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Melling Primary School


Welcome to YR's wonderful web page. We hope you enjoy looking at all the fun and exciting things we have been doing in our class. smileyno

YR 2018-19

A trip to the Post Office to post our card and pictures for the new royal baby. Welcome Archie Harrison.

A fire engine and lots of fire fighters came to visit Melling Playgroup and YR. We had lots of fun squirting the hose, putting on the helmets and sitting in the engine.

Stay and Play Session 1. Thank you for coming to play. We loved having you in our class.

Summer Term Newsletter


YR had a great time during Diversity Week. We visited St Thomas' Church and listened to The Easter Story. We had a look at all of the different things we see in church and asked questions about them. We also studied the Hindu festival of Holi. This is a spring festival of colour. We drew around our friends onto card and then sprayed them with paint. We also made brightly coloured Rangoli patterns and found out lots of facts about how Holi is celebrated. We enjoyed lots of assemblies from different visitors and found out about the six main religions around the world.What a busy week we had.

World Book Day: We loved wearing our pyjamas to school and snuggling up with a book.

YR are having lots of fun as part of our whole school science week. We have a science lab in our class and have been doing lots of different experiments. We investigated magnets and found out which objects were magnetic and non magnetic. We made our own fridge magnets and made models with our magnetic blocks. We have also had fun making water beads, swinging buckets of water above our heads and using the virtual reality headset. We enjoyed our visit from Sublime Science and made our own slime and fake snow. We have been mixing materials to make potions in the mud kitchen and have even written our own friendship potions. We have got lots more experiments planned for the rest of the week so keep checking our class web page.nolaugh

YR Spring Term Newsletter

We all had a fabulous day out at 'Imagine That!' in Liverpool. We made bath bombs, slime, fridge magnets and a scarecrow bag. We had lots of fun playing in the science area and in the different role play areas. We watched a science show and even got to paint a real car! WOW!

YR had lots of fun during Children in Need Week.

YR have been learning about 2d shapes. We went on a shape hunt and found lots of objects that were a circle, square, triangle or rectangle. How many things can you find at home?

We were super proud of YR when they retold the story of 'The Little Red Hen' in our Harvest assembly. They used their loud voices and even remembered all of the actions. Here is our class story map of 'The Little Red Hen' story. Ask your child to tell you the story again. Enjoy!
A huge THANK YOU to all our YR families who attended the parent meeting and MacMillan coffee afternoon on Wednesday. We raised £107.37 for  this great cause. Thank you for your support. no

YR Autumn Term Newsletter

We love our yummy school dinners...and packed lunches.

We loved playing on the tyres, the wooden adventure area and with the bikes and scooters. We had lots of fun!
