
Melling Primary School

Year 3

Week 17!!!! surprisesurprisesurprise

I cannot believe we have spent 17 whole weeks in lockdown now! I really had hoped I would have got to see a few more of you before we broke up, but I look forward to seeing all your wonderful faces in September, when you will be in Year 4 laugh


I really do hope you have all had a wonderful time being off with your families and I really want you all to come say Hi to me at some point in the new term and tell me everything that you have been up too! smiley


Well, sadly this will be my last update on here... I want you all to know that I loved being your teacher in my first NQT year. You really did make it a year for me to remember. Thank you for being you!! You all have such wonderful, creative imaginations and I will miss this about you. Your new teachers will love you all just as much as I did! heart *virtual hugs all around*


I have put lots of activities for transitioning from Year 3 to Year 4 on the class page. If I come across any more that I know you will like I will make sure to upload them too. But I think I have given you all enough to keep you going till September at least laugh


Lots of Maths and English activities as always. (Don't forget that I uploaded earlier on in lockdown Maths and English mastery books you can look back on too).

Your TT Rockstars account has been updated so you all have all the times tables to keep learning over the Summer.

GetEpic account is still active, keep up the reading as this is really, really important for your understanding of everything.

Mathletics and Spellodrome is still accessible so keep going on that!

***Coming soon to our new website is a section on the class pages called Home Learning and there will be a whole host of activities and websites that you can access all summer long, ready for your transition into Year 4.


I hope you all have a fantastic last 'official' week of school and have a wonderful Summer holiday. Fingers crossed we get gorgeous weather again.


Good Luck to you all!!! I wish you all the best in Year 4, just gutted I won't get to say it in person, but I'll be in the playground on your first day back so please come and say Hi!! *virtual hug*


Love to you!! heartheartheart


Stay safe and carry on being amazing!

BTBTYCP BP!! cheeky


Lots of love 

Mrs G


Week 16! cheeky

Cannot believe that the summer term is nearly over. Only two more weeks left!

This weeks project is on the NHS, lots of lovely tasks to do. I have also uploaded other 'Summer' maths and writing activities that you can access too.


Hope you are still staying safe and looking after your wonderful families.



Love to you all

Mrs G xXx

Week 15! cheeky


Wow! What a first week this has been for the return of YR, Y1 and Y6 who where back in school after 14 weeks of home learning.


Hope you have all enjoyed looking at the space project project last week.

My key worker group created a 'light' solar system on Friday.


So for this week then, you have your new project on 'Transport' but also remember to keep accessing all of your online accounts for Mathletics, Spellodrome, Nessy, TT Rockstars and now GetEpic (for reading).

GetEpic gives you the chance to read lots of books online - Your  class code for accessing GetEpic is lar2973 then select your profile and you can access all kinds of different books/ comics factual and fictional. Reading Ebooks still count towards your reading too just make sure they are put in your reading record laugh


I have also added on your next tables to TT Rockstars so keep practicing regularly yes


Remember to still keep yourself safe and BTBTYCB BP!! smiley


Love to you all

Mrs G xXx

Week 14! surprise

This week we see the return of YR, Y1 and Y6 to the school. It is going to feel very strange not seeing all of you lot too frown but I know you are all safe and that is what matters the most.


Your TT Rockstars is being updated this week with your next tables being added (11s).

Remember to keep going with your online activities as well as your reading. Reading links to absolutely everything in life, I really cannot stress enough how important it is. Whether you are reading a game on the back of a cereal box, magazine or your favourite book that you just cannot put down, it all helps! smiley (just make sure you keep writing it in your reading records).


Missing you all soooo much!


Stay safe Y3!!




Love you you and your families

Mrs G xXx

Week 13! smiley


I hope you are all well and safe.

Remember to keep accessing all your homework that is being set each week online.

Keep up with your daily reading too, do not forget to write it in your reading record - it all counts (school books, own books or even Ebooks. Whatever you read write it down!)


New weekly project this week on music for you to all focus on.


For your new topic work I will be adding some History on the Romans and Anglo-Saxons (over the next few weeks) as we didn't get chance to cover it all in depth. I am just really gutted I did not get to do the 'big dig' with you all frown But this could be something you could do in your own home/ garden (independently or with your family and you could all be the archeologists) over the next few weeks. I will let you know which week it is and send the powerpoint for you to take part laugh


Keep focused guys! Missing you all so much now. It really has not been the same going into school and not seeing you all crying


Stay safe and always BTBTYCB BP!!


