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Melling Primary School



Dear Parents/Carers

As you know the Queen’s Jubilee is taking place over the May/June half term holiday. For such an important, historical occasion, we felt it important that we mark this in a very special way. Please see information below so that you know what is happening, when it is happening and if a contribution/cost is required.

-Friday 27th May we will be funding ‘Through the Queen’s Decades’ workshop for all classes. Children will experience and learn about the history of each decade that the Queen has been our monarch.

-Tuesday 7th June we will be having a live theatre production in the school hall (Jungle Book)…as always this promises to be great fun.

-Wednesday 8th June is our big celebration day:

* all children will be painting a commemorative ceramic plate that they can take home (we have a company coming into school who will facilitate this)

* all classes will take part in a dance workshop (led by dance experts) – each workshop will focus on a different decade and we would ask children to come dressed in the style of that decade on that day:

YR 2010 – 2020;  Y1 2000 – 2010;   Y2 1990 – 2000;   Y3 1980 – 1990;   Y4 1970 – 1980;               Y5 1960 – 1970;   Y6 1950 – 1960

* through the day all children will have the chance to work with different teachers in the following workshops:  Forest School;  Art and Craft;  Sports;  Music from the decades;  Facts and research using computers

* at lunchtime we hold our very own street party outside in the playground – children are asked to bring into school a very special, jubilee celebration-worthy packed lunch (ice creams will be provided) If you still wish to order a school dinner on that day – only sandwiches will be available (please do not order a hot lunch for Wednesday 8th June).

To cover costs of the theatre production, ceramic plate workshop, dance workshop and decorations we are requesting a contribution of £8 per pupil – PTFA have kindly offered to subsidise the cost, along with school (this will be on parentpay from today)

Many thanks for your support with this – great fun will be had by all!
