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Melling Primary School

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5


Please see below for important information for Year 5.  We post photos and updates to showcase what has been happening in class.

Secret Student

ROAR the resilience lion


Count On Me - Bruno Mars (Lyrics) 🎵

Sports Day 2023

Ising event at the Liverpool Philharmonic

1 Eurovision MashUp - With Vocals.mp3

Daryl Hall & John Oates - You Make My Dreams (Official HD Video)

Learn this for our stage performance!

2 You Make My Dreams

3 Touch the sky (performance track).mp3

4 Don't stop (performance track).mp3

5 Blinded by your grace (performance track).mp3

6 Chocolate molinillo (performance track).mp3

7 Yes I can! (performance track).mp3

9 O waly, waly (performance track).mp3

10 Kis nay banaayaa (performance track).mp3

Celebration (performance track).mp3

Circle of life (performance track).mp3

Feeling good (performance track).mp3

Reach out (I'll be there) (performance track).mp3

Course ID: dh.230403mels

Password: student




Baubles - our Christmas play

Have fun practising!

1. Christmas Time Is Here

2. Caretaker's Song

2. Caretaker's Song (with vocal)

3. This Place Is Jumping

4. Follow A Shining Star

4. Follow A Shining Star (with vocal)

5. I'd Rather Have a Bale of Hay

5. I'd Rather Have a Bale of Hay (with vocal)

6. Stop That Knocking

6. Stop That Knocking (with vocal)

7. Deep-A-Sleepy Sheep

8. Ring Out Those Bells

Transition Music (Short)

Transition Music (Long)





Please wear odd socks to school to show your support. Mrs Ainsworth will be holding a whole school assembly on anti-bullying.

Full school uniform or P.E kit as normal but please wear odd-socks laugh


Many Thanks

Y5 team 

Children in Need tomorrow so remember it's own clothes. Come in as Pudsey / wear spots / wear your pajamas, what ever you feel comfy in! heart

Remember your £1 donation yes

SPANISH - ordering birthdays

ENGLISH SKILLS: silent letters - noughts and crosses game




First Spanish lesson with Senora Kirk

Designing Christmas cards for our yearly competition



Just like that our first half term is over!!!! Time for a well-deserved rest by all!

The children have worked so immensely hard this term, they have really pushed and pushed themselves. They have come on in leaps and bounds over that past 6 weeks. The improvements have been so noticeable and you can tell the children are really taking pride in all that they are doing.


If you haven’t had chance please take a look at our photos from over the term, there are lots!!! Speak to your children, ask them what has been going on. Photos from the disco are on the P.T.F.A page.



As mentioned last week your child now has a new set of homework books which MUST be returned EVERY FRIDAY TO BE MARKED. Please ensure your child is answering ALL work in their books and NOT ON THE SHEETS.

The spellings are fine to do on the sheet but the Maths, Writing and SPAG must be done in their books please.

They are only to complete 1 set of Maths questions per week, this will rotate each week.





Have a great half-term, we cannot wait to hear all about it!


Team Y5 xxx


How are we at the end of week 6 already?? One more week to go and everyone can relax for a bit smiley


It has been another brilliant week all round. So many awards given out, especially Golden Texts!!! It’s a wonder Ms. Ainsworth-Brown has any awards left, seems like they have all gone to Y5. laugh The children definitely deserve a treat this weekend, they have been working their socks off.


If you haven’t had chance yet please look at all the photos that have been uploaded. Speak to your children, ask them about what has been happening.


You will notice your child has come home with new homework books. Please ensure they bring these back in no later than a Friday morning please. They will be getting marked as a whole class, first thing!


Keep up the hard work everyone!


Have a great weekend!!

Y5 team x


Another brilliant week in Year 5! Lots of awards, house points, name in lights and stars in jars given out.


Thank you to one and all who have given food in for the Harvest assembly! We were very blessed with the amount of donations that came in. Thank You!!!


Please take a look above at photos of the children and some of the activities that have taken place this week.


