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Melling Primary School

Year 6

Hi Year 6,


I would like to add my thanks for the very generous gift which you gave me on Tuesday. I am humbled and very grateful. It won't surprise you to know that I will definitely be using it to buy some sports equipment !

It was fantastic to see you all again on Tuesday. Under normal circumstances, you would have had a very successful last term in Year 6. I have no doubt you would have all achieved excellent scores in your SATS, reflecting the work and progress that you have made. Regardless of this, Mrs. Toborne has made sure that you have all the important skills in place ready to start High School in September.

It has been a pleasure and a privilege to teach you as a class over the years. You were the class that everyone really looked forward to teaching, due to your effort, desire to learn and sense of fun, whether that was in PE lessons, maths or even geography! So many of you have been part of our successful sports teams also. 

Wishing you and your families a lovely summer and all best wishes for when you start High School in September. Look forward to you coming back to see us when it is safe to do so next year.


Many thanks again,

Mr. Millington

Just wanted to say a huge thank you to every one of you for making today such a fun one. Every member of staff have said how much they have enjoyed spending time with you today. It will definitely be one for my memory book. It was great to have you all back together again as the fantastic class you are. I hope you all have a lovely summer break. As you begin to think ahead to starting high school please remember the message Ms Ainsworth Brown sent to you - " You are a very special group of children who have grown up to be the unique individuals you are. You have all learnt so much in the last 7 years. Whatever path you follow remember our school motto "Be The Best That You Can Be!"

From myself, remember the first day when I asked you all to write down all the rules of Year 6 and you spent about 20 minutes writing a long list only to be told to rip it up and write down just 2 rules - Be Kind and Work Hard. Kindness is magic - you give it away and you get back more. Work hard and you will be rewarded with a sense of achievement. Year 6 enjoy all those fun times and work through the challenging ones. Put on those glasses and say to yourself " My Future's So Bright I'm gonna need to wear these shades!"

Thank you for my gift from you all - overwhelmed again and will put it towards my garden chair!

Melling will always have an open door for you and we look forward to seeing you in your high school blazers when it is safe for you to visit.

The photos from today will be put onto the class page asap so keep checking. Wishing you all lots of happiness and success in your new schools xxxx

Y6 Special Day

Good morning Year 6 smiley Here are the arrangements for Tuesday 21st July. The day begins at 9am (line up along the fence 2 metres apart)  You will have your own table in the hall. You will need to wear clothes you can do sports activities in as we shall spend some of the morning outside. Please bring in your own plate of party food, drinks and one of your school shirts. The day will end at 3pm.  The day will be filled with fun and memories. The teachers can't wait to see you! 

Hi Year 6,


Here are the answers to last week's Basic Skills sheet. I hope that a lot of you have been able to keep going on these sheets during the last few months. I look forward to seeing most of you on Tuesday for your final special day.


Mr. Millington

Answers to Basic Skills for week beginning 13th July

Hi Year 6,

Here are your Basic Skills answers and new sheet for next week. We've been working on these Stage 7 tests in the group I am working with in school and I have been told how well some of you are doing on them at home. I've been really impressed with the way you have been able to learn some of the new concepts needed to do Stage 7. Well done to all of you who are having a good attempt at them.

Mr. Millington

Answers to Basic Skills for week beginning 6th July

Basic Skills for week beginning 13th July

Here is your last week of timetabled work !! Remember you can access this site through your summer holiday to keep your brain ticking over! The transition units can be carried on during the holidays as they will help you prepare for high school. Please could you ask your parents to bring your school reading book with them when they collect your report next week. See you very soon smiley xxx

Hi Year 6,

Here are your answers to last week's Basic Skills questions and the sheet for next week. Keep working hard at these challenging questions. It will be great to see as many of you as possible on the last day of term. Mrs. Toborne has asked me to try and arrange a few socially distanced sports activities for you to do on the day (weather permitting of course !)

