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Melling Primary School

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!


Each week we will be posting information about what we have been learning in Y5 as well as pictures showing our learning in action! If you have any ideas about what you would like to see on our Class Page let Mrs Miller know!

Year 5 Termly Newsletter to parents

Week 12

Y5 had fun - and learned a great deal about space too - when they visited the cosmodome yesterday.

Week 9

On Friday we had a special visitor in class! Senora Coca from Villa Romana school in Leon, Spain is visiting for 2 weeks and is spending time in each class. Our class learned how to ask a variety of questions in Spanish, thus learning a great deal about life in a Spanish home and school.

Week 8

Our Stone Age topic in History has really taken off! This week, in Design Technology, we have designed, made and evaluated Stone Age homes. Great fun and super team work. Jack, Jake and Jack C. were voted winners by Ms. Ainsworth Brown, as their design even had a boulder to stop Woolly Mammoths from getting in!

Today, we have made stewed fruit, similar to what the hunter-gatherers would have eaten. It got the thumbs-up from the majority of the class!

Week 7

Llandudno trip

After studying Llandudno all term, the day finally arrived when we visited the Victorian seaside town to carry out our field study...and of course have fun! The children's excellent manners and behaviour were commented on by many. We were so proud of Y5!

Environment Day

On Friday, Y5 and Y6 helped litter pick in Rainbow Park. We met up with Will, the Community Park Officer. The children all worked hard, however special mention must be made of Rosa and Jack-master litterpickers!

Week 5

Walk to School Week

What a fantastic commitment to walking to school Y5 have shown! Today was MAD WABBIT DAY and children who walked in received a badge. So well deserved in the rain!!

On Friday, Mrs Hargreaves hosted a history quiz. Everyone had a brilliant time. Well done to our class team: Jackson, Hannah, Sara  and Grant. They did us proud! Molyneux team won the competition but all teams performed magnificently.

In Y5 we are enjoying reading the newspaper-official! We have, since the popularity of our Melling General Election, invested in weekly newspapers for the children. Great training for our adults of the future!

Week 3

Fair Trade


Today we had a special assembly about Fair Trade, led by Mrs. Susie Wallace of Maghull High School. After the assembly, Y5 had a morning of activities to provide them with a greater awareness of the importance of buying Fair Trade products. Informative and fun!


General Election 2015

Huge congratulations to Kris on being elected Prime Minister of Melling! He could be seen canvassing on the playground before the election, offering free water to the public! Congratulations also to Hannah, Abbi and Kadie who did us proud too.

Magistrate's Visit to Y5

This afternoon, alocal magistrate, Mr. H. Anderson, came in to speak to the children about the judicial system. The children were very excited when the classroom was set up as a courtroom! They were given a scenario to act out and each child had a particular role to play. A fascinating insight into what really goes on in court!

Week 2

We hired a box from parliament in the build -up to the election so that we could see and handle the mace and other objects used in parliament.

We held a debate: Should school uniform be abolished?

Some budding politicians of the future here!!

Summer Term

Week 1

Y5 have been learning about William Morris and have completed some fabulous art work which has been displayed in class. Here are just a few examples.

Congratulations to our 2 sports personalities for Spring 2015, Amira and Jordan. We are very proud of them.

Week 12

Congratulations to Y5 geography team who were victorious in the end of  term junior geography quiz! Johnny, Grant, Kris, Jack and Aimee were a tough act to beat! We intend to repeat this quiz at the end of the summer term. Well done! Thank you to Grant and Johnny who came up with the idea as they are keen geographers.




Week 11

In maths we have been learning how to calculate area, so what better way than to solve real life problems! Here they are measuring up...

Week 10

The courtesy cup was awarded to Rosa. Well done Rosa, we are all proud of you!

Week 9

Red NoseDay

Y5 had super fun - and raised a lot of money for Comic Relief at the same time. Spot the silly faces and hairstyles! Thank you for all your support

Y5 took part in an exciting geography quiz between the junior classes. Jack D, Aimee, Amira, Jack C, Grant and Jackson impressed us all with their excellent knowledge!

Week 8

Today we have been celebrating  WORLD BOOK DAY! The children looked fantastic in their costumes. Very creative! We have been focusing on stories from other cultures. Y5 have read "Grandpa Chatterji," by Jamila Gavin, which has been a fascinating insight into the Indian culture.

