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Melling Primary School

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!


Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your Mrs Toborne know!
Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites. Don't forget to look at the Webwatch page to find links to lots of brilliant websites with games to play!

Year six have had another fabulous day. All of the teachers are extremely proud of them. The weather is awful but it is not stopping us from having lots of fun! Todays activities have included orienteering in the woods, canoeing on Derwent Water, hill climbing and climbing and abseiling. Tonight we are finishing our game of human cluedo and showing our performances to the rest of the group. The food here is amazing. All children will expect cooked breakfasts every morning before school and a choice of three meals every evening!! NO PRESSURE!! We are looking forward to our last activities tomorrow morning before heading home to catch up on our sleep. See you tomorrow. x


















We have arrived safely at Glaramara. Journey was great. Made one toilet stop then back on the coach. Had lunch when we arrived in the beautiful grounds and afternoon activities have just started. All children very excited and looking forward to getting wet. Two groups are ghyll scrambling this afternoon and the third group is doing coracle building and archery. We will put photos of today's activities on the website later tonight.

For Sam and Connor's mum... Sam is fine. Big smiles. Will put photo on website later to show you so don' t worry. 



Reading and playing with our buddies!

Congratulations to Year 6 for approaching their Sat week with positivity! They certainly enjoyed the NO PEN DAY on Friday!

Below are some documents containing useful information regarding the Sat tests.

Here is the maths revision powerpoint from today (12th May) for those who want another go!

Maths Conversion/Divisibility Facts

Maths Revision Booklet

Sats Quiz

Our fantastic Melling Election !

Autumn Term Newsletter

Here is Y6, ready to  make the most of their last year in Melling Primary in their first week.

We have been finding out about the artist Paul Nash and have produced some great pictures and writing.

Year 6 were shocked to discover just how much food we waste in this country and shared some of these

food waste facts at our harvest assembly. We sounded great in our class rap too!

Year 6 enjoyed a fantastic trip to Tesco. We found out where different fruits and vegetables had been imported from and identified the country, continent and hemisphere. We visited the bakery and watched how different bread was made. The fishmonger, Mike gave us an informative talk on the different types of fish and some fish facts. The children all had a turn at being on the checkout and the morning finished with a fabulous, healthy food buffet. The children were a credit to Melling Primary and our Tesco Guide said she had thoroughly enjoyed the morning because the children had been so enthusiastic and well behaved. Thank you Year 6, we are very proud of you. 
We delivered all the food we collected in the Harvest Assembly to the food bank in Maghull. It will now be sorted and sent to the distribution centres to help those in need.
We had good fun making periscopes and then using them  to find our enemy above the desk tops!
Mr Millington organised a netball tournament between house teams on Friday afternoon. A great way to end the week. Thank you Sir!

Newsletter Spring Term

What wonderful costumes on our World Book Day !

Information about Year 6 Sat tests

We have completed our topic on World War One. Here are some of the exciting things we did!

Our Rememberance assembly