Take care,

Mr. Millington  

Answers to Basic Skills for week beginning 29th June

Basic Skills for week beginning 6th July

Good morning Year 6, I hope you have enjoyed the work this week. In class we all enjoyed learning about Ghandi and some were interested in watching the film. We have checked the age rating and it is a PG but I do warn you that it is over 3 hours long! If you completed the work about designing your creature, I look forward to hearing about it! The work over the next few weeks will be mainly revision of what you have learnt this year. Remember - if you struggle to access the timetabled work, there are lots of alternatives on the class page under the Home Learning Tasks and Transition Activities. If you have read the letter on the website, you will know that school has invited Year 6 pupils to come into school:

On Tuesday 21st July we will be inviting all of the Y6 children into school to have a special, socially distant final farewell day. We are making a few plans to ensure that the Year 6 children can enjoy a final memorable day at Melling before we wave them off to their new high schools. It is incredibly sad that they haven’t been able to be together for their final term but this day will be a great opportunity to share their wonderful memories of Melling School and spend time with the teachers.

The decision on whether you come in on that day is for your parents and carers. It will be lovely to see you but if you are unable to attend, I will make sure I get to speak to you and have a catch up before the summer holidays.  Congratulations to all the Liverpool fans in our class on winning the League ! (won't mention the game last night) Have a good week everybody xxxx



Hello Year 6,


Here are the answers and explanations for last week's Stage 7 test. If you are able to answer and understand some of these questions, it will really help you with your maths when you go into Year 7. There are quite a lot of questions with algebra in them where letters are used along with numbers. One key point to remember is that when a letter is next to a number like 2x or 3y, it means 2 multiplied by x and 3 multiplied by y. You don't normally use a multiplication sign in algebra work. Also on last week's sheet, it said to use Pi =3 for the questions about circles. I'm sure you found this easier than the 3.14 we had used previously ! 

Keep working hard and stay safe,

Mr. Millington

PS. Congratulations to all Liverpool fans on winning the league. To Everton fans and those of us who support other teams, there's always next season to look forward to !

Answers to Basic Skills for week beginning 22nd June

Basic Skills for week beginning 29th June

Hi Year 6. What fabulous weather we have had this week  - almost too hot! It was great to see a few of you back this week and although it will now be after the summer break,  I am looking forward to a time when we can all come together as a group. I hope you are all continuing with your home learning as it is essential to keep learning and progressing- remember if you don't use it you lose it! The children in class really enjoyed the story of Beowulf especially the gruesome Grendel and his mother! This week we will focus on Ghandi who famously fought for equal rights for all - a relevant issue, even today. You have 2 more science lessons to finish our topics for the year and then we will focus on revising what we have done so far. I am going to include some transition lessons each week which, although not on the timetable, would be good for you to look at with an adult or older sibling. Well done to all of your hard work so far - keep it going! xxxx

Hi Year 6,


Here are the answers to last week's Basic Skills along with the new sheet which is now Stage 7 ! I am sure that you will be able to answer most of them if you have been working on Stage 6/7 questions over the last few weeks. If you have only been doing Stage 6 and you find the stage 7 questions too big a jump, then you could try some of the Stage 6/7 sheets that are already on here.


I know some of you will be back in school tomorrow and look forward to seeing you. As Mrs Toborne mentions, it will be great if we can all meet again sometime, so we can have a proper celebration of your time in Melling Primary.


Take care,

Mr. Millington

Basic Skills for week beginning 22nd June

Answers to Basic Skills for week beginning 15th June

Good Morning Year 6 ! I hope you are staying positive as the weeks go on. The weather hasn't been too good this week but still try ang get some physical exercise as it is so good for you mentally and physically. Watching our keyworker group, and Mr Cleaver attempting to do jumping jacks in unison sitting on a chair has been the highlight of my week! I am so looking forward to seeing some of you on Monday. You will be feeling a bit nervous after being away for so long but please do not worry. You will be able to do the work I have planned and the classroom has been designed to keep you safe. I will meet you on the gate in the morning and Mrs Whittle will greet you in the classroom. I will deliver all your lessons and will be with you for the whole day. For those of you who are not returning to school, carry on with your studies at home. The class will be following the same timetable which is on the class page. Try to organise yourself and work independently as much as you can'  as this will help prepare you for high school and help your parents and carers. There is a session delivered by our health community nurse (timetabled for Monday) It is important you watch this and discuss it with an adult. I will be in contact with you over the next couple of weeks and look forward to a chatsmiley Your high schools should now be sending you information about your move to their school - this might make you feel a bit anxious but remember these are exciting times for you as you prepare to start the next stage of your education. It was sad news yesterday on hearing of the passing of Dame Vera Lynn. Taking her most famous song lyrics - Year 6;  we'll meet again at some point to celebrate your time in Melling Primary.heart x


Hello Y6, here are the Basic Skills answers and next week's sheets for you. This is the last Stage 6 check, so from next week, there will be a Stage 6/7 and a Stage 7 sheet ! I'm sure you will be still be able to answer a good amount of the questions.

