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Melling Primary School

Year 2

Great Fire of London Workshop Day - what a fun day we all had! Role Play in the morning, taking us back in time to 1666 and arts and crafts in the afternoon making plague charms, pomanders and writing using quill pens!

Year 2's Internet Safety Message to Parents and Carers

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This week we have been learning about how we can stay safe when using the internet. We have some important messages that we would like to share with our adults at home. Please take a look and don't forget to complete your pledge for your child to return to school after the half term break!

Look at us working hard to create images of The Great Fire of London. We painted the backgrounds and then cut out silhouettes of the buildings - take a look at the super final pieces on display when you are passing by Y2.

We spent a day baking bread, imagining we worked for Samuel Pepys back in 1666. I think you'll all agree, the bread tasted fantastic! And luckily there was not a Great Fire of Melling!!

Sublime Science was a fantastic session and ended with some exciting slime making!

As part of our Science Week we visited our school's nature trail and created a nature trail diary.

Year 2 Spring Term Newsletter

What a wonderful start Y2 have made!  Miss Riley and I are delighted with the children.

Thank you for helping them to settle in families and for the great start made to Home Reading smiley

We are beginning with a mini topic on 'Myself' and what we eat.  We are linking this to healthy snacks and how important this is for growth and concentration.


Please remember healthy snacks for playtimes (one is enough) and that tuck shop is Tuesdays and Thursdays  - 50p per item.


Watch this space for more news ....
