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Melling Primary School

Year 6

Song 1 Greece went to Pieces

Peta Potter

The Peloponnesian War

Theseus and the Minotaur

The Philosophers Song

The Oracle at Delphi

Reach for the Heights


Dancing Round the Mountain

What a fantastic start Y6 have made!  Mrs Whittle, Mr Millington and myself are delighted with how the children have approached their final year.Thank you for helping them get into a routine so quickly and approaching homework with a positive attitude. The "Meet the Teacher" meeting will give you lots of important information to help your child have a successful and happy final year. I look forward to seeing you on Monday 17th September at either 3.15 pm or 4.15pm smiley


Year 6 have been learning about how to stay safe using the Internet on all the different devices they use: mobile phones, laptops, game consoles, I pads and computers. We have discussed how the internet can be both a brilliant tool to have fun, communicate, research, shop and lots more but they have also learnt that it can also be dangerous and damaging if not used responsibly. Each child has contributed to our Parent Powerpoint to show you what we have discussed this week. Please have a read and send in your pledgessmileyno

Internet Safety Week

Autumn Newsletter

Welcome meeting powerpoint

Bully Busters

Researching WW2