Take care and stay safe,

Mr. Millington 

Basic Skills for week beginning 15th June

Answers to Basic skills for week beginning 8th June

Good morning Year 6. I hope you all enjoyed reading the story of "Weslandia" this week and how Wesley made his own world in his back garden. Your English this week continues with this book and your challenge is to use your amazing imagination to plan and write a story about your own world in your garden -just like Wesley. Science continues with keeping healthy both physically and mentally. I admit to eating too much chocolate but have been trying to keep fit with regular bike rides and walks. In school, we have found some great workouts on youtube - even one sitting on a chair so that we can keep our 2 metre distance! There has been lots on the news this week about the "Black Lives Matter" demonstrations and is something you need to learn about. We have already discussed Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks as well as how Jewish people were treated in WW2. The First News newspaper has front page articles on this weeks events and it would be good if you discussed these with your families. There is time this week for you to make some choices on your work. There are lots of activities to choose from on the class page and if you choose to begin your own research on Ancient Greece, it could be an opportunity to practise your art/craft skills or even plan an activity for your family!

Keep smiling you lovely lot smiley xxxxxxx

Tuesday - No new resources are needed today. Look back at the previous week for science.

First News newspaper

Sorry Year 6 - I forgot to put on the weekly timetablefrown Here it is ...

Good afternoon Y6 , I hope you and your families are all well and continuing to keep safe. it is very hard not being able to play with your friends but it is important you keep your distance for yours and others safety. The school is set for children to begin a return to school based learning but remember that everything  I put on our class page will be taught in school too. I hope you are able to access the material, but if you are struggling there is a wealth of online material linked to the topics on the weekly timetable. Our new book is Weslandia by Paul Fieschman and was a favourite last year. If you type it into youtube, there are a variety of video clips of the book being read with the illustrations from the actual book - I think you will enjoy it smiley Your new science topics are about choosing a healthy lifestyle and making the right choices- it would be useful to talk to a parent or carer about these topics. It is important to keep up with your times table practice and reading. Some of you may have finished your reading book. The First  News newspaper is a brilliant read and also educates you about what is happening in our world. Take care everyone xxx

Your world in the last 7 years:

In Y6 (during a trip) everyone surrounded ? to try his nachos 

Y4 - going to Chester Zoo (let's hope it gets the help to stay open)

Y4 - Isobel would get so mad if she didn't get the most sharpened pencil!

YR - signing in and running to the carpet to get on the couch first 

YR - Mia managed to glue buttons onto her hands

Y1 - Arguing over fancy dress clothes



Hello Y6,

Here are the Basic Skills sheets for this week and answers for the previous sheets. I hope your scores are improving each week !

Stay safe and keep being the best you can be,

Mr. Millington

Basic Skills for week beginning 8th June

First News

Answers to Basic Skills for week beginning 1st June

Morning Year 6, just a quick message to say that I hope you are all able to access the home learning I have put on. If you don't have PPT then just google the topic or use BBC bitesize as you will then be able to find the information you need. Alternatively, there are daily English lessons and Topic lessons on BBC bitesize every day. It is more beneficial to complete the work I have set (as it is the Y6 curriculum we haven't covered) but if you are struggling to access it then use this resource. Keep smiling- you lovely lot xxx 

Hi Year 6,


Here are the basic skills answers for the last tests that were put online before half term, along with new sheets to start next week. As Mrs.Toborne has mentioned previously, we are trying to get everything in place for some of you to return to school in a couple of weeks. What a long time it has been for everyone ! Keep working hard and stay safe.

