
Melling Primary School

Year 2

What a fantastic day at Formby beach! Bug hunting in the morning and an afternoon of fun and games on the beach. We couldn't have asked for better weather and Mrs Hughes could not be any prouder of the children - they really did do Melling proud. A super day was had by all :-)

And now we have stick insects...!

Our very own Melling election. We are excitedly awaiting the results!

Releasing our beautiful butterflies...

Superhero Day - raising lots of money whilst looking fantastic dressed as our very own heroes!

We have been making the most of the lovely weather again in Y2, observing and sketching trees, taking bark rubbings and studying leaves to learn about the parts of a tree and how trees live.

Mrs Tanner worked us very hard in the beautiful sunshine, making our planter look all ready for summer. We are growing our own beans and peas to help us eat healthily whilst learning about Living Things and their Habitats in Science.

Measuring feet... I think Year 2 are now qualified to work in the best shoe shops in Liverpool!

Look out, there will be butterflies about! As part of our Living Things and Habitats Science topic, we are looking at life cycles of living things. We thought this would be a great opportunity to see how butterflies form from caterpillars.Watch out for our latest news!

Masaii Necklaces. As part of our Sensational Safari topic, studying Kenya, we designed and made necklaces that the Masaii Tribe traditionally wear. We had some super arts and crafts afternoons and put our weaving skills to the test!

Switch Off Week! We have been trying hard to save energy and water in Y2 - I hope children are making a great effort at home too.

We all completed part one but found the second puzzle quite a challenge. Why not have a go at home together!

Number challenge - Rows of coins. We had lots of fun trying to work out the number puzzle, using trial and improvement, reasoning skills and bucket loads of resilience!

Telling the time - it's not easy but we are doing a great job so far. Please encourage your children to have a go at telling the time as often as possible.

Welcome back to the Summer Term. Please take the time to read this term's Newsletter.

Fractions. We have been working hard finding halves and quarters of numbers. Please keep practising at home!

A Huge Happy Easter from Y2!! Look at all our fantastic Easter bonnets - what a super effort!

A truly magical day out at Calderstones Park with the Story Barn! We were taken on an exciting trail around the grounds by Boggles and Nutty, listening to and creating our own stories about the hidden gems of the park. We got up close to the real Calderstones and created art work using just the stones, graphite and paper. We found a secret door which led to a super fun slide and spent the afternoon listening to and creating our own poems. Our imaginations ran wild all day, the children made Melling very proud and a fantastic day was had by all!!

Happy World Book Day!!! Today we have began looking at Simon Bartram - The fantastic author and illustrator of Bob-The Man on the Moon as well as many other exciting children's books. We will be creating some pieces of writing based on his books over the next few weeks.

A huge thank you to our lovely Year 5 children who have been kindly giving up some of their time on a Tuesday to pair up and read with children in Year 2 - another step towards promoting and boosting children's enthusiasm towards reading!

Our topic this term is World Explorers. We have been learning lots about Christopher Columbus and are in the process of writing our very own messages in bottles. We thought it would be a great opportunity to create some art work based on the ocean and sky to display our messages in. Keep a look out for our finished pieces...

Our reading champions have been taking their role seriously and giving outstanding reports about their nominated books - Well Done for all your hard work at home!

Fun with Arrays! We have been busy learning to multiply and divide, writing a range of number sentences based on arrays. Its complicated stuff but we are working hard and learning lots.

A fantastic afternoon was had by all at Maghull High School, taking part in a great range of sports activities. A huge thank you to the High School children for leading the afternoon!

It is hard to believe that we are almost at half term already! We have spent the last few weeks working our socks off in Y2, learning methods to help us with addition and subtraction, learning our times tables, looking at 2D shape and ways of organising data and information as well as having a big focus on our handwriting, learning to join our letters neatly and writing very exciting, descriptive fantasy stories inspired by film. Watch this space for more photos of activities and work that we are proud of!

As part of our R.E Diversity Week, we also listened to and learnt lots of information about Hinduism and Judaism beliefs.

As part of our RE Diversity Week, we visited our local church and learnt some interesting facts about Christianity

We have been working hard on our Science topic - Materials - learning what things are made from, why they have been made from that material and the properties of different materials

Spring Term Class Newsletter

Christmas fun and games!

Christmas Jumper Day. Lots of money was raised for a great cause and the class looked lovely and festive.

Our Great Fire of London Assembly was a huge success. The children were fantastic, showing off there hard work from the Autumn term and it was lovely to hear so many positive comments from the parents.

Art Days - Our art days followed the theme of colour and we created images from the Great Fire of London using collage and silhouette techniques.

What a busy half term we have had so far! We have learnt lots and lots about the Great Fire of London, completed some fantastic diary entries and today we have been super busy baking bread all day. Take a look at some of our pictures of The Great Melling Bake Off, Mrs Hughes is pleased to say we didn't have a Great Fire of Melling... Phew!!

Rocket Day!!! What an exciting day we have had today. Not only have we had a real rocket in school but we have made model rockets and tested how far paper models could fly, as well as tasting a variety of space foods and seeing a rocket take off at the end of the day!

Maths - working hard on place value - thinking about what each number in two-digit numbers are worth and labelling the numbers on a number line

Creating a human number line. Ordering numbers between 1 and 100. Our number line ended up more like a caterpillar in the end!

Our Super Smart Class!

A huge welcome to the Y2 class page... Watch this space for all of our news and up to date information.

The children are settling in very well and are leading excellent examples to the younger infant children. 

I am very excited for the super busy year ahead!

Y2 Autumn Term Newsletter
