiday week, just reading books to be done during the holiday and returned as normal on the first day back. Have a lovely break children (and parents!), enjoy Halloween and see you all again soon.

Best wishes

Miss Roberts

devil       devil       devil      devil      devil       devil 

Cullen Cup Winner - 16.10.20

I had no hesitation in awarding this week's cup, as this girl is such a worthy winner! Her handwriting was good at the start of the year but, since then, she has taken all the advice she has been given and now it is EXCELLENT! Her work is just lovely and she shows real determination to succeed and a genuine pride in it. Her books are already filling up and they are beautifully presented and illustrated. She listens when she is given instructions and is a good partner to work with in class! Finally, real positivity and a great attitude to school make this Y1 girl outstanding in her class - well done, you should be very proud! x

9th October - Week 6 Update

Hope you are well and enjoying homeworking those of you who have been completing work at home recently. I have really enjoyed looking at your completed homework online and at the work you have been sending in - well done Molly, Indie, Jack, Will and Emilie! Just a reminder that children should be sent in with snacks every day (enough for your own child - you know them best) for the morning and afternoon breaks. Also, please ensure your child's drink bottle and uniform are clearly labelled. Education City has been set as usual for this week and Google classroom activities for those children at home - anyone who is super keen can also complete Google Classroom activities, even if they are still working in school. PARENTS, PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU HAVE SIGNED UP TO GOOGLE CLASSROOM ONLINE - if you have lost your child's log in details, please see me and I'll give it to you again. MANY THANKS parents for your excellent support with home reading - this really is an exceptional class for home reading and we are breaking records this year! PARENTS, IF YOU ARE NOT LISTENING TO YOUR CHILD READ, OR IF YOU ARE NOT SIGNING THE READING RECORD, PLEASE TRY TO DO THIS EVERY NIGHT.

Many thanks

Have a great, safe weekend

Miss Roberts


We still have two school t-shirts and four school jumpers (from the last four weeks) in our lost property box in Y1. Please check this box if your child is missing an item of uniform.

Apter Cup Winner 2.10.20

What a great winner we have chosen for the James Apter Cup. We award this cup to those children who show determination to succeed in everything they do. This means that this great Y1 boy never gives up when the work is hard or takes a long time, ALWAYS tries his very best, follows instructions in lessons carefully and ALWAYS tries hard to make his work better and better each day! WOW! What a great Melling spirit this boy has! He is improving his work already in Y1 because he works so very hard and we are just so proud of him for this - he is also a lovely, friendly, polite boy too - PHEW, so many great qualities! WELL DONE TED - YOU REALLY ARE A MELLING STAR X

30th September - Week 5 Update

Nothing has changed this week with the normal homework and reading - Education City homework has been set as normal this week and reading routines are the same with children reading every day in school and every day at home.

Just to let you know that additional work has been set online for children who are self-isolating - on Education City and on Google Classroom - you have the log-ins for Google Classroom already but I will re-send them anyway. PLEASE CONTINUE TO COMPLETE NORMAL EDUCATION CITY HOMEWORK, ONLY COMPLETE THE ADDITIONAL ONILINE WORK IF YOU ARE FORCED TO STAY OFF SCHOOL.

Many thanks

Miss Roberts

What a Great Builder!

WOW! That's such a great model!

Stretch it, Squash it!

Developing our skills with the play-do!


We've been trying really hard with our letter sounds in Y1. We've been revising all the sounds we think we know and learning some new ones too - SUCH HARD WORK! Miss Roberts also says we are working together amazingly as partners and in teams!

24th September - Week 4 Update

Thanks again parents for supporting your children with the home reading and weekly homework - most children are reading every night so THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS! A new unit of homework has been set on Education City today and this will run as usual for a week - children who have been completing this homework have been telling me how much they are enjoying the activities! Just a reminder that you DO NOT need to send pumps in for P.E. days - please just send children to school wearing trainers those days.

many thanks 

Miss Roberts

Painting Tiger Masks

We read The Tiger Who came To Tea story and we wrote our own stories. Then we learnt about real tigers and painted tiger masks to look just like them! Can you hear them ROARRR...?


