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Melling Primary School

Year 4

Week 17 (w/b 13th July)

Dear Y4,

We can't believe that it is the last full week of summer term already! Your learning project this week is all about getting ready for moving up to Y5. There are some lovely activities for you to complete. In addition, we have also set the usual work on Mathletics, Readiwriter and Purple Mash so don't forget to log on to these websites to complete your tasks. You will be receiving your reports shortly. Both Miss Hopewell and I have really missed you over lock down and loved writing about all of your hard work in autumn and spring term! You should all be proud of yourselves! We hope you have a lovely week and are continuing to stay safe xxx

Week 16 (w/b 6th July)

Hello Y4,

We hope that you are all doing well and have had a good catch up with Mrs Holt (if not, she will be calling over next week).  It's been lovely to hear some of your messages. We know lots of you are missing school. We are really missing you too.  It is unbelievable that it has been 16 weeks since school closed and there are only 2 weeks left of this term!!! This weeks project is on the NHS and there are lots of lovely tasks for you to do. We have also included some maths and English tasks below.


Hope that you are all continuing to stay safe and BTBTYCB!


Have a lovely week xx

Special joint 'Virtual Apter Cup' award to Mia and Ruby for showing great friendship during lockdown. Well Done Mia and Ruby!!

Week 15 (w/b 29th June)


Hello to our lovely Year 4 children and families! Here we are at the start of what would seem is going to be a very rainy week! Luckily we've got lots of things to do on here to keep you all entertained!


There are great reading activities set on Purple Mash each week and lots of spelling activities both on here and on Readiwriter, so try to do some and keep up those essential skills, as you were all making such good progress before lockdown. Keep that momentum going!


As well as our usual activities and our weekly project plan, we have included some activities about in-app purchases this week. There are some really interesting things to think about and do so take a look.


Keep safe everyone and keep smiling. Sending lots of virtual hugs!

Week 14 (w/b 22nd June)


Hello Year 4! We hope you and your families are all doing well and keeping safe. We really miss you! YR, Y1 and Y6 are back in school tomorrow. We can't wait until it is safe for us all to be back!


Don't forget that reading tasks are set on Purple Mash every week. Each week involves reading a chapter, multiple choice questions and a challenge. We are starting a fantastic new book called 'The Knockers' about a boy called Drake who moves 300 miles away to Cornwall to start a new life with his mum. He hears about the legend of the knockers and sets out to prove that it is only a myth - or is it?


Just to remind you, please don't use Spellodrome as we don't update it anymore. Instead for your spellings, use Readiwriter. You use the same login as you did for Spellodrome and for Mathletics. Well done to those of you who have already been using it. There have been some children getting a fantastic number of points, way exceeding the minimum of 500! Well done!


This week as well as the usual activities, we have included a video and activities on fire safety and how to keep safe in your home. Did you know that you should check your smoke alarms work once a week?! See if there's anything else you didn't know!


Have a lovely week. Keep social distancing and keep washing those hands! xxx

Week 13 (w/b 15th June)


Hello Y4! Here we are on week 13 of lockdown and we are faced with the possibility that we won't see you back at school before September. That's a strange feeling for us as we are sure it is for you. It also makes it all the more important that you try to keep up with the home learning we put on here each week. At minimum, keep up your times tables, spelling practise and home reading. These are the key skills which you can't do without and will really support you when you do return to school.


While it's so important during this time to keep up your home learning, it's also important to take care of your mental health. This week we have included a booklet on mental health with some short activities which will help you think about how you can do that.


Please remember we are no longer updating Spellodrome with your spellings, so you don't need to use it anymore. Instead you should be using Readiwriter for your spellings. You use the same login as you do for Mathletics and Spellodrome.


Have a lovely week and remember to keep up social distancing and wash those hands!

Week 12 (w/b 8th June)


Hello Y4! The weeks are really flying by, we miss you so much. We hope you are all keeping safe and taking care of each other. Lockdown has been a very unusual situation for us all, as has not being in school. This week we have attached some PSHE work around feelings. There are activities that you can do with your family to help you think about different types of feelings and how you can express them.


