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Melling Primary School


A huge welcome to all our new Reception children and their families. We are looking forward to sharing lots of special moments with you all this year. Enjoy YR! 

YR Class email:

YR PE days are Mondays and Fridays. Children can come to school in their PE kits on these days.

YR do Forest School every Tuesday afternoon after Easter. They will need waterproofs and wellies in school for these sessions.

We have had such a fabulous last week in YR! Full of giggles and smiles with the Fun Day and our Teddy Bears picnic with our amazing buddies. 


Summer Term Newsletter

Today some of our children made a start creating their chair for their bear using the designs they drew and labelled. WOW super impressed by their creative skills. 

Thank you for all the box and tube donations.

Enjoying ipad time with Mr Fawcett.


Lots of excitement exploring our pirate topic box. We even walked the plank!

Mr Millington had us practising our long distance running in his PE lesson. He was very proud of us all.

It was so lovely seeing so many of you at our Numeracy Stay and Play. We hope you found it useful.

We had a lovely afternoon planting sunflower seeds and learning about plants.

The maths stay and play session has been changed from Wednesday 24th April to Thursday 25th April 2-3pm.  Thanks.

Stay and Play: reading and story maps

YEAR R -  TALES and TOAST – 7th February

YR children and their adults are invited to have an early morning start on 7th February with books and breakfast!

I will be running the Tales and Toast morning in the YR classroom from 8.15-8.45am on 7th February. Children can share books and some toast with their adults in the classroom from 8.15am onwards.

Please return slip that has been sent home, if you plan to come along, so I have an idea of numbers.


Mrs Hargreaves


Spring Term 2024!

YR Autumn Newsletter

YR Meet the Teacher Power Point

YR have had a lovely start to our second term.

Another fun week in YR. We have made seed pictures, baked bread, made scarecrowws in the forest and taken part in our first Harvest assembly!

Roar (resilience) and Nellie (star of the week) WELL DONE!

YR have settled very well into school and have been having lots of fun!