Courtesy Cup Winner 18.9.20

This week's Courtesy Cup goes to Olivia. What a worthy winner! Olivia has lovely manners and always remembers to say PLEASE and THANK-YOU to her friends and to the teachers. She is courteous to her friends, playing nicely, taking turns and helping others whenever she can. Olivia is helpful in class to the teachers and always does her bit to help at tidy-time. She is a lovely girl and deserves to be a winner today! WELL DONE OLIVIA X

18th September - Week 3 Update

Year One Pro-Skills After School Club will be starting on Monday 21st September (letter below) - please respond A.S.A.P.  Homework has been set again on Education City - many thanks to parents who are helping their children to succeed by logging onto this homework! Reading is still every day and books need to be sent in daily (signed please) - thanks also parents for the time spent sharing books with your children!

Many thanks and kind regards

Miss Roberts 

Y1 Pro Skills Sport After School Club

Fun playing in Y1!

We've been getting to grips with the toys and choosing activities in the Y1 garden and classroom.

We have had fun helping children get better in the Medical Centre, we've been making models and we've played in the sand and water...SUCH FUN!

Counting Sets up to 20

We have been practising our counting skills and making sure that we can recognise all the numbers. We were great!

Y1 Worry Dolls

Click on any image to enlarge it:
We talked about what a worry is and if we had any. Some of us had a worry or two and some of us didn't have any worries at all! We made Worry Dolls so that we could talk about and solve all our worries.

11th September - WEEK 2 Update


Just to let you know the first homework has been set this week on Education City and Education City log-in cards have been attached to the front of yellow reading record diaries. It will last for a week and new homework will be set again next Friday. Please send in a message A.S.A.P. if you cannot access this.


Can you recognise each other from these excellent self-portraits?


4th September Week 1 Update

Hopefully we are back to more of a normal routine now - the children have been very good, settling down to their new classroom and to all our new ways of working!

Reading Routines:

Reading will begin Monday 7th in class every day and books will be sent home every day to be read at home - either a new book or the same one to be repeated, in order to build fluency.  Once this book has been read at home, please sign the reading record and return it with the reading book the next day so that a new book can be sent home. 


School dinner is currently a packed lunch only and we can provide one for every child. Because of the needs for additional hygiene, morning snack is limited to 10.30, just before playtime and lunch is served at 12.00. We hope that we will be receiving a fruit delivery daily, but this hasn't started yet, so please ensure your child has a morning snack. During the afternoon, children can snack at any time (they will be asked to wash hands before this) so please send in plenty of snacks for the whole day for your child. It is also important to send in an individual drink bottle daily, as milk is currently not being provided for the children.


As stated before, P.E. will be on Monday and Thursday and it will start next week. Please send children into school already dressed in outdoor P.E. kits on both these days.


Homework will be set online on Education City every Friday and this will begin next Friday,  11th September. Log-ins will be attached to the front of yellow reading record diaries. Any phonics sets, Magic Moments books etc. that were sent home in YR will no longer be sent home and these are now yours to keep. We will also be sending home your child's books from YR next week and these are also yours to keep.

General reminders:

Children are encouraged to have their own hand sanitiser and tissues to keep in their individual drawers in class but do not require pencil cases as they have individual pencil pots.


Hopefully this is all clear, but any questions please feel free to ask me.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Roberts

Welcome Back Year One!

It's good to be back and it's great to think that we can all get back to learning in school with our friends again!


School starts at 9.00 am and children should be dropped off at the school gate.

School finishes at 3.20 pm and children should be collected from the playground (the class T.A. will bring the children onto the playground).


P.E. days will be Monday and Thursday - please send children into school dressed in outdoor P.E. kits (joggers, t-shirt, trainers/pumps) on these days, beginning Monday 7th September.


We all look forward to seeing you again and to a fun, exciting term ahead!


Miss Roberts and the Y1 Team x