The answers from last week's basic skills are below as well. There were some really tricky questions! Have a look at the workings so that you can understand where the answers come from. Don't forget to keep practising your times tables and do plenty of reading at home. These skills will really help you for when you come back to school.


Keep safe everyone. We are sending lots of virtual hugs!

Week 11 (w/b 1st June)

Hello you lovely lot! 

We hope that you are enjoying the sunshine and staying safe with your families. We are super impressed with some of the points being achieved on Mathletics and it's great to see more of you using Purple Mash. Do keep up practising your times tables and reading too as it will really help you when we are back at school. 


Hope you have a lovely week and that we can see you all soon. Take care Y4 families xx

Week 10 (w/b 25th May)


Hello to all our lovely Year 4 children. We can't believe it's been so long since we last saw you. We hope you are looking after yourselves and your families and staying positive.


This week, we have included some PSHE activities about the special people in our lives. You could even do it together with your family. Jennie has also provided some lovely resources for Mental Health Awareness Week so have a look at them below too. We have posted a new basic skills check and the answers to last week's check. Please don't worry about the basic skills checks, we know that you will find some of the questions very tricky. We just want you to have a go and then look at the answers the following week to see if you can understand how to work them out.


Remember, the most important things that you need to keep up with while you are at home are reading, times tables and spellings. If you keep going with those things it will really help you when we get back to school. 


If you don't have many books at home or you want to read something new, the Big Cats ebooks are currently free along with activities and resources.


The website is:


Click on the teacher sign-in and enter Username: and password: Parent20!


Have a good week and remember BTBTYCB!

Week 9 (w/b 18th May)


Hello Year 4! We hope you've had a good week and are continuing to stay safe with your families. We miss you all! 


Don't forget to try and keep up with your times tables and spelling practice. These skills will be so important for you when you come back to school. Below is a new basic skills check for this week and the answers to last week's check. As well as our normal weekly activities, we have included a link to CEOP's #OnlineSafetyAtHome packs. There are some great activities around staying safe online. Also don't forget, BBC Bitesize have got a great range of lessons related to Year 4 topics.


Keep safe everyone, take good care of your families and we will see you soon!

Week 8 w/b 11th May


Hello lovely Year 4 children! We hope you had a fun time on VE day remembering all of the people involved in World War Two. It has been lovely to have nice weather again over the weekend.  We hope you have all been able to enjoy it.


We hope you have also had a go at doing last week's basic skills test. Below is a file with the answers and workings out so that you can check your work. Remember, if you have worked a question out in a different way but got the same answer, that's ok. Also below is a new basic skills test for this week. Do try and have a go at it, even if you can't do every question. Remember to try and do some spelling and times table practice every week to keep up all of the amazing progress you made last term.


Keep safe everyone. We miss you and are sending virtual hugs! xx

Week 7 (w/b 4th May)


Hello to all of our lovely Year 4 children. We hope you and your families are still doing well. We have included something new for you in the resources today; a basic skills test! Each week we will post a new basic skills test, along with the previous week's answers and explanations of how to work them out. This is a great way to keep up the maths skills you've all been working so hard on.


Remember that a lot of the activities which we set on here don't need support from your parents, you can do them by yourselves. Times Table Rockstars or Hit the Button are great resources for practising your times tables and they don't need parents to help. Readiwriter is also great to do by yourself and really helps you learn your spellings.


Try to do as much as you can to keep up your basic skills of reading, spelling and times tables. Just doing those things will really help you until we come back to school. We hope to see you all soon, but until then, stay safe and look after each other.


Much love from the Year 4 team xxx

Week 6 (w/b 27th April)

See below for this weeks activities. We are missing you all lots heart

Week 5 (w/b 20th April)

Where are the weeks going? We hope that you are continuing to be safe and fill family members' kindness buckets at home. We can't wait until things are back to normal and to see you all again. Remember to logon to open the weekly PDF which has lots of fun activities for you to do to ensure you keep up your wonderful learning! BBC Bitesize are also broadcasting lessons every day of the week so check out their website too (see link below)

Take care Y4 xx

Week 4 (w/b 13th April)

Happy Easter! Hope you all have a lovely Easter weekend.