Week 7


Victorian Day


What a fantastic end to the week for Y5! To support our Victorian topic in history, we invited historian, Darren Birchall, into class to bring the topic to life! The children spent their day handling artefacts such as cameras, typewriters, carpet beaters, gramophones...the list is endless. They were dressed in Victorian costume for a photograph session to experience how difficult it was in those days to stay still for a long time while the photo was being taken. Some found this VERY hard!! At the end of the day, they took part in a quiz which generated great excitement!


Week 6


Internet Safety Day 2015

Yesterday in Melling we celebrated Internet Safety Day with a full range of activities designed to make our children aware of how to keep safe online. They made a recipe for a safer internet and also each child made a pledge to follow the rules for keeping safe. Informative but fun. They presented their research in a whole school assembly at the end of the day.

Week 5


Victorian Assembly

What a fabulous afternoon Y5 had on Thursday! They really enjoyed taking part in their class assembly and sharing our Victorian topic with you. I'm sure you will agree, they did us proud by learning their lines so well and singing with gusto! Can I take this opportunity to thank you so much for going to so much trouble with their costumes-they were brilliant! The turnout was excellent-so much so that several extra pots of tea were hastily made to offer our visitors at the afternoon tea which followed! Special thanks to Mrs Edgar, Mrs Battersby, Mrs Campbell, Mrs O'Brien (school governor), Kath (scout leader), Mrs Whittle and Mrs Cliffe for all their hard work. What a team! The scones were delicious! Why not bake some more at home...



Spring term 2015 week 2



Y5 are settling down well to the spring term and back into routine. Please read our class newsletter below for updates on curriculum, homework and dates for your diary.


Y5 class assembly Thursday January 29th at 1:45pm

The children are busy practising for their class assembly-a great opportunity for them to share with you what they learned about the Victorians last term. Please rehearse their lines and sort out their costumes well in advance! Costumes are simple! Beg, borrow and look through your wardrobe!


After the assembly, you are cordially invited into Y5's classroom where you will be served a Victorian afternoon tea prepared by your child! It would be lovely to have a visitor for all of the children.



Spring newsletter 2015

Week 16

A sneak preview...Y5 are busily making their Christmas cards. Shhh!

Week 15

Wear your Christmas Jumper Day

Well done to Y5 for brightening up the classroom with a fine selection of Christmas jumpers. Asda has now officially sold out as a result! Our school raised over £200 for the Ebola appeal. We are very proud. Thank you for your support.

Week 14

The sewing club proudly present their Christmas cushions!! Well done!


Y5 have been learning map reading skills and how to locate places using 4 figure grid references. Well done Jack C, Hannah P and Aimee who advanced to 6 figure grid references. Impressive!

Week 12

Be the best you can!


This week our school have been focusing on being the best we can. Y5 were given the title "Be Safe", so we have been learning about internet safety and cycle safety. Today, we presented an assembly on this theme with Y6. Important lessons here. Ask your child to tell you more.

This week, we've been focusing on "Be the best you can." Y5 have looked at "Be safe," in lessons and presented an assembly about cycling and internet safety. Important lessons. Please ask your child for more information.


It was good to meet with mums and dads this week. Thankfully, there were no serious delays and appointments seemed to run smoothly. I would like to thank you for your support in discussing targets with your child. Mrs Edgar and I were suitably impressed when we asked the children what their targets were. Most were very confident and knew how they could achieve them. Please keep up the good work and encourage them to remain focused on improving.


Swimming Lessons

 Y5 began swimming lessons today and will continue for the rest of this term. Please ensure your child has a swimming cap and goggles if they need them. Thanks. The instructor was most impressed at the progress made by many since she taught them last year. Particular mention must go to Amira who swam like a dolphin! Well done.



Week 10: CHET at last!!


Greetings from (not so sunny!) CHET! Lots of fun, games, laughter and good times! The staff are still looking good! A few photos to keep you going until your little darlings return to you promptly at 2pm Sunday! Enjoy your freedom a little longer!





The workhouse!


You thought your child was going to CHET...well it's a hard life! Cleaning, brushing, scrubbing..

Here we are again!


An action packed day at CHET: the confidence course, archery, orienteering, the swamp (!) and maze. Phew!




Has Melling got talent? YES!!


Still image for this video

Week 8

Half term is here! The children have had a very busy and strenuous week-testing week! Parents evenings are diaried now for the second week back when we will discuss how your child has settled in and whether they are on track in the core subjects. Please remember to send back your reply slip. First come, first served! I look forward to meeting with you!

Self portraits-guess who?!

Sewing Club

Year 5 love Sewing Club with Reverend Sue. The group are busy with their needlework but always make time for a chat and catch up! Thank you Sue!


