Welcome to YR's web page. We hope you enjoy looking at all of the fun things we have been doing in our class.
Last Monday we got a delivery of eggs from Living Eggs. We put them in an incubator to keep them warm. We watched them very closely and on Wednesday saw that some of the eggs had began to crack! We read a book about chicks that told us how they use their egg tooth on their beak to help them get out of the shell. About 10am on Wednesday we welcomed our first chick... a beautiful girl chick. The other chicks quickly followed and we had 8 chicks on Thursday afternoon... 5 boys (yellow) and 3 girls (brown). We moved the chicks to the brooder box once they had fluffed up and gave them water to drink and chick food to eat. We held and stroked the chicks. They were very soft and fluffy. We have got the chicks until Easter and then we will have to say goodbye. We have had a lovely time with the chicks!
Today (Friday 25th) we have we have introduced Spanish into the classroom, we would really appreciate it if you could get your children listening to the songs to help them remember it
It's on the Curriculum page under 'Spanish', click the 'flag', select 'greetings' and the two songs are called 'The Hello song and The Goodbye song'.
Thank you
Mrs Grainger
We want to wish our lovely YR grown-ups and children a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year!
All the best from the YR team xxx
Please take a look below at all the lovely things that YR have been getting up to during the lovely festive period
Next Monday is YR's first school trip to Blackpool Zoo. We will be leaving at 9am and returning to school at 4.30pm. If there are any parents who have a current Sefton dbs and would like to help on the trip, please come and speak to me this week. We have 2 adult spaces remaining.
Mrs Hargreaves
All of the children within YR have been invited to join the YR Google Classroom. You will get a prompt to join when you log in.
There is a page called Remote Learning on our website in the class pages tab with a video of how to log on and use it if you need it.
You log in to your google classroom via the normal route you would to log in to a Gmail account. However, you will realise when you log in to your child's google classroom account they do not have access to the emailing section of their account. This is because we have disabled this function. If you click on the 9 dots beside the circle in the top right hand corner, then click on classroom, this will take them to the right place.
All of the email addresses are the children's first initial and surname @mellingprimaryschool.co.uk
e.g John Smith would be:
All of the passwords are melling child's first name and last initial.
e.g. mellingjohns
No apostrophes or hyphens in any usernames or passwords.
You should not be prompted to change the password when you log in. Therefore, this should be their log in details throughout the school. Please do not change passwords because if there is to be any problems with your child's account we need to be able to access it.
If you have any problems logging in, please contact the class email @
YR email: yr.melling@schools.sefton.gov.uk
YR start time: 8.40am
YR home time: 3.00pm
Please email the class page if you have anything that the YR staff need to know or you have any questions regarding your child's time in YR. Alternatively, you can write a message in the magic moments book.
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