This week, we have been celebrating the Queen's Jubilee. With activities including music and dancing, sport, ceramic painting and art work. We have had so much fun!
Today in Y6, we have celebrated the work of Austrian painter and architect Hundertwasser by creating our own 3D houses.
Here are the clothing/items needed for our trip.
Today, we made another food bank delivery to Centre 63 Social Supermarket. Thank you for all your kind donations!
On Friday, we created Maya masks - following a theme of battle, death or event just like this fascinating civilisation did!
It is wonderful to now be having so many fun lessons after such hard work from all our revision weeks -WELL DONE!!!
Dr Diane Davies, a Maya archaeologist (the only one in the UK) visited our class with her Mayan artefacts, photos, videos and activities that she has gathered from her trips to Central America.
On Friday, we enjoyed a wonderful visit to Kingsley & Co Book Store. Throughout the day, we had the opportunity to work with the author Emma Standford and crack many challenges.
Wold Book Day
This morning, we had an incredible morning of engineering with Lego robotics. Pupils programmed their Lego - using algorithms - to create robot crocodiles and flying devices. Later in the afternoon, we investigated living fungi (yeast) and how it can release gas (once it had consumes sugar) to blow up a balloon.
A great start in Year 6!