
Melling Primary School

Year 5

What an incredible day we had at Llandudno learning all about the world's famous Great Orme copper mines, taking in the mind-blowing research that has changed the opinions of historians worldwide about how advanced and intelligent bronze-age people were. We even managed to make it to the top of the Orme - what a view! The day was rounded off with a lovely stroll along the promenade and a sleepy journey home. The behaviour and manners of your children were exemplary and they were so much fun!

Stone Age Villages

As part of our history topic 'Stone Age', y5 constructed stone age settlements, using things they found or made and produced some very detailed models, showing Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic homes. The children worked in groups of 3 and Ms Ainsworth Brown judged them. The results were very close, each village was remarkable in a different way, however the final winners were: Alex, Aidan and Scarlett. Well done to everyone.

Science Assembly

Y5 enjoyed their 'SPACE' science topic so much, their class assembly showed off all the facts they had learnt. Every member of class participated enthusiastically.


The Royal Wedding

Yesterday, Y5 and YR celebrated the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan. A great time was had by all.


In maths we have been working on measures such as litres, kilometres, centimetres, millilitres etc. here are some pictures of Y5 having fun in practical lessons.

Science Week

Y5 took part in various challenges during the week. They had to design and make a magnetic game using magnets and paperclips, design and fabricate a container, to safely propel a pack of tomatoes down a slide, and construct a working pulley to lift and lower buckets.

Spring term 2018


What a wonderful start y5 have made this year. Everyone has settled straight back into work. We are proud to announce that Scarlett, Jack and Joshua have already had a golden text from Miss Ainsworth-Brown for their guided writing, it was so amazing.

This term we are starting our new history project - The Stone Age and have booked the lovely Mrs Ashby to come to school to do a workshop. She will bring real stone age relics including stone tools.

In science, our new topic is Forces. We continue swimming on Friday mornings until 9th February. 




Another amazing day at CHET

Confidence course, low ropes, shelter building and the dreaded swamp...

Week 6

 Y5 had a fun morning learning about the lives of Victorian children, through a theatre production by Tempus Fugit.

Y5 2016 - 2017


Y5 have made a fabulous start and settled in well. We have had Bikeability, which involved learning to cycle safely. Always remember to wear your helmet!


We are looking forward to a visit from Tempus Fugit (time flies) next week, please ensure the permission slip is returned and the contribution paid on parent pay.


Chet deposits should now all have been received, and the balances paid by the end of next week.


Here are some photos of Bikeability and our science practical work.
