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Melling Primary School


Welcome to YR's wonderful web page. We hope you enjoy looking at all the fun and exciting things we have been doing in our class.smileyno

YR got 12 eggs from Acorn Farm. Four eggs hatched and out popped fluffy, cute chicks. We loved holding them and called them Harry, Meghan, Louie and Chicken Licken.

Congratulations Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on your beautiful wedding. We had lots of fun celebrating your special day. We even made our very own Windsor Castle in our play area. WOW!

YR loved having their families to visit during our recent family learning session on writing and funky fingers!

Summer Newsletter 2018

YR had lots of fun during Book Week and World Book Day...we had a visit from 2 authors,listened to lots of stories and dressed up as our favourite book characters.

We had lots of fun in gymnastics! We got the apparatus out and practised travelling, balancing, jumping and rolling. WOW!

Safer Internet Day 2018.

Spring Term Newsletter

YR had a special visitor on Tuesday...Ollie the barn owl. He was lovely.

YR love their new slide and mud kitchen!

Stars of the week....weeks 4,5 & 6.

A huge thank you to all parents/carers who supported our YR MacMillan Coffee afternoon. We raised an impressive £73.20.

Stars of the week. Autumn: weeks 2 and 3. WOW!

YR Newsletter

What a great first week we have had in YR! Well done have been amazing!
