P.E. days - MONDAY and THURSDAY Please sign your child’s reading record whenever they read and send books in for changing as soon as they have read them confidently.
Autumn term daily readers, please send books in daily.
All children, please send reading books and records in every Friday.
Homework books go home Tuesday, to be returned the following Monday.
Welcome back everyone! We're looking forward to a busy, sunny term with lots of fun while we all learn together!
"Remember, you're the one who can fill the world with sunshine" - Snow White
Romans Day Trip To Chester
Science Work on The Human Body
Human Body Musculoskeletal Challenge
Sports Day 2023
S.T.E.M. Lego Robotics Afternoon
Rio de Janeiro Carnival Masks
First Day Swimming!
Opening the new Rainbow Park
with the Mayor
What a great afternoon and what an honour to be chosen to open the park with the Mayor of Sefton!
All the children made us really proud and had lots of fun with the Active Sefton trainers and in the play area afterwards.
Spanish Classroom Instructions
Spanish Classroom Objects
Imagine That Trip
What an excellent day!
Zoneball Champions!
We won the first ever Zoneball Championship at Maricourt!
Using Photographs to be Geography Detectives - Rio de Janeiro
Welcome back everyone - HAPPY NEW YEAR! Good to be back for another happy, successful term.
"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." — Christopher Robin, Winnie the Pooh
And guess what...Miss Roberts says prizes for EVERYONE as she REALLY couldn't choose just three winners!
The Easter excitement is building in Y3...
and everyone is a winner with these AMAZING creations!
Finding Magnetic and Non Magnetic Materials
Exploring the Painting Techniques of Alma Thomas
We explored using different size brushes and tried to control them carefully to make neat brush strokes. We also mixed lots of different paint colours to make our work as colourful as possible.
Getting Crafty with Decoupage
We explored the French technique of paper cutting and sticking to decorate everyday objects.
Creating London Leaflets
Our writing task was to create persuasive leaflets to encourage people to visit London.
Poetry for World Book Day
Here are some different styles of poem that we have written:
Do You Like Sharks?
Do you like sharks?
They swim so fast
But they can attack
So you better watch your back!
by Mason
Never have tea with a tiger
Never sleep in your clothes
Never walk with a crocodile
Never drink milk with a mouse
Never take your eyeball out
Never dance with a monkey
Never say boo to a baby
Never sing lullabies to your teacher!
by Abigail
Stone Age Man
Sleeping on a moss bed
Crafting weapons
Eating scrumptious hare
Sharpening flint
Drinking beer and water
Guarding villages
Foraging berries
Fighting animals
Playing board games
Hunting delicious deer
Wearing animal skins
Firing arrows
Making tools
Building houses
Burning firewood
Learning painting
Chipping wood
Working Stone Age Man
by Oliver
World Book Day 2023
Poetry for World Book Day
Here are some different styles of poem that we have written:
I Was Just...
I was just arriving at school...
when suddenly I saw
a gorilla in a tree!
I was just playing football...
when suddenly there were
crocodiles on the pitch!
I was just putting on my clothes...
when suddenly my legs were
on my head!
I was just swimming...
when suddenly I was surrounded
by sharks!
by Ethan
S lithering past
N asty bite
A ttack attack!
K illing prey with
E normous jaws
by Adam
P laying
I n a barn
G reedy
by George
I was eating with my granny
but I was getting flustered
because she was eating mustard
and she dropped it on her top...
a WHITE top!
by Jack
Walker Art Gallery Tour and Workshop
We had a very exciting journey because we had to get five trains altogether! The Gallery was beautiful and we enjoyed our workshop activities.