
Melling Primary School

Meet the Governors

Governing Body Terms of Office and Attendance 2022 - 2023


Melling Primary School Governing Body




The HeadteacherMrs Vivienne Ainsworth
One Staff Governor

Mrs Joanne Hargreaves


Two Parent Governors

Lesley Anne Cantwell

Rosie Binfield

Eight Co-opted Governors

Mrs Lesley Bond

Mr Brian Lawlor

Dina Ouko

Lianne Greenall

Jo Hassoun



Associate Governors 

Louise Jones 

One Local Authority GovernorMr Andrew Kyle


Governing Body Committees


Melling Governing Body follows the Circle Model of Governance so meets as a full governing body every half term and is chaired by Kate Hogan. Other committees/panels, as listed below meet during the year:


Finance Committee meets termly  
Headteacher Performance Management meets in the Autumn Term 
Pay Committee meets in the Autumn Term 
The Finance Panel meets when required 
The Attendance Panel meets when required


There is a number of ad hoc committees which meet only if needed.  Details are available from the Clerk to the Governing Body.

Governor Profiles (some profiles awaiting content)

Roles of our Governors


Chair of the Governing BodyMr Brian Lawlor
Vice-Chair of the Governing BodyLianne Greenall
Clerk to the Governing BodyWendy Moorcroft

Inclusion and Equality Governor (including SEND & Pupil Premium)

Lianne Greenall


Safeguarding and Child Protection GovernorMs Dina Ouko
Attendance Mr Andrew Kyle, Dina Ouko 
Quality of Education/Curriculum Governors

Lianne Greenall

Dina Ouko

Budget and Finance Governors Mr Brian Lawlor
Staffing GovernorsMr Brian Lawlor, Mr Andrew Kyle, Lianne Greenall
Appraisal and Performance ManagementMr Brian Lawlor, Mrs Lianne Greenall, Mr Andrew Kyle, 
Mental Health and Well Being (staff and children)


Ms Jo Hassoun

EYFS Link GovernorMrs Lesley Bond
Health and Safety GovernorsMrs Lesley Ann Cantwell
Discipline and Exclusions Mr Brian Lawlor
Admissions Mrs Viv Ainsworth
Training & Development GovernorMrs Lesley Anne Cantwell


The Clerk to the Governing Body is TBC Contact details are:



telephone0151 547 3349
address for correspondence

Wendy Moorcroft

Clerk to the Governing Body

Melling Primary School

Wheeler Drive



L31 1DA

At the Annual General Meeting of the Governing Body held on Tuesday 10th October 2023  there was/were:

one declaration of business interests made

no declarations of financial interests made

no declarations of material interests with regards to governors being related to other governors or members of staff

no declarations of governance roles in other schools made.