Love to you all

Mrs G xxx

Week 12 cheeky

Well, where are these weeks going?! I cannot believe we are heading into the second week in June already surprise 

Shame the weather has not been as nice to us as it has been over the last few weeks. Hopefully you have all been able to get out and do something. I have attempted some small runs around the village to try and keep active. However, that is when the rain usually decides to pour down. I come home looking like a wet shaggy doggy laugh


There have been some changes taking place in the classrooms while you have all been away, ready for the pupils in other year groups who will begin returning on the 15th. The year 6's are coming back to their roots as they begin setting up in their old year 3 classroom. Hopefully it will fill them with the lovely memories that they made when they started in there 3 years ago.


I know there are all kinds going on at the minute and I hope that you and your families are staying extra safe during these crazy times.


I am really missing you all so very much. As each week goes by my heart just aches a little more broken heart


**This weeks work is all ready for you to access as well as your usual online access portals for maths and spellings. TT Rockstars will be getting the next set of tables added this week too (9's).

I hope that you are reading lots too as it is one of the most important parts of your learning so please make sure you are doing a little bit every day. Whether it is books that you have at home or books you can read online. We have uploaded variour links you can use on the class page (further down towards the start of your home learning). Simply log on to the Oxford Owl online website and read books similar to the ones on our reading scheme in school.


Stay safe everyone and look after your wonderful families.


Remember to always BTBTYCB BP!!


Love you all! heart

Mrs G xxx

Week 11 surprise

Hope you all enjoyed the last school break until we head towards the summer holidays (even though it has been feeling like that lately with the gorgeous weather we've been having).

There are lots of new activities and research for you to go through this week. Remember to keep accessing your regular online logins too.


I hope you are all staying well and keeping safe especially as the restrictions will be getting eased as of Monday.


Remember to look after your wonderful families. heart

I look forward to seeing you all hopefully soon but in the mean time stay safe and keeping BTBTYCB BP!


Love to you all

Missing you all so much now

Take care heart


Mrs G xxx

Week 10 - Half Term cheeky


Wowwee!! Week 10 already? I cannot get over how quick these weeks are just passing by! I hope you have all been up to lots of lovely things with your families and learning all sorts of new skills. I have started doing a little bit of Yoga to help relax me (doesn't always work when my 3 year old decides to climb all over me while I'm doing it laugh).

What have you found helps relax you? Reading/ listening to music/ playing with certain toys/ having a little rest or cuddle? I know I have certainly been missing my morning cuddles of you sad

I hope you all have a lovely half term. I have uploaded all your homework for this week, loads of lovely new things to research and do.

Remember to keep up with your continued learning on Mathletics, Spellodrome and  TTRockstars (updated this week).


Take care everyone!

Love to you and your families heart


Remember BTBTYCB BP!

Missing you all so so much


Mrs G xXx

Week 9!smiley

Hi everyone, hope you are all staying safe and looking after your wonderful families.

I cannot believe how quick these weeks are passing over now, it will be Christmas before we know it surprise

I have updated all of your TT Rockstar accounts, so you will all now be tested on your 10s, 2s, 5s, 3s, 4s, 8s, and now 6s (if you want to know the exact times table order it can be found further down the class page with your TT passports to complete too (if you want)). These will be changed every 2 weeks as I add on the next tables laugh

This week I will be adding on the next Maths Skills Check for week 9 and then next week I will upload the answers and explanations. 


***little side note, some maintenance has taken place over the weekend (on some of the educational websites) which may cause your saved logins to no longer be saved, you will just need to re-enter your details and you will all have full access again blush


Continue being the best that you can be! Make sure you are all staying safe and I look forward to seeing you all hopefully soon.


Take care heart



Love Mrs G xXx

Week 8! surprise

I cannot believe it is week 8 already! I hope you are all staying safe and well. Missing you all so much! sad

Did you celebrate VE day in your house or your garden? Thankfully we had lovely weather to celebrate in so we had ours on our front path. I made lots of lovely goodies for our afternoon tea and of course I had lots of tea and cake (more food for Mrs G to eat laugh). Did you eat anything nice to celebrate? We even ate some of the meals on the Friday that people would have eaten during the war.


Well there is lots of lovely things for you to be getting on with in this weeks learning project. I hope you all enjoy your research and studying of it all.

