Homework is a little bit different this week. As we have now finished the book,"I Don't Believe It Archie," the children have been asked to write their own Archie escapade. This can be written or typed. I am looking forward to reading their imaginative stories!
We have had a really enjoyable Tales and Toast morning today and finished it off with a funny poem. The children would like to share it with you.
Being able to recall your multiplication tables is an essential skill in learning maths concepts. This is why Melling Primary has invested in the TTRockstars program. It is a fun and effective way of learning times table facts. The multiplication check is a statutory assessment test taken by children in Year 4. The purpose is to ensure their times table knowledge is at the expected level. It is an online test where children are asked 25 questions on times tables 2-12. There is a time of 6 seconds per question.
The test will be taken in school at the beginning of June. We are working daily on our times tables in school. Playing TT Rockstars at home for 30 minutes over the week is crucial to ensure the children are confident taking the multiplication check as they will become comfortable with the timed aspect of it. TT Rockstars will also generate further specific questions from their answers so that the program is adapted to their needs.
REMEMBER - 30 minutes each week and you will be a Times Table Rockstar. Definitely something to sing about!!!!
The children are really enjoying our class book. Unfortunately, it is now out of print but second hand copies are available on Amazon.
We are now at the end of our first term in Year 4 and you all deserve a well earned rest. The highlights so far have got to be our fantastic school holiday to Chet and our Strictly themed Nativity play. Thank you so much for our gifts and cards. Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and best wishes for 2024 from all the staff in Y4 xxxx
There will be no set homework sheet for Maths and Spag. Instead the children have been asked to spend their time learning their lines and song words for our Christmas Play. PLEASE keep up with their home reading book, times tables and spelling sheet.
We are looking forward to seeing you at our Bethlehem Ballroom play!
Thursday @ CHET
Today, we have done blind fold confidence course, zip line, pottery, archery, curling and the infamous night walk.
The kids have been amazing, once again.
Day 1
The children were amazing on the trains and walking from Hall Road up to CHET. Once we arrived at CHET, the children got a tour of where they will be staying the next couple of nights and met their instructors. The first task the children were faced with was making their own beds ( pillow cases, bottom sheet and duvet cover) this will be one they won't forget in a hurry. After that they got to unpack their suitcases in their own unique styles, shall we say and brought their snacks into the lounge room, for when they get some very deserved down time after activities. We then got to taste CHET's amazing food and on the menu tonight was pizza, fries and salad followed by a HUGE chocolate crispy cake. The evening activity for the night was movement and mindfulness with yoga bears. The children were amazing once again like they had been the whole day and are a real credit to their parents and Melling Primary. After this they got half an hours down time to chill in their rooms before lights out for a good nights sleep which will be needed with the weather forecast the next couple of days.
P.E Days
P.E will continue throughout the year with Mr Millington on a Tuesday afternoon.
It will also be on a Friday afternoon with Mr Fawcett.
P.E on a Friday will stop when the children have their swimming lessons. However, when this is the case please dress your children in their P.E uniform as it is easier for them to get changed in and out off at the swimming baths.
Our focus this week is prediction. Can you read these riddles with your child and guess what object it is describing?
We are so looking forward to working with you all!