What is RWI?
We will no longer be sending reading books home after this week. Please could all school books be returned by this Friday at the latest- thank you!
Also, to avoid the children being overloaded with books on the last couple of days, we will be gradually sending your children's books home over the next two weeks. The only books that will not be sent home are their writing books and sketch books.
Year Two team x
This week we will be sitting out SATs papers. The children have worked exceedingly hard and we are very impressed in Year Two at the how resilient, focused and driven they have been within their learning this year. I am more than confident that they will continue to flourish further throughout their time at Melling and in the juniors. We will not be setting any homework this week to allow the children to thoroughly rest of an evening.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for the amazing support you have given your children this year.
Year Two team x
Homework will now be set on SeeSaw. You can download the app or use an internet browser. Instructions were sent home with your child's individual log in details. Spellings will be set and do not need to be uploaded daily- whatever system suits your household the best. Please let me know if you have any problems logging on.
Thank you,
Miss Wood and the Year Two team x
The 21st day of March (the 3rd month of the year) was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome. We will be celebrating this year by asking children to wear odd socks. #
Just a reminder that tomorrow is Christmas party day. Children may bring in some party snacks to enjoy in the afternoon. They are also allowed to bring in toys to play with during their celebrations.
Thank you,
The Year Two team x
Just a reminder that our school performance is on the 18th December at 3:45. Please arrive with your tickets for admission to the play of the year!
Whilst we prepare for our school play, I have paused any formal homework so that children have time to rehearse lines. Reading books and spellings are still being sent home.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Year Two team x
Hi all,
Could I ask children to return their homework books each Monday moving forward. I know this is a change to what was previously arranged; however, it gives staff more time to mark homework and complete the spelling quiz set and return those scores on the Tuesday. Thank you for your patience!
Miss Wood and the Year Two team x
This is where we will post updates, important messages and key information for our families!