Have a great weekend!

Y5 team x



Week 4 is done and dusted, cannot believe we are already half way through our first term back, it has flown over!

What a week this week has been too! The children have been really lucky to have lots of wonderful visitors come in and talk to them about what has inspired them to be in the job role that they are in.

They have had the chance to speak to a junior doctor and a nurse, dancers, a vicar, a mental health nurse (lecturer), software programmer and a HR consultant. As well as daily talks from all the teachers each morning in assembly.

It has been really enjoyable; all the children had the opportunity to engage and talk with all the visitors if they wanted too. We hope lots of children have been inspired and possibly have an idea of what they may want to be when they grow up.

This has all led in nicely to their work they will be focussing on for their inspirational person that they are looking at in class. For Y5 they are looking into the life our Emmeline Pankhurst. Apart from this they have also been standing in front of the class and telling us all about their chosen person of interest, from Liverpool, as part of their Oracy work.


Not only have the children been having lots of visitors and working super hard as always, but there has been lots of awards given out too; name in lights, stars in the jars, house points, gold stars on their star cards, ROAR has a new home for the weekend, a new secret student and then our very first BOOK WORM READING AWARD CUP has been award this week too! Well done to everyone!!


We have our Harvest assembly to look forward too next week. Please check your child’s bag for any letters that have come home.


Have another lovely weekend!


Y5 team!!


We apologise that the wrong Maths homework was sent home last week (it was the same as the previous week, sorry).

We have corrected this and given it to the children ðŸ˜Š

Aspirations and Inspirations homework due Wednesday 28th September


Week 3 is completed and what a week it has been. Lots of awards have been given out, loads of names in lights, secret student, ROAR, house points, gold stars, stars in jars and it was even our cup this week! Well done to all the winners, feels like it has been the whole class laugh

We cannot wait to see what next week brings.


Have a lovely weekend

Y5 team


2nd week over and what a fantastic week we have had in class! The children have worked so hard, really showing off their Writing and Math's skills all week.

Any additional learning your child can do at home to help them progress with their learning on the topics, would be really beneficial.

They can do this by visiting the library, online research or using the apps on the school website. If you find your child is struggling to access any of them please let us know immediately so we can sort out their logins.


On Tuesday we had the ‘Back to School’ church service at St Thomas’ and the children behaved really well on both journeys as well as during the service. Some of them had beautiful voices while singing… possibly some budding singers in the making. laugh


They have been working really hard in their P.E. lesson too, especially in gymnastics on Friday. Please take a look at the photos and ask your child what they were doing during the lesson.


Before our Cups assembly on Friday, the whole school attended a Judo assembly with instructor Anne, who has been coming to our school to teach Judo for many years, please keep an eye out for letters coming home soon. It will be on a first come first served basis for KS2 first. So, if your child is interested you will need to return the letter back to the office/ class as soon as possible.


We have also had our first award for ROAR the resilience lion go out today. Please talk to you child about this. heart


Thank you to those parents who attended the ‘meet the teacher’ meetings on Thursday, if you have got any questions please drop us an email, to the class email. smiley


We hope you have a wonderful weekend, please remember school is closed on Monday 19th September for Queen Elizabeth II funeral.

Normal start time on Tuesday 20th September.


Y5 team. heart

Just like that our first week back to school is completed!!


The children have come into school every day with such a skip in their step and the biggest smiles on their faces. We know the first week is always a tough one, getting back into the routine, not just in school but at home as well, and they have done it brilliantly! There's always lots of changes to deal with especially when moving to a new class, but they have also moved up to a new key stage and this can always be a little daunting. We want to reassure them that they have nothing to worry about, Year 5 is a great year to be in and they have got lots of guidance from the wonderful staff.


We all look forward to what this new term will bring. See you all this week for the meet the teacher meetings yes


Y5 team

We cannot believe it! One week and one day into the new term and we are already giving out lots of fabulous reading awards! Keep it up guys!!! heartyeslaugh
