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Melling Primary School


Rise works to ensure that children identified as Young Carers or Bereaved enjoy the same life chances as all other children, and are provided with high quality support, understanding and encouragement.


At Melling Primary School, our RISE group meets every Monday lunchtime. The children are supported by Mrs Summers and

Mrs Benson. The group has lunch together, the children have time to talk to each other, supporting each other through some tough times as well as talking to the adults. The children work on craft projects, making memory books, keyrings, decorating candle holders, sand bottles and much more.


We also have trips out of school and link up with groups from other schools.


We recognise and value every child in the group and the additional skills that they possess due to their circumstances,reducing their social exclusion, increasing their self-esteem, aspiration and mental well-being. 

If you feel your child would benefit from joining the group, please contact either Mrs Summers or Mrs Benson.

A great afternoon at Airborn Academy!

Fun at Knowsley Safari Park!

Making keyrings

RISE is a group for children who might be grieving if somebody they love has

died. We sometimes go on trips to places like Knowsley Safari Park. I lost Joe in 2013, he was 14 and he died when I was 6. I think RISE is a brilliant group because you get to tell people about your feelings and they make sure you do things with people you trust. I liked it when we painted jars for candle holders.

Niamh Year 4


I think RISE helps children in our school to understand that there are some losses that we will never get over but RISE helps us to grieve.

We have all been through the same thing and we all stick together like a RISE family with Mrs Summers and Mrs Benson as our RISE mums.

I think RISE really suits its name


Everyone in our group loves RISE.

Jamie Y5



Despite the weather, we had an amazing day! We met children who go to RISE groups in other schools and took part in some fantastic activities.

We did a zip-wire challenge, an activity course, built dens in the woods, toasted marshmallows on a fire and our younger members made glittery clay snowmen.

We got wet and muddy but it didn't stop our fun!



Dream Catchers!


We enjoyed catching up and creating our very own dream catchers to put in our bedrooms!

Our Memory Planters


We had some fun in the sun planting our special memory plants. We will watch them grow and always think about our loved ones when we see our plants.
