Year Four Maya Day!
We spent a fantastic day celebrating the Maya. We made tortillas, salsa and Maya hot chocolate! The tortillas went down a treat, but not everyone was a fan of the salsa or spiced hot chocolate. As well as doing some Maya cooking, we started our weaving project using recycled CDs to make a hanging decoration. We can't wait to see the finished products!
Performance with the Hallé Orchestra
Last week, we had an absolutely amazing experience, going to Bridgewater Hall in Manchester to perform with the Hallé Orchestra. We first headed to McDonalds to fuel ourselves ready for the performance. The children's behaviour was exemplary and we received compliments from staff and patrons about them. Then we headed to Bridgewater Hall, where the children made lots of 'oohs' and 'aahs' as they walked into the hall and saw the size of the room they were playing in! We were all very excited when the Hallé Orchestra came into the room and started playing. They are a first-class world-famous orchestra and we heard them play music from Swan Lake and The Nutcracker, as well as some other classical music based on a dance theme. In the midst of all that, we got to join in with them, along with 1,200 other children! The atmosphere was fantastic and the children did extremely well. Well done!
Summer Week 12 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Marni-Ann Weston, second place - Milly Carr-Richards and third place - Isobel Daley
Mathletics: First place - Marni-Ann Weston, second place - Mason Fletcher and third place - Arden Shiels
Home reading: First place - Mia Stewart, second place - Marni-Ann Weston and third place - Emily Beach
Well done to all of those children!
LEGO Technic Workshop
Last week we had a fantastic experience, as we got to work with LEGO Technic models which are based on the real-life Mars Rover! We got to drive them and discovered how difficult it is for scientists to drive the rovers on Mars, as there is a 20 minute delay between sending an instruction and the robot receiving it. This means that the robots have to have autonomous thinking with sensors on them to detect when an obstacle is in their way and redirect them. We got to see this in practice and had great fun putting obstacles in their way!
Summer Week 11 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Abi Rogers, second place - Marni-Ann Weston and third place - Isobel Daley
Mathletics: First place - Reuben Addy, second place - Marni-Ann Weston and third place - Mason Fletcher
Well done to all of those children!
Healthy Minds Healthy Bodies Week
This week, our school focus has been on healthy minds and healthy bodies. We have kept our bodies healthy by trying to have healthy school lunches and doing lots of exercise, through our morning mile and Sports Day. We also had a visit from the school nurses, who showed us how much sugar is in every day products such as cereal and yogurt and what swaps we can make to have a healthier diet.
In Year 4, we have worked on our healthy minds by looking at strategies that we can use to make ourselves feel better when we are upset, anxious or angry. We have also done lots of mindfulness colouring and listened to calming music. It has been a very chilled week!
Summer Week 10 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Lucy Teague, second place - Mia Stewart and third place - Mason Fletcher
Mathletics: First place - Marni-Ann Weston, second place - Barney O'Brien and third place - Mason Fletcher
Well done to all of those children, lovely to see some boys at the top!
Summer Week 9 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Marni-Ann Weston, second place - Millie Burkert and third place - Nathaniel Johnson
Mathletics: First place - Marni-Ann Weston, second place - Barney O'Brien and third place - Isobel Daley
Well done to all of those children!
Summer Week 7 & 8 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Marni-Ann Weston, second place - Finley Turner and third place - Barney O'Brien
Mathletics: First place - Marni-Ann Weston, second place - Lexi Bates and third place - Barney O'Brien
Home reading (so far this term): First place - Mia Stewart, second place - Marni-Ann Weston and third place - Milly-Carr Richards
Congratulations to all of those children. It's lovely to see some new names at the top of the leaderboards!
The story of The Chocolate Tree
As part of our History topic about the Maya civilisation, we have been learning the Maya folktale called The Chocolate Tree. Everyone in the class made their own story map of the key points in the story. Then each child told the story to one or two of the YR children. It was absolutely lovely to hear the expression and care with which the Year Four children told the story to the little ones. What a great experience!
Summer Week 6 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Marni-Ann Weston, second place - Millie Burkert and third place - Mason Fletcher
Mathletics: First place - Marni-Ann Weston, second place - Mason Fletcher and third place - Isobel Daley
Well done everyone!