Final arrangements for our weekend at CHET will be sent on return to school. This week, we asked the class to write down the names of two friends they would like to share a room with. We will ensure that they have one of their chosen buddies! We find, however, that new friends are made on the residential visit and we do encourage them to branch out a little! We are busy rehearsing our Victorian dramas which will be performed on Saturday evening, followed by Melling's Got Talent! This is being organised by Kadie as we speak!

Week 7


What a great week of learning! We began with a fascinating workshop all about the Leeds - Liverpool canal. We found out about how and why the canal was built and how it changed our local area. We had a hands-on demonstration and re-created the canal using a giant sand box! Can you remember what puddling is? Don't forget we will be looking at our class blog this week   so bring in your signed permission slips so that your blogs can go live!



Canal Workshop


As a follow on from our recent trip to the Walker Art gallery to study portraits, we decided to have a go in class! Some budding Rembrandts definitely! Watch this space next week!




Huge congratulations to our Apter Cup winner this week...Jordan!smiley

Intra School Netball

A fantastic afternoon on Friday! Mr Millington organised a netball tournament between house teams. All of the children did their best, but more importantly, had great fun. It was good to see some of our mums spectating! Mr Millington hopes to arrange such intra school competitions every half term. A huge thank you to him.

Week 5


Another exciting week in Y5! At the beginning of the week the children continued with our Space topic. The children learnt the names of the planets and thought of ways that would help them to remember their order in the solar system. Can you remember your nonsense poems? We also tried to recreate the solar system on our school field using children as the planets. The children used trundle wheels to measure out the scaled distance between the planets. We have some pictures of their measuring activities below! Don't forget your moon mapping sheets on Monday when we'll be looking at the different phases of the moon and how its appearance changes throughout the month.  


Solar System

Week 5

Fantastic Friday!

Congratulations this week to our two winners: Hannah Wilson and Hannah Pritchard. Well done, girls!



Once again Y5 have made me so proud! Today was the final day of cycle training and the going was tough! The children were out practising their turns and the instructors were very hard taskmasters indeed! However, by the end of the day, we were informed that all the class had passed and are now officially roadworthy. Particular mention went to Hannah W. and Hannah P. which earned them the Fantastic Friday award.

Week 4



The first training session took place on Friday...with a hiccup or two! The instructors asked me to send a reminder that bikes must be roadworthy which means that brakes must be working and seats altered to fit your child. They wasted half an hour's cycling time sorting out the bikes which was a shame. However, after the initial problems, the children had a fantastic day learning how to cycle safely, do a U turn and indicate left/ right. There were a few wobbles but I was very proud of them all! Particular mention must go to Rachel, Hope and Jack D who really persevered and, with the rest of the class, passed levels one and two of their cycling proficiency. Well done, Year 5!


Next week, they will practise their skills on the road under the careful supervision of the instructors and hopefully complete levels three and four.

Year 5 go vocal!!

We love singing in Y5! It's official. As part of our music curriculum, performance is high priority. This term, we are focusing on rock and are busy rehearsing "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey. We hope to perform for the parents in December. Back to rehearsals then...

Hot seating

In literacy, we have been making cross-curricular links with our history topic-the Victorians. Our class novel, Street Child by Berlie Doherty,  is proving very popular with the children. It tells the story of a street child, Jim Jarvis, who inspired Dr Barnardo to set up homes for such orphans.


Drama is a fantastic means of allowing the children to understand how characters feel, so we prepared questions to fire at the main characters from the novel. Children were quick to volunteer to become these characters and answer in role. The results were fantastic. I am sure we will be seeing Shaun/ Jackson/ Jess on the stage at the Empire Theatre in the near future. Watch this space!


If your child is taking part in training, there are two sessions:

 Friday 26th September and Friday 3rd October. Your child will need a roadworthy bike (brakes must be checked and working) and a cycling helmet. Sensible clothes are to be worn (joggers, sweatshirt and trainers) and, as they will be outside for most of the day, a coat/ mac suitable for the weather. Could you also send a snack as they may not have break at the same time as the rest of the juniors.



Settling in!


Year 5 have settled down beautifully and now know their routines. (fingers crossed!) I have made a slight change to homework arrangements: on Friday a piece of literacy, maths and spelling practice will be given out. This is to be handed in by the following Wednesday please. However, they may hand it in on Monday if they want to get organised. If all the children on their table hand homework in on Monday, they will win two team points! A good incentive!