Mr. Millington

Basic Skills sheets for week beginning 1st June

Answers to Basic Skills for week beginning 18th May

Hi Year 6, I hope you are enjoying your half term break. I am putting your work on for next week when school officially begins again. We are continuing with Greek based English but then moving onto a scene setting of a haunted house. We would normally look at the Monster House film so if you can watch it you may find some inspiration! Again, there is lots in the news about returning to school but that is for your parents, carers and school to organise. Please continue to keep up with your home learning as the topics covered are the rest of the curriculum we needed to cover. It is also important you continue with your hobbies- dance in the garden; practise penalty shots; bake some cakes; talk with a friend on the phone; watch a film! I have really enjoyed reading your memories so here are some more- 

Y2- Do you remember your trip to Knowsley Safari Park.

Y6- Finding out about the disappearance of the three lighthouse keepers of Eileen Mor.

Y1- Jayden was the first person to win Barnaby Bear for the weekend!

Hi Year 6! I hope you have had a go at the work I set you this week and have enjoyed learning about King Midas. I am looking forward to reading your stories! If you enjoyed learning about the unusual creatures in our world, check out Deadly 60 on CBBC. As it is officially half term holiday next week, I am not setting you any compulsory Year 6 work but have included the Home Learning Pack with some ideas for you to do if you want to keep busy. One thing I would like you to do is to think about emojis! 

If you were an emoji, what emoji would you be and why? Try and link it to something that has happened in school over the last 7 years. Draw your emoji and write a few sentences about why you have chosen to be it. I will be in touch next week to find out which emoji you are!

Morning Year 6, just a quick catch up to say that I have been talking to the Heads of Year 7 regarding your transition into high school. I have filled in the forms and had lots of conversations about what a brilliant, hardworking class you are and how lucky they are to have you! A message from  Deyes High -  their transition information packs are being sent out to you. Here are a few more memories for you to reminisce about! - find the meaning of reminisce if you don't know itcheeky

Y6: Going to Western Approaches to find out about WW2 - dressing up in the street, figuring out the message using morse code and using the telephones in the map room.

Y6: Reaching the semi-final without conceding a goal in the football tournament!

Y5: A wasp came into Lexi's room in Glaramara - Oh the screams!!

Y3: Molly leftsad Lucy H and Evie made a chocolate tower! ( I'm jealous  angry)

YR: Every Friday Mason and Khalel would have mohawks









+Hello Year 6, hope you have had a good week and have enjoyed some of the work I set for you this week. The  teachers are putting plans in place for the return of some year groups but that is not for you to worry about. Please just focus on keeping safe (by continuing to social distance) and keep going with the work myself and Mr Millington are setting you. I have set work for next week but the week after is officially half term so have a holiday at home and have a week off smiley Whether you return to school or not, the work I will set will be in the same format and will be the same for both home and school. The work is based on all the topics we needed to complete. Keep smiling and remember your sun cream next week- it is going to be sunnycool xxx

22 - Song - The Future's Gonna Rock.mp3


Good afternoon Y6. Here are your Basic Skills answer sheets and new sheets for next week. I hope you are managing to complete them along with the work that Mrs. Toborne is setting you.

As you will have heard, it is looking like there is a possibility that school will be re-opening soon for some classes including Y6. We are working hard to try and make it as safe as possible for everybody if this is to happen. In the meantime, keep working hard and being the best that you can be. 


Mr. Millington

Answers to Basic Skills for week beginning 11th May

New Basic Skills sheets for week beginning 18th May

WEEK 8   WB 11th May 

Hello Year 6; well even though you didn't actually get to take the Sat tests, I just wanted to

say once again  how proud you should be of all the work you have done leading up to them. It is a pity you were not able to show off your knowledge and skills but remember everything you have completed so far is preparing you for your high school. With this in mind, I have worked out which parts of the curriculum still needs to be learnt so that you are fully prepared for your new schools. If you haven't finished your booklets, try and complete them. Below is the timetable for next week. Please follow the daily maths lesson on BBCbitesize. It is a great resource and you can challenge yourself by clicking onto Y7 work. I will give you specific history lessons on our new topic of Ancient Greece but if prefer to research the topic yourself and produce your own project that is fine by me. The final result could be a power point presentation, a written project or a mix of artwork, craft - whatever inspires you ! All you need is paper, pens and pencils! 


23 - Song - The Okey Dokey Emoji Karaoke (Reprise).mp3

Hello Y6,


Here are last week's basic skills answer sheets and new sheets for next week.


