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Melling Primary School

Year 2

Exciting Celebrations!! A huge congratulations to Millie and Leyton who were the only 2 children to have 100% attendance in Y2 for the Autumn Term - Leyton won the raffle for a £30 cinema voucher! Also a massive Well Done to Willow, Hallie, Isaac and Shifra who displayed impeccable behaviour during the Autumn term - Willow won the raffle prize for the behaviour award. Elsie was mega proud to be the first child to complete her Number Passport Bronze Award.

Super Science! We have been exploring and investigating different types of materials and their uses this week. We have experimented which forces can be used to change the shape of various materials and recorded our results.

Tricky maths! We have been learning to divide by 10, 2 and 5 by creating arrays and writing matching number sentences.

Welcome back to Y2 after a lovely long Christmas break - we have lots planned for the Spring term to keep us super busy! 

Y2 end of year assessment information meeting for parents - Thursday 25th January - 3.15pm. Children can attend after-school club during this meeting.

Spring Term Newsletter

A quick reminder that Year 2 will be presenting their Class Assembly on Wednesday 8th November at 2.15pm. Please come along to see all of the wonderful things we have been doing so far this year.

What a fun filled day of baking our own bread - now we know just how hard Thomas Farriner worked back in 1666! We have weighed, measured, mixed, proved and baked until our hearts content. We hope you all got to try the tasty loaves!

Half term homework - Year 2 will be performing their class assembly on Wednesday 8th November in the afternoon - we hope you can make it! They have been given the song lyrics to practice over the half term break. I have uploaded each of the songs below for the children to listen to and learn. 

Song 1 - Nobody saw a problem

Song 2 - Thomas Farriner

Song 3 - Everybody out!

Song 4 - We've got to stop it spreading

Song 5 - Days of the fire

Song 6 - Let's rebuild our city

A lovely Harvest celebration - a HUGE well done to each of the Y2 children that took part in our lovely assembly this morning and a massive thank you to each and every family that sent donations in to school, a real rainbow of colour filled our hall today!

The final pieces!

We have had a busy few afternoons this week creating some fantastic art pieces based on The Great Fire of London. We have been mixing paints and experimenting to see what effects we can create using a range of paintbrushes and sponges. We then made silhouette images using card and our clever cutting skills.

Part Two of our Great Fire of London workshop day - A full afternoon of arts and crafts. We made Plague charms out of clay, beautiful smelling pomanders and even had a go at writing in Samuel Pepys secret code using quill pens and ink.

Autumn Term Class Newsletter

A HUGE welcome to the Year 2 class page!

Please check our page regularly to see all of the exciting things that we are getting up to in class. The children have quickly settled in to the top infants and made a great start to the year.