Please open up the Week 4 Learning Project PDF to see the tasks for you to complete this week. There are also some great online safety tasks for you to try at home and PHSE web links for you to look at.


Take care Y4 families xx

Please note, this week's spelling activities are a review of the whole half-term's spellings so there is no Look Say Cover Write Check sheet.

Week 3 (w/b 6th April)

Hi everyone,

Hope you are all keeping well and staying safe at home. We are still setting tasks on Mathletics, Spellodrome and Purple Mash. It is the Easter holidays so these are optional tasks for you to do. However, as we are missing so much school, please do try to do a little when you can wink

**Parents, please note that we are unable to offer printing or additional learning packs as there are not enough staff in school to be able to do so.  Thank you for understanding.**


Sending lots of love to Y4 families xx



Home Learning Week 2 (w/b 30th March)

Dear Y4,

We miss you!!!


We hope that you are having lovely quality time with your family and are keeping safe. Remember to keep filling buckets with acts of kindness: you could help out around the house, offer to do something, give compliments etc.  heart angel


Hopefully everything will be back to normal soon so we can all be back in class together!  For now, we will set work on a Monday each week. If you open the Week 2 Home Learning document, it gives you lots of activities to be doing. We are setting work on Mathletics, Readiwriter and Purple Mash so please log on to see your set tasks.


Stay indoors and keep well Y4 xxx

Please note that we are no longer updating Spellodrome for Year Four's spellings, as it is being phased out due to its reliance on Flash Player, meaning we can no longer add word lists. Therefore all Year Four pupils' spellings will be set on Readiwriter. It uses the same login which we use for Spellodrome and Mathletics.


The wordlists are set up on there for this week, but please note that there are now only two groups: South America and Africa. All children who were in South America previously are still in that group, but EVERYBODY ELSE is in Africa.


Below is a weblink to a video that children can watch to show them how to use Readiwriter. There is also a parent tips sheet to give parents some guidance on it.

Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies Week


This week, we have celebrated Healthy Minds and Healthy Bodies. As well as having extra lunchtime sports sessions available, Y4 participated in a special yoga session on Monday and today have completed an inter-house cross country race. The children did so well doing two full laps of the school grounds. Well done to all those who finished as it was very windy and absolutely freezing! An extra well done to our first, second and third place winners: For the girls it was Olivia, Mia and Willow and for the boys it was Blake, Isaac and Hayden. Congratulations!

World Book Day 2020


Today in Melling Primary, we celebrated World Book Day. You may have seen us all on our walk around Melling! It was quite a sight to see over 200 children and adults dressed as book characters wandering around the village! Thank you to families if you came out and waved at us and also for providing the children with such amazing costumes.


After our walk, we did a short video masterclass with the author Matt Haig. He challenged us to write a short story from the perspective of an animal. We are still in the process of writing these, so watch this space.


This afternoon, we turned humble potatoes into fantastic book characters. The children were so creative. We had potatoes who had been turned into Harry Potter, Willy Wonka, Little Red Riding Hood, Captain Underpants and Horrid Henry, to name but a few! Look below to see the photos from our fantastic day.

World Book Day Characters

Famous Artist: Pierre Auguste Renoir 1841 - 1919. Y4 enjoyed recreating the impressionism painting called ‘The View of Guernsey’ created by Renoir in 1883

We have used classification keys to identify invertebrates and then used them to help us create our own classification key for a group of living things.

Today we had great fun doing a hunt around our school grounds for invertebrates. Each group captured one invertebrate, sketched it and identified its characteristics.

ESafety Day


During our ESafety Day, we explored this year's theme of 'Free to be me online'. We discussed the meaning of identity and what things it includes. We then looked at how our online identity can differ. We looked at some examples where people had been allowed or not allowed by others to be free to be themselves online. The conclusion that we came to was that everyone should be allowed to be themselves online and like whatever they choose. However, they aren't free to do whatever they like if it means hurting others' feelings. Treat others as you want to be treated yourself!

Clay Dragon Eyes - what a wonderful, unique collection of dragon eyes we have in Y4!

We have been learning about food chains and the terms for the living things within them.