Keep working hard and stay safe !


Mr. Millington

Answers to Basic Skills for week beginning 4th May

Basic Skills sheets for week beginning 11th May

Hello Year 6, it is bank holiday Friday and VE day.Today we think about all those who were involved in WW2. Please take some time today to remember all that you learnt during our history topic and remember with gratitude the sacrifices people made for us xx Remember your Remembrance Assembly- you delivered it in such a thoughtful way it brought us to tears xx


Hello Year 6, hope you are all well and beavering your way through the home school packs. Next week I will set your home school learning online: all you will need is paper and pens! It will include the subjects that we would be learning in school so that you have all the knowledge you need for high school. Hopefully we will be back to school soon but until then keep positive; remember how great you are and look after each other in your house and your friends on social media xxx

New to our memory bank:

Y6: Marni doing a fantastic job by stepping in as dad in the WW2 play

Y1: Barney getting stuck in a Peppa Pig suit!

Y4: Your fabulous Egyptian play!

YR: The dinosaur area in Blackpool Zoo


Hi Year 6,


Here are the answers and working out for last week's two basic skills sheets, plus new sheets for this week. I hope a lot of you are having a go at the more challenging Stage 6/7 sheet, as there are questions on there that you can all do. Don't worry if you can't do all of them, I'm sure some grown-ups will be trying to remember how to do them also !

When we get back into school, we will be looking at all stage 7 questions to help prepare you for secondary school in September.


Take care and stay safe,

Mr. Millington

Answers and working out for week beginning 27th April

Basic Skills sheets for week beginning 4th May

First News Newspaper

Sunday evening, Week 6 and we are still in lockdown but staying safe is our main priority and I know my fabulous class of children (you) will be keeping all the people in your house positive. Remember all the steps for being the best that you can be and keep going with your school work and physical activities. Mrs Hargreaves has mentioned an Abba style workout so I think I may have to try that one! It seems a long time ago since I asked you the rules of Year 6 and you all wrote a long list of rules, only to be told I have 2 - be kind and work hard. Keep these in mind each day. There is a wealth of educational activities and websites at the moment but please stick with the folders for now as these are essential for your transition to high school. Anything you and your family are finding difficult, we can go through when you return to school. After this week, I shall set  work online for you to complete. 

Time for memories-

Y1: Emily drew a moustache on her face and it wouldn't come off !

Y6: Mrs Toborne lost her glasses and they were on Mrs Whittles head and Mrs Whittle couldn't find hers and they were on Mrs Toborne's head!

YR: Making mud pies with Mrs Scott and Mrs Hargreaves



Good afternoon Y6


I hope you have all had a good week and been able to enjoy the lovely weather.

Below you will find the answers to last week's Basic Skills. Rather than just give you the answers, I have written down ways to work out some of the questions. I hope this will help you on some of the harder questions if you found them difficult.

Having said that, I am sure you will have got some very good scores if you have worked hard !

I have also included the next two sheets for next week.


Take care and keep smiling,

Mr. Millington

Answers and working out for week beginning 20th April

Basic skills sheets for week beginning 27th April

Good afternoon Year 6.

I hope you and all your families are keeping fit and healthy and had an enjoyable Easter. (Barney, thank you so much for the enormous chocolate bar you gave me. I'm sorry but I couldnt resist saving it until Easter !)


I was a bit concerned that some of you will be missing your weekly basic skills maths sheetsurprise, so I am adding a couple of sheets for you to have a go at this week. There is a stage 6 sheet and a stage 6/7 sheet for you to have a go at. You dont need to do both, but you can of course if you wish. If you can't print them out, then you could just write the correct answers on a piece of paper. I will give you the answers for you to check next Sunday.


I'm really hoping that we wont have to do this for many more weeks before we can all get back to school. Take care, keep exercising and doing as much work as you can. It will help the time go much quicker.


Mr. Millington 

Hi Y6, some memories to have a read through -

Y6 - Playing cards with Mrs T.  Remember Play Your Cards Right? .

You could play this game at home with your family.

YR - The chicks hatching!

Y1 - Lucy H nearly got a bead stuck in her nose.

Y5 - The muddy swamp again- especially attempting to push Mr Cleaver in!

