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Melling Primary School


ADIMINSTRATION OF MEDICATION                                                                   18th December 23

Dear Parents/Carers

We are experiencing a significant number of requests to administer medicines. Whilst we do appreciate that there are many illnesses at this time of the year, could I please remind you of the following notice we have with regards to a request for school staff to administer medication.

We would be grateful if you could take note of the following:

Staff are not obliged to administer medicines and so we have a very limited number of staff who are prepared to do this. If there are numerous children with medication requirements this can be very time consuming for that member of staff, who has other important responsibilities. With this in mind please could you consider the following before asking school to administer medication:

1.Your first option: You or a family member should come into school to administer the medication. If this has been thoroughly explored and is not possible...

2.Limit the medicine required in school. If four doses of the medicine are required during the day, could three be given at home and limit to one dose in school? If a dose has to be given in school...

3.We can only provide limited times during the day when the medicine can be given: 12 noon or 1pm (this will allow for medicine required before and that required after eating)...

4.Only in exceptional circumstance will we be able to administer medicine at other times of the day.

We would always wish to support our families. We understand that there will be times when children have been prescribed medicine and we are very grateful to staff who are prepared to administer. However, we would ask that you do consider the above before requesting administration of medicine in school.