I have now updated your TT Rockstars so you now have your specific times tables to be learning under the teacher section.

I will be uploading the written answers and explanations for the skills check from last week tomorrow so keep an eye out for them.

Your next topic is 'Plants' in Science so I will now include them under each weeks work - this is just if you want to continue your topic learning journey. The first powerpoint is under the original topic page if you want to refresh your memories from that last few weeks as it then went into humans and skeletons.

Remember to keep focusing on the usual links for Spellodrome, Mathletics, Nessy and now BBC Bitesize. Lots of lovely activities to keep you all busy and full of new knowledge.


Take care everyone cheeky BTBTYCB BP!


Love to you and your family

Mrs G xxx

Week 7 laugh

Hi everyone! I cannot believe how quick these weeks are flying over (sorry I didn't upload a message last week sad).

I hope you are all enjoying this time off with your adults and doing lots of new and wonderful things.

I have been doing lots and lots of baking (and lots and lots of eating too wink). I am currently attempting to make Mickey Mouse ice cream sandwiches... more food to eat haha I have also been doing a lot of gardening (while the weather has been kind to us) and playing in the kids paddling pool.

Have any of you learnt a new skill while you have been off? I am polishing up on my Spanish - it has been a looonnggg time since I learnt it in school.

I cannot wait to hear what you have all been up too! I am really missing you all lots and lots and I am looking forward to seeing all your wonderful faces soon smiley


Remember to keep accessing all the wonderful resources that you have access to online; BBC Bitesize, Mathletics, Spellodrome, Times Table Rockstars (which I will be setting you all new challenges over the next few weeks), Purple Mash, Nessy (only for the Nessy users) and all the other links which you can access through the weekly home learning packs laugh

Remember to keep practising your times tables passports too, you can find them in the correct order of learning a few scrolls down the class page.

*** updated I will be adding Year 3 Maths Basic Skills Check sheets every other week for you to complete. In between those alternate weeks I will upload the answers with explanations.


Stay safe everyone! look after each other too!! BTBTYCB BP!! yesyes


Love Mrs G xxx

100 Fun Indoor Activities to do during Lockdown

Week 5!

I cannot believe I have not seen you all for 5 weeks now. Missing you all so much!

Hope you are all staying safe and looking after your adults.

Keep being the best you can be yes


I have uploaded the work for week 5 which you can find below smiley

Remember to keep going with your mathletics and spellodrome too.


Sending lots of love

Mrs G x

Happy Easter guys!!

Hope you are all having a lovely time with your families.

I have uploaded this weeks work under week 4, again the weekly project is optional but it does all help towards your continuous learning laugh

I have also uploaded some optional PHSE work which can be found further down the class page. Lots of lovely activities that you can do with your families or independently.


Really missing you all lots and lots!

Take care and remember to continue being the best that you can be!


Love to you all!

Mrs G xxx

Easter Break :)

Hi everyone, I hope you are all enjoying your time with your families and spreading lots of joy around your household.

I cannot believe how quick the Easter break has come around, fingers crossed the Easter bunny hides some lovely treats for you all :) I am hoping he hides some for me too!


The work that I am going to set over the next 2 weeks is optional, however, it is for you to keep up with your continuous learning in these very strange circumstances, I will also be uploading lots of fun activities that you can do too :D


>Just a little side note for parents / guardians, any work that we do set for your child they do not need to print any of the sheets out, they can simply write any spellings/ work down in their books or on paper. Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to be printing work sheets/ booklets out in school for you to collect, our staff are needed to look after the pupils that we have in school. I hope you can appreciate this.


Fingers crossed we have lots of lovely weather over the next few weeks.

I look forward to hearing about what you have been up to.


Stay safe and look after one another :)


Y3 Team xxx


Times Table Passports

Hi all,

I have uploaded the times table passports for you to continue practising at home. They cover both times and divide. You will find them under 'Additional  Home Learning Resources'.

They go as follows 3, 4, 8, 6, 9, 7, 11 and 12.

Time yourself doing them: 60 seconds to complete all 10 on each one (a-d) when you get them all right only give yourself 45 seconds, then 30 seconds to complete all 10.

Test your family too :)


Mrs G x


The aim of the links on the word document in the PHSE file is to be informative and reduce heightened levels of anxieties about the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

The resources can be accessed by everyone in the household.