Summer Week 5 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Emily Beach, second place - Evie Garrity and third place - Marni-Ann Weston
Mathletics: First place - Marni-Ann Weston, second place - Mason Fletcher and third place - Isobel Daley.
Well done everyone!
Summer Week 4 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Mason Fletcher, second place - Marni-Ann Weston and third place - Arden Shiels
Mathletics: First place - Emily Beach, second place - Lexi Bates and third place - Marni-Ann Weston
Home reading (so far this term): First place - Mia Stewart, second place - Milly Carr-Richards and third place - Marni-Ann Weston.
So lovely to see some new names at the top of the leaderboards, well done everyone!
Summer Week 3 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Marni-Ann Weston, second place - Rosa Dobinson and third place - Mason Fletcher
Mathletics: First place - Marni-Ann Weston, second place - Reuben Addy and third place - Barney O'Brien
Congratulations to all of those children, keep up the hard work!
Summer Week 2 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Marni-Ann Weston, second place - Mason Fletcher and third place - Isobel Daley
Mathletics: First place - Marni-Ann Weston, second place - Reuben Addy and third place - Mason Fletcher
Home reading (so far this term): First place - Mia Stewart, second place - Milly Carr-Richards and third place - Marni-Ann Weston and Lucy Teague
Well done to all of those children. So lovely to see some new names at the top of the Home Reading leaderboard, keep it up!
Maya Archaeologist Visit
On Wednesday we were lucky enough to have a visit from Dr Diane Davies, a real-life archaeologist! In fact, she is the only archaeologist who specialises in the Maya civilisation in the whole of the UK!
She told us all about her experiences staying in the rainforest in Guatemala, where she goes every year to do archaeological digs. We all thought that although being an archaeologist is very exciting, it’s also not as glamorous as we had thought!
We learnt all about the Maya civilisation and their amazing achievements, including chocolate and hot chocolate! We got to handle lots of artefacts and discuss what we thought they were used for. Some children got to blow into a conch shell as the Maya would have done to announce the king was coming. We also made Maya calendars and learnt how to tell the date using it. Wednesday 11th of April is 4 KABAN 10 POP!
The whole morning was fantastic and really inspired us all!
Spring Holidays Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Emily Beach, second place - Marni-Ann Weston and third place - Mason Fletcher
Mathletics: First place - Isobel Daley, second place - Abi Rogers and third place - Emily Beach
Well done to all of those children!
Spring Week 10 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Barney O'Brien, second place - Mason Fletcher and third place- Marni-Ann Weston
Mathletics: First place - Isobel Daley, second place - Marni-Ann Weston and third place - Reuben Addy
Well done to all of those children!
Spring Week 9 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Marni-Ann Weston, second place - Finley Turner and third place - Lucy Teague
Mathletics: First place - Isobel Daley, second place - Marni-Ann Weston and third place - Millie Burkert
Well done to everyone, lovely to see some new names at the top!
Spring Week 8 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's leaderboards are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Marni-Ann Weston, second place - Evie Garrity and third place - Reuben Addy
Mathletics: First place - Reuben Addy, second place - Isobel Daley and third place - Mason Fletcher
Home reading: First place - Mia Stewart, second place - Lucy Teague and third place - Emily Beach
It's lovely to see some new names at the top, well done!
Spring Week 7 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's leaderboards are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Emily Beach, second place - Mason Fletcher and third place - Reuben Addy
Mathletics: First place - Emily Beach, second place - Reuben Addy and third place - Joshua Halsall
How lovely to see more boys in the top six places, well done!
Spring Week 5 & 6 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Mia Stewart, second place - Isobel Daley and third place - Reuben Addy
Mathletics: First place - Mia Stewart, second place - Isobel Daley and third place - Marni-Ann Weston
Only one boy in the top six this week, come on boys!
Assembly Success!
Our class assembly about the Ancient Egyptians took place this afternoon and what a great success it was! The children worked so hard to learn their lines, our song and dance. Well done to all of the children and thank you very much to parents/carers for providing the gorgeous costumes.
