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Melling Primary School


Please see the attached information from Merseyside Fire Brigade. 

A message for Merseyside Schools this Halloween &
Bonfire period from Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service
To all Merseyside Schools,
We at Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service want young people attending schools across
Merseyside to stay safe and engage in positive behaviour during the Halloween and
Bonfire period. A vital part of ensuring that is our good relationship with schools across
the area.
With that in mind, we have worked with our communications team to produce some
short videos, which we would like you to share with your pupils to encourage them to
think about their behaviour and make the right choices.
You should carefully review all videos before they are shown and consider which videos
you decide to show, as some of the material may not be suitable for younger or more
sensitive children, however, you should make a decision based on the behaviour and
likelihood of participation in risky or negative activity by pupils from your school.
Please view the videos on our youtube channel (or if you cannot access youtube at
your school, we have also provided a wetransfer link here at
which you can download the video files to a location of your choice).
Direct Youtube links to the videos and a brief description of content are below.
‘Don’t let your Halloween turn into a nightmare’- Halloween costume safety video
showing the flammability of Halloween costumes- this is aimed at parents buying
Halloween costumes and is not aimed at pupils
‘Don’t make fireworks the last thing you see’- This video depicts serious and
permanent injury from firework misuse and is aimed at older children who may be at
risk of participating in risky behaviour -
‘Make the right choice’ - This is an animation about making the choice between
positive and negative behaviour and should be suitable for anyone
‘We can’t be in two places at once’ – outlines the additional pressures on the Fire &
Rescue Service caused by deliberate fire setting, aimed at young people who could
potentially become involved in this and have not considered the repercussions
‘Lily’s story’ animation – tells the story of a young girl whose community is blighted by
anti-social behaviour during the bonfire period, the consequences of firework misuse
and deliberate fire setting and that it may ultimately lead to more serious criminal
activity- aimed at older children with a view to encouraging them to consider the
effect of their actions on younger children and their future trajectory
‘Bonfire Safety Primary’ – depicts a real incident which occurred on Merseyside
and highlights the dangers of street bonfires and aerosols, this depicts burn injuries
and may not be suitable for younger or more sensitive children, please review before
‘Bonfire Safety Secondary’- depicts a real incident which occurred on Merseyside and
highlights the dangers of street bonfires and aerosols, this depicts burn injuries and is
aimed at secondary pupils to outline risks and discourage negative behaviour during
the bonfire period
You will also find a leaflet with bonfire period safety messages supplied with this
message, it would help us if schools could display this on websites and attach to parent
emails to ensure our messages reach parents as well as young people.
Have a happy and safe bonfire period,
Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service
