Dear Parents Guardians,
Apologies, I have sent home the children’s purple writing books in error yesterday. Can these please be sent back into school as soon as possible. The one’s that have been left in bags I have already removed from their bags.
Many Thanks,
Mrs Grainger
8.1.24 Reading Records & Old Books
Parents & Carers,
All this week we are collecting in the children’s reading books but sending their reading records back home for them to continue reading over the summer. They have access to Oxford Owl, Oxford Reading Buddy or they can join the Summer Reading Challenge at Maghull library. Any reads they do, please write them down in their records.
If you have any school reading books at home, please send them as soon as possible.
There will be no more homework now.
You will also notice completed exercise books coming home too. These are to stay home now. Some are from YR and some are what they have completed over these last few months in Y1.
Many Thanks for your continued support.
Mrs Grainger
Parents/ Carers,
Can you please make sure you are sending your child's reading record in along with their books on their reading day. We are currently counting up all reads over the last year ready for the reports. If we do not have the correct number of reads there is a possiblility they will score below what we expect and once the reports are issued we cannot change this.
Please ensure these are all in next week.
Many Thanks,
Team Y1
Welcome to our Year 1 class page.
Any upates about our class will be put on here, we are limiting how much paper is sent home.
Our class email is:
P.E days Wednesday and Thursday. Please come to school in full P.E kits.
Read Write Inc Guide for parents.
Read Write Inc sounds and spelling support
This is through Education City for their Maths and English. It will be set alternative weeks. PLEASE ONLY COMPLETE 1 ACTIVITY, not all of them need to be done. Your child can choose any they want to do.
Anything else I set on there is additional, this is not compulsory, just something linked to their topic work.
On the weeks nothing is set online they will have written work to complete for the following week - this could be topic related.
We are using a new website called SeeSaw and the logins are inside the children's new red homework books. This is where you can access everything Phonics related and videos they can watch to strengthen their phonics skills.
Spellings are weekly - test every Monday. Please return red homework book each Monday.
It is compulsory they bring their homework book back in on the Monday as their spelling test will be done it that for it to go home Tuesday. It CANNOT be late, otherwise you will not get to see the test results as it will all be in the same book.
Thank You.
HIT THE BUTTON https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button it is a free, fun interactive resource to help build the bond skills. If they haven't been accessing it already, please try and do so.
Dear Parents/ Carers,
On Friday 14th June, in the afternoon, we will have a little class party to celebrate them completing their Phonics Screening tests. If you would like to send them in with some extra snacks/ treats for the afternoon you are more than welcome too.
They can come to school in their P.E. kit too (instead of the Thursday) as they will have games in the afternoon. There will be no P.E. on Thursday 13th June due to the testing.
Many Thanks,
Mrs Grainger