Ancient Egyptian Treasure Boxes
Year 4 have been busy bees designing treasure boxes which are fit to hold Ancient Egyptian treasure! We examined and evaluated boxes with different types of lids and discussed the design issues. Children then selected which lid they thought was the best and created their own treasure box, which then had to be decorated in an Ancient Egyptian style. What a great job they did!
Ancient Egyptian Projects
Before Christmas, Year 4 were set a research task to find out what life was like for children in Ancient Egyptian times. The projects were a great success and everyone was really excited to present them to the rest of the class. Prizes were given to the three best all-round projects, which were Arden, Emily and Millie B. Well done to those children, but also well done to the rest of the class as everyone worked very hard on the task. Below are photos of just some of the fantastic work the children did.
Spring Week 4 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Mia Stewart, second place - Finley Turner and third place - Emily Beach
Mathletics: First place - Emily Beach, second place - Reuben Addy and third place - Isobel Daley
Home reading: First place - Emily Beach, second place - Mia Stewart and joint third place - Millie Burkert and Lexi Bates
Well done to all of those children!
Year 4 Class Assembly!
Our class assembly about the Ancient Egyptians is on Wednesday 7th of February at 2:30pm. Below are the videos for the song and the dance so that you can practice them at home and don't forget to learn your lines!
Spring Week 3 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Millie Burkert, second place - Abi Rogers and third place Marni-Ann Weston
Mathletics: First place - Isobel Daley, second place - Barney O'Brien and third place - Reuben Addy
Lovely to see some new names at the top of the leaderboard. Well done everyone!
Spring Week 2 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Mia Stewart, second place - Evie Garrity and third place - Isobel Daley
Mathletics: First place - Mia Stewart, second place - Isobel Daley and third place - Barney O'Brien
Home reading: First place - Mia Stewart, second place - Lucy Teague and joint third place - Emily Beach and Rosa Dobinson
Well done to all of those children and a special well done to Mia Stewart for being top of all three leaderboards!
Week 1 Spring term Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Rosa Dobinson, second place - Mia Stewart and third place - Evie Garrity
Mathletics: First place - Lucy Harris, second place - Isobel Daley and third place - Lucy Teague
Well done to all those children!
A massive thank you for all of the Christmas presents that you sent in for the Year 4 team. Miss Hopewell, Mrs Maddock and Mrs Holt were completely overwhelmed with your generosity!
Christmas holiday Champions Leaderboard
The results for the Champions Leaderboard from over the Christmas holidays are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Lilly Rowland, second place - Lucy Teague and third place - Orlaith Byrne
Mathletics: First place - Isobel Daley, second place - Barney O'Brien and third place - Reuben Addy
Well done to all of those children! The home reading leaderboard has started from zero again and home reads will be counted from the 8th of January to the 19th of March, when the winners will be announced. So come on, get reading!
Week 15 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Millie Burkert, second place - Lucy Harris and third place - Barney O'Brien
Mathletics: First place - Lucy Teague, second place - Isobel Daley and third place - Nathaniel Johnson
Lovely to see some new names at the top of the leaderboards. Well done everybody!
Week 14 Champions Leaderboard
The results of this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Joe Rea-Patterson, second place - Isobel Daley and third place - Joshua Halsall
Mathletics: First place - Isobel Daley, second place - Nathaniel Johnson and third place - Barney O'Brien
Home reading: First place - Mia Stewart, second place - Emily Beach and third place - Lexi Bates
Great to see more boys at the top of the leaderboard this week, well done!
Week 13 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Mia Thompson-Stewart, second place - Rosa Dobinson and third place - Lexi Bates
Mathletics: First place - Nathaniel Johnson, second place - Isobel Daley and third place Barney O'Brien
Well done everyone!
Week 12 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Joe Patterson, second place - Emily Beach and third place - Lucy Harris
Mathletics: First place - Nathaniel Johnson, second place - Emily Beach and third place - Isobel Daley
Home reading: First place - Mia Stewart, second place - Emily Beach and third place - Lexi Bates
It's great to see everyone doing more home reading since Parent's Evenings, well done and keep it up!
