On first glance she may seem quiet and timid but this young lady is absolutely unstoppable in her determination to progress in her learning. She has shown such a can do not can’t do attitude since the beginning of the year and she is a shining example to all. She is calm and ready to learn in every lesson and because she listens carefully she can answer questions really well. Her recall for spellings and times tables amazing and this has helped her make great strides in the standard of her work. She is always the best that she can be not just when working but in breaktimes too. This kind, caring young person is always looking after her friends. With her winning smiling and sense of fun she is a force of positivity and good wherever she goes! Well done you!
We are proud to announce that this young lady has received the Courtesy Cup this week. This pupil really lives up to the Melling Motto – Be the Best you can Be. It is such a pleasure to have her in the class each day. She is always smiling and positive and never fails to use her manners. Always studious and conscientious, she works hard in lessons and with her class mates, she is patient, kind and a lovely friend to all. Not only is she courteous in lessons but also the perfect sports woman - especially on the football field. There is no doubting that she’s competitive but she is able to be fair and level headed too. She behaves with maturity and respect - no wonder she is always asked to help staff with jobs! All this, combined with a great sense of humour and we have the perfect ingredients for Courtesy Cup Winner. Well done!
This boy has come on in leaps and bounds since September and was a unanimous vote for this week's Cullen Cup. We have noticed such an improvement in his work, he always takes great care when doing his writing and his maths. It is clear that presentation is important to him and this helped him achieve full marks in his assessment this week. Not only that, but his thoroughness in his non-chronological report made it a pleasure to read this week. He has taken time to use rich and varied vocabulary and put a great emphasis on flicking back to his Y4 standards to make sure he can achieve as many as possible. He is a popular member of the class and shows great initiative when working as part of a team. Congratulations young man!
This child is an absolute superstar. He is considerate and thoughtful in every way. He always has a smile on his face when he arrives at school and he brightens up the room when he walks in. He often offers to help out and always has an interesting contribution in classroom discussions. He shows kindness and generosity frequently and it is easy to see how much he cares for the rest of the children in the class. Added to this, we are extremely impressed by the amount of effort this young man puts into all his classwork. He is naturally curious and eager to gain knowledge in all the subjects we are studying. He may have a naturally quiet demeanour, but he is good fun and a strong personality that shows great determination. Well done young man!
This child is an absolute superstar. He is considerate and thoughtful in every way. He always has a smile on his face when he arrives at school and he brightens up the room when he walks in. He often offers to help out and always has an interesting contribution in classroom discussions. He shows kindness and generosity frequently and it is easy to see how much he cares for the rest of the children in the class. Added to this, we are extremely impressed by the amount of effort this young man puts into all his classwork. He is naturally curious and eager to gain knowledge in all the subjects we are studying. He may have a naturally quiet demeanour, but he is good fun and a strong personality that shows great determination and you deserve this coveted award. Well done young man!
A huge congratulations to this young lady. All of the staff in Y4 would like to say how impressed we have been by the tremendous politeness of this child. She never forgets to say please and thank you to every small gesture and always says it with such a lovely smile. She has such a warm heart too. From her behaviour both in class and on the playground it is clear to see that she is considerate, genuine and sincere in whatever she says and does, added to the fact that she is a pleasure to be around! . She will readily go out of her way to help others – staff and pupils alike plus she is light-hearted and fun. This young lady is a delight to have in the class and we are proud to award her the Courtesy Cup. Well done.
We are very proud of this amazing child who is such is a lovely member of the class. She always tries her best and is really happy to contribute in lessons. She has earned the Cullen Cup because of the high standard of presentation of her work in every subject. Her writing is neat – even when we are doing class work on the white-boards! She pays attention to detail and is superb at following instructions at all times. She is consistently well presented herself with a smart uniform and, to top it off, never fails to have a warm smile beaming at anyone she meets. We are very lucky to have this child in Y4. Well done on a well-deserved award!