 Looking forward to making more memories Y6 - keep working hard and look after those in your house smiley

Basic Skills for w/b 20th April

Just wanted to say a BIG HAPPY EASTER to you and your families. Have a lovely weekend and remember to look out for the Easter Bunny on Sunday; you are never too old for a visit! As a thankyou to those in your family who have been looking after you and helping you with your work, why not make them an Easter card? There are lots of good ideas online, or even use your fabulous writing skills to write a thank you letter. It would be great if you could still make an Easter garden and take a photograph of it; we could then share them when we get back to school. 

Melling memories today are...

YR - When you all met your buddies for the first time (got to be one of the best so far)

Y5- The muddy swamp in Chet (always a favourite)

Y4- Singing our Spanish songs in class 


Good afternoon Year 6! Well, it is officially your Easter holidays now and I hope you are all well. Just  wanted to let you know I have finished marking your "Man On The Wire" writing and have really enjoyed reading every single one- they are all different and brilliant. You should all be proud of this piece of writing. Although, no written work has been set for the holidays, there are optional activities (WEEKLY LEARNING PROJECTS) on our class page of suggested things to do to keep your brain ticking over! For all you David Walliams fans, he has a daily reading session of his books and there are lots of celebrities offering learning opportunities - Carol Vorderman (Maths) Joe Wicks (PE) Myleene Klass (Music) Darcy Bussel (Dance) Ben Fogle (Geography) Dan Snow (History)

Now for more Melling Memories - 

Year 6 : When Mason threw his squishy on the ceiling and it stuck!

Year 4: When Isobel always wanted the sharpest pencil - I think that is because you always want your writing to beautifully neat yes

Year 2: Going to Gullivers World as a reward for being such a good class.


**Parents, please note that we are unable to offer printing or additional learning packs as there are not enough staff in school to be able to do so.  Thank you for understanding.**

Good afternoon Year 6 - hope you are all well and putting a smile on the faces of the people who live in your house smiley   Now on the second week and still keeping up with Joe Wicks - are you? yes Now for tales from memory lane -

Year 1- Khalel doing the ice bucket challenge.

Year 3- Mrs Miller getting stuck in the stock cupboard - who rescued her?

Year 6- Lucy T, Mia and Emily attempting the 3 people piggy back challenge- it failed!


The First News Newspaper is now sending it online for you to read. Why not choose an article and discuss it with a friend. You might even start up a daily debate on your WhatsApp group!


Hello Year 6! Well, a week has gone by already and I hope you have all been well and keeping up with Joe Wicks! Say hello to all your families from myself, Mrs Whittle and Mr Millingtonsmiley Here are a few more memories; do you remember these?

Y5- Mrs Allen's famous stories - can you share any?

Y2- When Molly first told everybody about Sassy Pants- spill the beans Molly!

Y3- When Mrs Miller got locked in the stock cupboard.

Good morning Y6 ! I hope your home learning is going well. Remember to include in your day things that make you smile. smiley It could be a craft activity; kicking a ball in the garden; reading a book; listening to music;  making cakes and,yes I said it, going on the play station! The weather is being very kind to us so make sure you get outside in your back garden and get some sun on your face!

Here are a few of your memories so far : 

YR- When Mrs Hargreaves introduced us to a real life dinosaur egg- yes admit it; you all thought it was real!

Y4- Having fun learning about the Egyptians and walking like one too!


Hi Y6, hope you have all had a good day today! Remember if you find a question difficult use our class motto "Have a Go." You can ask an adult for help but you can leave out a question if you are still stuck. The weather has been lovely and is looking good for tomorrow so try and get outside and get some fresh air, sunshine on your face( my happy place!) and some exercise. Keep making people around you smile smiley xxxx

Year 6 have continued to impress me with their hard working, calm attitude in the last few days. They really are a special group of children. We are very proud of them. smileyyes

Although Sat tests will not take place in May, it is vital the children complete the work set in their home learning packs to prepare for high school.


Writing Standards for Y6

SPAG Placemat

History Knowledge Maps

Science Knowledge Maps

Geography Knowledge Maps


Welcome to Y6's web page. The children have made a great start to their final year. 

Delivering to the Food Bank

Our Reading Champions

Leading a Remembrance Assembly

Welcome to Y6 Meeting PPT

Year 6 National Expectations