Week 11 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Lucy Teague, second place - Emily Beach and third place - Marni-Ann Weston
Mathletics: First place - Nathaniel Johnson, second place - Emily Beach and third place - Isobel Daley
Lovely to see some new names at the top of the Spellodrome leaderboard. Well done!
Week 10 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Lilly Rowland, second place - Millie Burkert and third place - Isobel Daley
Mathletics: First place - Nathaniel Johnson, second place - Emily Beach and third place - Barney O'Brien
Well done everyone!
Week 9 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Emily Beach, second place - Joe Patterson and third place - Khalel Murphy
Mathletics: First place - Emily Beach, second place Nathaniel Johnson and third place - Isobel Daley
It's great to see some boys at top of the leaderboard, especially on Spellodrome. Keep it up!
Week 8 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Orlaith Byrne, second place - Arden Shiels and third place - Barney O'Brien
Mathletics: First place - Lucy Harris, second place - Isobel Daley and third place - Emily Beach
We are now also doing a leaderboard for home reading which we will updated on a fortnightly basis. At the end of each term, prizes will be given to the top three home readers!
The current positions are: First place - Mia Thompson-Stewart, second place - Lexi Bates and third place - Emily Beach
Come on Year 4, get reading at home!
Painting the pyramids at sunset!
This week we spent some time doing Art with a focus on colour. We first had to use red and yellow together to make orange. Then we had to use white and black to create different tints and shades of both orange and red. We mixed a darked shade and a lighter tint of each one. Then we used all of the colours we had made to create a painting of the sunset. Once these were dry, we painted on black silhouettes of the pyramids. It was a lot of fun!
A day of discovery!
We had a great time at the World Museum today, exploring our topic of Ancient Egypt. Our first activity was participating in a workshop where we got to explore Ancient Egyptian artefacts. We learnt a lot of information and got to look at real life artefacts and try to figure out what they were for. We even got to put our hands in a real canopic jar which once held human lungs in it!
Before lunch, we made a quick stop at the main exhibit to look at the fantastic floor map of Ancient Egypt. After lunch and a visit to the gift shop, we headed back to the exhibit to explore more. Everyone was most excited to see the mummy room! Our final activity was the Meet the Mummy workshop, where we got to see how a body would have been mummified in Ancient Egyptian times. Emily and Abi did very well as the embalmers with the High Priest, Arden overseeing them. It was a great day and one we will definitely all remember!
Week 6 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Rosa Dobinson, second place - Orlaith Byrne and third place - Isobel Daley
Mathletics: First place - Emily Beach, second place - Evie Garrity and third place - Isobel Daley
All girls in the top places again! Come on boys, get those scores higher!
Week 5 Champions Leaderboard
The results for this week's Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Emily Beach, second place - Isobel Daley and third place - Lilly Rowland
Mathletics: First place - Mia Thompson-Stewart, second place - Emily Beach and third place - Lucy Harris
Well done to those girls! There was a big dip in scores this week on both Mathletics and Spellodrome with quite a number of children scoring under 500 points. Please remember, that is the minimum points required each week. Let's get it done!
Week 4 Champions Leaderboard
This week the results for the Champions Leaderboard are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Barney O'Brien, second place - Isobel Daley and third place - Lucy Harris
Mathletics: First place - Lucy Harris, second place - Mia Thompson-Stewart and third place - Emily Beach
Well done to all of those children! Nearly all children scored more than 500 points on Mathletics this week so well done. We still need to improve those Spellodrome scores though. Come on, you can do it!
Week 3 Champions Leaderboard
This week was our first week of implementing the Champions leaderboard for Spellodrome and Mathletics.
The results are as follows:
Spellodrome: First place - Emily Beach, second place - Nathaniel Johnson and third place - Mia Thompson-Stewart.
Mathletics: First place - Mia Thompson-Stewart, second place - Joshua Halsall and third place - Lucy Harris
Well done to all of those children! Please remember, all Year 4 children are expected to score a minimum of 500 points each week on both Mathletics and Spellodrome. Come on guys, let's get those scores up for next week!
Welcome back!
Welcome back to the start of a new school year. We are really impressed with how the Year 4 children have come in ready to work hard and we are already off to a flying start with no names on the board last week! For further information about what is happening in Year 4 this term, please see the class newsletter below.