Stay safe smiley


PHSE Home Learning

BBC Bitesize - Update,149AH,2M931W,3XIAA,1


(Taken from update sent to schools)

We promised to update you when we had more information about the additional BBC Education content we are creating to support schools and parents over the coming months.

As you may have seen, we made an announcement this morning outlining our plans to ensure that every child in the UK has the opportunity to continue to follow the appropriate core parts of their nation’s school curriculum in these challenging times.

Our newly expanded education offer is called BBC Bitesize Daily and will see:

  • Daily programmes to help guide parents and children through their learning day
  • Famous faces Karim Zeroual, Oti Mabuse and Katie Thistleton lend their support alongside top quality teachers and organisations such as Royal Shakespeare Company, Premier League and Puffin Books.
  • BBC Bitesize deliver daily online lessons for all age groups

And content such as videos, quizzes, podcasts and articles to bring core subjects to life online at BBC Bitesize

Whether complementing what schools are providing remotely, or used as a standalone resource, our new content will launch on April 20th and will bring 14 weeks of educational programmes and lessons to every household in the country – whatever the age of the child.

Teachers will be the stars of this new content, as you are in the classroom every day, and always have been on BBC Bitesize. Teachers have helped design all lesson plans and will be at the core of every broadcast.  We will share schedules with you ahead of time to help lesson planning and homework setting, and hope you’ll feel happy recommending us to parents to start the day the right way. We couldn’t do this without you.

BBC Bitesize Daily will deliver a tailored day of learning across BBC iPlayer, Red Button, BBC Bitesize website and app, BBC Four and BBC Sounds, with curriculum relevant offers across the UK.  Together, this comprehensive package is aimed at minimising disruption to children’s education and providing rhythm and routine in these challenging times.      


Written by teachers and education experts, BBC Bitesize can help support your students independently across a wide range of curriculum subjects. 

It's available to everyone. No fees. No pay wall. Just lovely learning content.  

Hello Y3!!

Week 2 already... I hope you are all doing lots of lovely things with your families and you are keeping the smiles going for everyone around you!

I have uploaded lots more learning activities for you to do this week :) even some you can do with your brothers/ sisters, with your families or independently.

I am missing you all lots and lots and hope that everything will be back to normal very soon. 

Remember your beautiful Melling Manners and to be kind to your adults and look after everyone in your house. 

Continue being the best that you can be. 

Lots of love to you all and your families.

Mrs G xx

Mathematics and English Mastery

I have added in, under additional 'Home Learning Resources', Maths and English Mastery workbooks direct from

There is a guidance book for parents for the maths booklet.

Only complete one a week as they are grouped in weeks of 4 :)

Science Topic - Animals, including Humans and Plants


I have uploaded this if you want to see what the next topic is about.

It is a really interesting topic and we look at all sorts to do with animals, humans and plants. There are worksheets, games, wordsearches and a weekly lesson powerpoint you can use.

I will update each lesson each week so I am not putting it all on here at once.

I would love to see a beautiful piece of writing on one of the lessons you look at or a labelled diagram (maybe for my wall).

Enjoy! :D

Science Topic - Animals, including Humans and Plants

Thank You Y3!


Just a little thank you Y3 for being such an amazing group of children. You have handled the slight change in class really well. I know this can be quite an interruption to your learning but you have all handled it like true juniors.

I look forward to seeing any independent work you produce while you are home learning, there is lots of space on my wall to display your fantastic work.

Keep up the positivity and I look forward to seeing you all soon.

From Mrs G xxx

World Book Day 2020

Welcome to Y3's Class Page


Useful information about our class:

Take a look below to see our fantastic class and all the amazing things we do!

Our amazing cup winners showing everybody how to... Be the Best That You Can Be - Be Proud!!!

Raising money for Children In Need

Sharing ideas for writing about volcanoes


Still image for this video
Getting to grips with rhythm!

Music - Exploring rhythm and playing recorders

Computing - We spent the morning learning coding on Purple Mash.

Science - In our topic on light, we have learned about shadows, transparent, translucent and opaque materials.

Art - Drawing

In our art sessions, we looked at Hokusai's 36 Views of Mt. Fuji and used the pictures as inspiration for drawing our own mountains and volcanoes.  We experimented with line drawing and used our skills to draw.  We then developed our skills using chalk pastels and used these to add colour to our drawings.

Hokusai - Fine Wind, Clear Morning (also known as Red Fuji)

Place Value - Using concrete resources to represent 3-digit numbers by hundreds, tens and units
