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Melling Primary School

Year 6


Cullen Cup winner - Ivan S


The person winning the Cullen Cup today is actually a deserved winner of all three cups – which is extremely rare. This young adult’s presentation and standard of work in all of their books is absolutely remarkable – creating display-worthy pieces in every lesson. In addition to their high standards of presentation, this person has also made huge progress in his important Y6 year, ensuring he is going to high school as an expert in all areas – WOW!! There is something however, that is more important than presentation – and even more important than making great progress. This is being a great person. And what a young man this boy is: he has exceptional manners, is extremely popular with both staff and his peers – being selected by every member of staff from the trip for being an absoloute joy to be around and for the way he involved his peers and instructors in his fun.  Without giving it away, this young man could be described as the ultimate example of a modest person – although he seems to be incredible at absoloutly everything (including being a remarkable footballer) he never brags and is lovely to others.

Here are some photos of our trip to Derwent Hill. We all had such an amazing time.

The children were praised by all  staff at the centre for their fantastic manners and tidiness.

More photos to follow!


Another incredible day in the Lake District! The children have made us so proud today by pushing themselves to try so many new things and being so brave. We have also been complemented greatly - when in and around the town - on the manners of your children!


Although they are all exhausted after our day's sessions, we have a final night activity planned after a scrumptious roast dinner and chocolate dessert. 

Mr Cleaver





Good morning all,

I am happy to say that last night was the first time, as staff, that we have not had people awake/upset in the middle of the night (on the 1st night) - what a class!


Pictures are now being uploaded through a different method and should be with you shortly. 


The children are all having an amazing time.

Mr Cleaver

Hi all,


Apologies for the late update - the signal here is terrible! It has been a fantastic first day for all. All are safely tucked up in bed after an exhaustingly exciting day!!


From ghyll scrambling to mountain climbing, we have had (including the staff) an absoloutely amazing day!


Photos are uploading but have an estimated upload time of a couple of hours.







Apter cup winner - Max

This week's cup winner goes to someone who perfectly epitomises what the Apter Cup is all about! This young adult has such a determined and hard working approach to their school life. In their mathematics work, this person is an incredibly gifted problem solver - never admitting defeat to a seemingly impossible problem (no matter how hard it is)! In his writing work, he has gone from someone who needed to focus on being more accurate with the basics, to now displaying such skilful pieces - proving he is is a gifted writer too; what incredible progress you have shown over the two years. This person is also an extremely popular member of our class with all friendship groups, which displays what a lovely young man he is. In the two years since he has been in my class, I have not had to remind this boy once about behaviour, manners or how he treats others as he has such a mature and thoughtful personality. Without giving it away, this boy also demonstrates the qualities of an Apter Cup winner in the school football matches: a true leader from centre back who never gives up and puts everything into succeeding.


Well done Max!!

Derwent Hill Residential

Dear parents/carers

Please find below the information for our upcoming trip to Derwent Hill Outdoor Centre in Keswick. All the information you need is included in the letter. We have also attached a video of the activities your child will be participating in. We are not planning on having a virtual meeting with you all as the information is all included. If anyone has any questions or concerns or things staff need to know please come and see us individually.

Please can I stress the importance of NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES on the trip.


Mrs Hargreaves 

Derwent Hill

Y6 Cricket After School Club

Apter Cup winner - Olivia!

This week's Apter cup is going to someone who we are so proud of in Y6. This young lady personifies what the Apter Cup stands for: someone who never gives in and always tries their hardest; someone who always tackles every challenge with a 'can do not can't do attitude' and someone who is extremely resilient. You are shining this year Olivia - your improvements in every subject are incredible and you are such a joy to teach - well done!

Courteous Cup winner - Jaime-Leigh:

Well done to this week's winner on a fantastic start to Y6 - Jaime-Leigh. You have impressed us all so much this year. In particular, Mrs Whittle has praised you greatly for your manners, courteous approach and hard-working nature when working on corrections - always approaching your challenging work with a smile and a can-do attitude. You are such as great influence on our class and have such a positive personality - which is incredible!


Well done!

Cullen Cup winner - Isla

This week's Cullen Cup is going to Isla. Your start to Y6 has been incredible! Although your work was already neat and always presented to a high quality last year, this year it has been elevated even further; your presentation in all subjects is now immaculate. You could have been winning all three of our cups today Isla; your determined and 'have a go' attitude has really shone this year!


Well done Isla!

Courtesy Cup winner - well done Billy!

Our cup winner for this week is Billy. You have made such an incredible start to your life at Melling Billy! In such a short time, you have become such a confident member of our class - both your contribution and determined attitude are remarkable! Your great sense of humour and ability to laugh at yourself have already made you an incredibly popular member of our class.


Well done Billy!

Y6 Netball After School Club Thursdays

Hi Y6 parents,


Under the difficult circumstances we are all facing, I would like to say what an outstanding start all of your children have made to Y6. 


I have previously uploaded work onto this page for pupils who need to work from home. From next week, all work will be uploaded through Google Classrooms. Therefore, you will be able to take a photograph of the work completed (if it is to be done on paper) or simply post it (if it is an online document). All pupils have written their Google Classrooms log in their journals - if they have not, please just give me a call and I will give you it.


Thank you


Mr Cleaver

Our first cup winner!


Well done to Bobby who has been awarded Y6's first cup of the year - The Courtesy Cup. You have started Y6 exactly how you left Y5: with hard work, resilience and even stood out to Mrs Whittle for your courteous manner - we are very proud of you!

Well done Bobby!

Hi Guys,


If you are off for any reason, but are able to do work, please keep an eye on the school website as I will post some of the work we are doing in class so that you do not fall behind.


For maths, I have attached some of the fraction work that we have done this week.


For writing, we have continued to focus on our Newspaper Article on 'The Man Who Walked the Towers'. 


In science, we will continue looking at animal classifications. 


Please try to log in on Google Classrooms to add a comment and have a go at any challenges I have set so that I know you can access it. 




Mr Cleaver

Welcome back! 

Hi all - I can’t believe you are all starting Y6 tomorrow. It feels strange that I too will be starting Y6 with you tomorrow but I am so excited to do so and I know Mrs Whittle is looking forward to getting to know you all more.


I am delighted to have you all again after not having a full year together. After having the summer to prepare for Y6, and look at the work, I am so confident for all of you and know how amazing you will be! 

School start time for Y6 is 8:40. Your entrance to the school is the playgroup entrance (side door at the end of the car park). We will leave through the same door at home time (3pm).


Your PE lessons for the first term will be of a Friday afternoon. On this day, you will come to school dressed in your PE kit (tracksuit bottoms can be worn if it is too cold for shorts).


See you all tomorrow,

Mr Cleaver


