
Melling Primary School

Year 3

Y3 class email:

Grosvenor Museum and Solider walk


What a day we had at the Grosvenor Museum in Chester!!!

From the minute the children stepped foot into the classroom, we knew it was going to be a brilliant and fun filled day.

The coach journey alone was enough to make us smile. They were singing (both school and football songs), some were reading, some tried to snooze, and others tried telling Mrs Grainger some questionable jokes .


The children got thrown right into the thick of the learning once inside the museum. We went into the Newstead Art Galleries where they got to see and read all about how the Romans survived/ where they lived. All the artefacts were there on show and not one child was sat there bored. They were all walking around immersing themselves into the history of it.

Next, we went to the Stone galleries where we got to see the pictures that were made of stone. Lots of detail went into these and the children enjoyed all the activities they had to do along the way.

After this  it was up to the workshop were the children got to role play as Romans, or worse yet... Celts... They had the chance to be designers and see if they could create the same tile structure as the Romans did. Some prepared meals cooked how the Romans would have made them. While others attempted to be archaeologists and try to dig up artefacts from the past and establish what they might have been used for.


One of our children got to dress as a magnificent leader. She did however point out it was very uncomfortable and not very stylish laugh .


After this it was a quick pit stop for lunch inside of the Kings Arms Kitchen we were filled our faces in preparation for the walk and battle that lay ahead of us.


Before the end of the day we met a real life, Roman Soldier who taught us how to wear the armour correctly, protect ourselves from the enemy and then how to charge at the enemy. The children clearly saw the teachers as the enemy as they attempted to break ‘our wall’ cheeky.


All in all, the day was just amazing!! I hope the children have filled you in on what they did, or if they haven’t already because they were tired, please make sure to ask them some questions.


Thank you for letting us take them out for the day, it was most certainly needed! They really are a credit to all you grown-ups!!! heart



HISTORY - Looking at how the stones might have been moved when building Stonehenge

A healthy plate in preparation for the real thing next week

Science day - Looking at the properties of rocks

World Book Day 2022

LEGO-TECHNIC Programming movable robots!

Still image for this video

LEGO-TECHNIC Programming movable robots.

Maths - Addition and Subtraction. Our current target in Maths is learning to add and subtract 3-digit numbers with 2-digit numbers. We have been using Diennes equipment to investigate efficiency and accuracy.

Music. We are very lucky to be having our fantastic Music lessons again this term. This week we learnt about rhythm and pulse.

Healthy Habits - We are having some super sessions on Healthy Habits on Thursday afternoons for 4 weeks. Last week we looked at diet and nutrition and today we had a go at relaxing our body and mind with Yoga!

Autumn week ending 15th October


Well, what a great week we have had in Year 3! Our children's behaviour has been absolutely fantastic! We have been calm, more settled and ready to learn. Look how many children got their name in lights this week!


Also, on Thursday we had a special geography/art day with Ms Ainsworth-Brown, where we started to learn about climate zones. In keeping with that, we did some art work using hot and cold colours. The outcome was absolutely fantastic as you can see from the slideshow below. When Miss Hopewell came in on Friday she thought Year 5 had painted the pictures rather than Year 3, because the standard was so high! Well done everyone!

Harvest Festival 2021


On Friday, we celebrated Harvest Festival with a special assembly. Unfortunately we weren't able to have parents at this particular assembly, but it was lovely to have the whole school together celebrating this time of year and how lucky we are to have so much food available to us. Thank you to all the families for your generous food donations. Well done to Harry and Emma who read an acrostic poem to the whole school and read it beautifully!

Science Week

We had a fantastic time in our sublime science workshop today! The scientist set his hand on fire using water to take away the heat from his body - just like the water took away the heat from the balloon skin in our experiment yesterday (not to be attempted at home!!!). We had magic tricks, rockets and some children got very wet today! It was so much fun! 

What an interesting start we have had to Science Week. We tested what happens to a balloon when lowered over a flame and compared that to what happened when the balloon had some water and air in. The balloons with only air in popped because of the heat from the candle melting the outside of the balloon until it was so weak that it couldn't contain the pressure of the air inside of it. 


The water made a difference because the puddle of water inside the balloon pulled the heat away from the surface. This is called conduction. So, instead of the balloon skin getting so hot it melts, the heat is spread (or 'dissipated') into the water that's inside the balloon. The water slowly starts to get warmer but the balloon doesn't pop. 


Fun things to try at home 

* Try adding different amounts of water to the balloon, does it make a difference?

* How about if you blow the balloon up really full of air?


Our first full week completed, I bet they will all sleep tonight.


It has been lovely teaching the children, all be it it was brief this time round but I know I will see them around school from time to time.


Homework: This has now gone live electronically, so please ensure your child is completing this daily. Mathletics and Readiwriter use the same log in, if you do have any issues accessing it please email the class email I'm sure Mrs Maddock or Miss Hopewell will be more than happy to help.

TT Rockstars should be something the children access daily as this will boost their times tables knowledge as the quick recall facts are crucial to their learning.

From time to time Purple Mash may get used too so please let your child still access this as there are lots of activities they can complete on this at home and it will benefit them for when they do their computing lessons in class.


Newsletter: This will be going live today so keep an eye out for that. It will tell you what to expect in the up and coming term.


Have a lovely weekend everyone smiley

Mrs G


Just like that the first week back to school is over. Those 2 days have gone by so quickly! The children have settled in really well and no doubt they will be right back into their normal routine by next week.

They all looked so smart when they came in, we hope you enjoy the photos of them all.


Just a little update about PE as I know some of the children and parents have been asking. Mrs Maddock has said for now that PE will only take place on a Monday with Mr Millington and she will schedule it in next term. (Please make sure that the children's PE kits are as required in the school uniform policy (no named clothing items i.e. Nike); navy shorts or joggers, pale blue PE t-shirt, school jumper and pumps or trainers.)

With the schools returning to some form of normality we are able to teach and use the equipment we have not really been able to use since before last year. So the children's afternoons will be very busy with a huge range of topic work and activities. All of this will be explained in more detail in the Year 3 Newsletter next week - so keep your eyes peeled for it.



All the children's reading books have been sent home now, the way we are doing it has changed. You will notice a label on your child's reading record, this is for the day they bring it in to be updated and changed if needed. 

One read per day will be counted so if your child reads more than once it will not be counted. We ask for a minimum of 3 reads each week and this will be checked by Miss Riley on their day to return them.

If your child does finish their book they can read a book from home and document it in their records.


Please bare with us while we are still settling in to our new routines as well as the children. There have been lots of lovely updates and we are making sure we have everything in place and ready to go, so we apologise if you email and we do not get back to you immediately. 

Mrs Maddock will be in the driving seat Monday-Wednesday, I will be in Thursday and Friday and we have the wonderful Miss Riley with us every morning.


We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week cheeky



Team Y3

Hi everyone, we cannot wait to welcome you all back on Thursday. We are going to have a lovely time settling back in and all getting to know how being in the juniors operates. It is a little different from the infants but we know you will take it in your strides and settle in so quickly!


This page will be updated on Friday with everything you will need to know and what to expect in the Autumn term.


Rest up! Lots in store for tomorrow and Friday.

Cannot wait to hear what you have all been up too!