Year 3 and 4 once again had 'Tales and Toast' on Tuesday morning. It was wonderful to enjoy the atmosphere and see families sharing stories with their children!

We have been looking at personification - a figure of speech in which an object, an idea or an animal is given human qualities.

Wonderful artwork designing dragon eyes! Next week we will be making them with clay!

Science Week


We have had a fantastic week celebrating our science week theme, which was 'Our diverse planet'. We have conducted several exciting experiments which you can see below. One of which, was linked to our main topic, Animals including humans. We tested hard-boiled eggs in a variety of liquids to see which liquid caused the most tooth decay. The children were fascinated to discover that orange juice had the most impact on the shell of the egg and therefore our teeth. It was closely followed by coke, which turned the egg shells brown!

Fantastic Flight Experiments! We tested how to make spinning cups hover in the air. This phenomenon is called the Magnus effect and is caused by the fact that the spinning of the cups distorts the way that the air flows around them. We also made paper boomerangs!

Critter Visit - we learnt about different habitats and met some wonderful creatures!!!

Maya archaeologist visit


Today we had a visit from Dr Diane Davies, the UK's only archaeologist who specialises in the Maya civilisation. She spent the morning with Year 4, telling us what it's like to be an archaeologist who spends several months of each year living in the rainforest in Guatemala! She also shared with us some of the amazing achievements of the Maya civilisation, such as the fact that they were one of only two ancient civilisations to have developed a number system using place value. They also had a proper writing system including vowels, despite the fact they lived in 2000 BC! The achievement that excited the children the most though, was the fact that the Maya discovered chocolate and how to use it to make hot chocolate! Later this term, children will get to try the Maya hot chocolate with chilli and see if they like it!

Congratulations to our Courtesy Cup winner - Joseph!

Congratulations to our Cullen Cup winner - Olivia!

A big well done to Y4 in their assembly! Thank you to all parents for attending, the children loved sharing what we've learnt about Ancient Egyptians!

Wishing a very merry Christmas to our Y4 children and families!

Egyptian pyramid sunset paintings

Will Santa Get Shot Down?


See below for the songs from our Christmas play. Please get practising! laughyes

01 Christmas Boogie Woogie VOCALS.mp3

02 Its Snow Fun Without The Snow VOCALS.mp3

03 Run Rudolph Run VOCALS.mp3

05 Silent Night VOCALS.mp3

06 What Silent Night VOCALS.mp3

08 All Clear Christmas Is Here VOCALS.mp3

09 Lets Make Friends VOCALS.mp3

10 Christmas Is A Time For Giving VOCALS.mp3

Wow!!! Just look at the amazing research Y4 children have done on life for children in Ancient Egypt!

Friendship Week


Last week we celebrated Friendship Week in school. We had assemblies about what bullying is and isn't, how to show respect for others and how we are all unique. In class we've focused on how to be a good Melling friend by showing respect and kindness. We then went on to create a recipe for a Melling friend!


We have also been practising our presentation and oracy skills, so every child in Year Four read their recipe to the rest of the class. We focused on the objectives of volume, clarity and eye contact. The best four children were then selected to read their recipe in our final friendship assembly.


Congratulations to Hallie, Willow, Olivia and Emilia who were selected to present their recipes. Congratulation also to Blake, Riley and Georgie, who's booklets were chosen by Ms Ainsworth-Brown as best showcasing what we had learnt through our Friendship Week.

Ancient Egyptian Geography work

A little glimpse of our art work, sketching real life Egyptian artifacts!



Today the children of Year Four participated in a SBAR day with Mrs Hargreaves. SBAR stands for Stop, Breathe and Relax! They have done all sorts of activities, including yoga, mindfulness colouring, icing biscuits and painting. Along with those relaxing activities, they have talked about their worries, how we can keep our bodies feeling good inside and out and also wrote kind words about every member of the class. It has been a fantastic day that the children have thoroughly enjoyed. Thanks Mrs Hargreaves!

Mummification- pulling out the brain!!!

Still image for this video
What a fantastic time we all had at CHET! Y4 made us so proud as they were so well behaved and we had so much fun! Take a look at the wonderful photos...

Design Technology - making Shadufs! The children worked hard designing and creating their very own shaduf.