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Melling Primary School

Year 3

Our Day out to The Veolia Recycling Centre

Autumn Term 2018

Welcome back and happy new school year!  Remember to keep checking our class page for photos and updates of what we've been learning in our class.


See below for our parents' termly information sheet. This gives important details about staff, topics and organisational information for Y3.



Y3 Termly Parents Information Sheet

The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark - We made Plop the owlet from our story and created our own 'Parliament of Owls'

Maths place value work using Dienes equipment and place value cards to create the expanded form of numbers e.g. 128 = 100 + 20 + 8

Have a look at this video about Henri Matisse. Our whole school art focus has been artists with disabilities. We were inspired by the work of Henri Matisse to create our own masterpieces.

All about Henri Matisse. Matisse in person teaches Mati and Dada about the funny Art of paper cut-outs. Art with Mati and Dada is an animated series for kids from five to eight years old.

Here are our masterpieces from start to finish

We were also inspired by artists who paint with their mouths because of a disability. Here are our fabulous attempts at mouth painting!
