
Melling Primary School

Year 5

Have a look at our lovely class - what a gorgeous bunch!

Take a look below at what our wonderful Year 5's have been up to laugh

20.6.22 This is just a polite reminder that your child is still required to read a minimum of 3 times a week. This has not changed.

We are getting some children coming in week on week with no reads in their reading records. Your child can read any book of their choosing, it doesn't need to be their school book (as we know these can sometimes not always hook their attention).

A simple date, what they have read and signature / initials is all that is needed. Even if your child writes in what they have read and you sign it off.

Reading is a crucial part to any child's learning!


If you child does not meet the required minimum reads they will stay in each break to complete what they have missed.


Many thanks


Homework expectations

Homework is statutory and vital for children's progress.  Please see the recommended homework tasks below.  Links to the websites are on the Home Learning section of the website. 



For Science the children are comparing two species of animals in class. They are looking at mammals, insects, amphibians and birds. They need to look up any other facts they haven't learnt in class to complete their comparison work.


Kind Regards

Mrs Grainger

Usernames and passwords remain the same and are attached to the front of your child's reading record.  If you have any problems logging on, please let one of us know and we will endeavour to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.


ReadingPlease remember, even in Upper KS2 when children are fluent and able to read independently, they should be reading at home at the very least 3 times a week - daily is ideal if possible.  This is vital for progress in comprehension and vocabulary building skills.  Please see the Reading page for reasons to read:

Spellings – Children will be given new spellings every Friday, for a test on the following Thursday.  It helps to write the words out on paper and to say them out loud.  Please see the Phonics and Spelling section of our website for more strategies and information about spelling in Melling.  Also, it is useful to know the definition of the words and to put them into sentences.  This helps with vocabulary skills, contextualising the words and improves writing skills.  Practising spelling and handwriting at the same time helps children to commit the spellings to memory by linking with movement.  Your child will learn spelling patterns as well as common exception words (Key Words) that do not fit a regular spelling pattern.  Readiwriter is there to support spelling practice.

Cup Winners - Apter / Courtesy / Cullen

Water colour rainbows to show emotions

Sketching for mindfulness

Looking at flowers and how they are formed - Science

Science - looking at irreversible materials

All ready for the new Summer term

Easter cards

Red Nose Day 2022 - our heroes who inspire us!

Looking at magnetism in materials - Science

The children had a fantastic day yesterday (as I did I) during our Space Man visit.

We hope you enjoy all the photos.

Please ask your child lots of questions, it was a jam packed day!! laugh

World Book Day 2022

Science - experimenting with water resistance

Budding artists in the making - Keep them coming guys :D

Forces 2 - making a prediction on the air resistance of 2 objects of the same material.

Forces - Looking at the gravitational pull of varying objects

Forces lesson 1 - looking at the vocabulary

Show Racism the red card! and Halloween fancy dress

Decorating the Christmas tree

Creating Space art with planets

Y5 found the Golden Tickets for a new book!

Gymnastics - partner assisted balances on apparatus

Harvest Assembly - We wrote and read out our prayers of thanks.

Science Week

Times Tables - regular practice to develop quick and accurate recall of multiplication and division facts is crucial in Y5.  Times Tables Rockstars is there to support your child's learning.  Your child will be tested weekly on their Times Tables Passport so please support them with practising for this.


Maths - Mathletics is there to support maths fluency and consolidate knowledge of the concepts taught in class.  Tasks are challenging in line with the Y5 curriculum.  There are also tasks that children can select to practise concepts that they may be finding tricky; see the Something Easier section by scrolling down past the tasks.


Google Classroom and Purple Mash may be used now and again to set homework.  There may also be extra pieces of homework given out from time to time, in addition to the ones above, to support learning in class.


Thank you for your cooperation and for supporting your children to be the best that they can be.


Further details about the year will be shared in the class newsletter and at the Meet the Teacher session.


We look forward to seeing you in person soon.


Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Grainger and Mrs. Edgar smiley

Sublime science - what a show!!

Science Week - lava lamps, making craters, milktastic fun, orbit models and solar systems

Science Week - Balloon Rockets

Still image for this video

Balloon Rocket Race

Still image for this video

Paper Helicopters

Still image for this video

Abstract Space Art - inspired by Peter Thorpe

Gymnastics - practising shapes and partner assisted balances

Music with Mr. Elliott - we are learning how to play the ukulele!!

Maths - Place Value: We are learning to understand numbers up to 1 million.

Welcome back to school!!


Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Grainger and Mrs. Edgar would like to wish you a warm welcome back.  


Wow! We are so impressed with how well the children have started Upper Key Stage Two.  A huge thank you to all our Y5 parents from the Y5 staff, for all the preparations you have made to ensure your children's start back to a new school year so successful.  The children looked super smart in all their fresh uniforms and we cannot believe how much they've grown over summer! It has been so lovely to welcome everybody back and we are already very much looking forward to next week.


Start time: 9:00am        Finish time: 3:20pm   

Drop off and pick up at the playground gate.

Siblings of younger children are invited to come in to the hall at the earlier start time of 8:40am - if parents wish them to do so, please email the school office to make arrangements.


P.E. days: Tuesday and Friday

Please send your child to school in their outdoor P.E. kit and a pair of trainers on those days.  Please adhere to the school uniform policy and school colours. 


Reading: Books have been sent home.  Your child will be given a 'reading day' next week, which will be stuck to the front of their reading record.  This is the day when their reading record should be sent into school to be checked (to keep a count of home reads) and they will have the chance to do some 1:1 reading with an adult.  Please note, they will read a text from school - not their home reading book which is for practice at home only.  Your child will also read in class throughout the week in daily guided reading sessions as well as across all subjects in the curriculum.


Your child is welcome to bring their reading book to school to be changed on any day of the week so please ensure the reading record is sent along on that day too.  We do not ask for reading books to be handed in every day so please return the books only when they need changing.  


Please remember to send a healthy snack to school each day as well as a named bottle of water.
