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Melling Primary School

Year 4

To pass a non-urgent message on to Year 4 staff please email us at

If you have a more urgent message please ring the office.

If we ring you, we will be doing so from our mobiles so it will be a withheld or unknown number.

Derwent Hill Residential 2022

.....................Year 4 Class Party will be on Tuesday..................

......................I have added some more pictures on so click on the pictures page and  scroll down on the to see Easter Bonnets, Liverpool trip and lambananas!.....................

14th July 

We have had an exciting few weeks and I would like to say a huge well done to all the children who went on the trip to the Anglican Cathedral. Several members of the public commented on how well behaved they were and the Cathedral staff themselves were impressed by their curiosity and enthusiasm. We have managed to catch up on ourselves and this morning did our 'Friday celebrations'. Congratulations to Amelia for being our Listening Learner, she is always enthusiastic in her participation in lessons and super switched on when I ask questions about the learning! Our Classroom Contributor is Charlie, he is always on task and always has something useful to add to our discussions. Our Star of the Week is Dylan, for being such a reliable, hard working member of our class. Well done to all. 

We have awarded the Apter cup to someone very special in our class today. Click on the link below for details. 

I have put some pictures from our sports day on the picture page. I will be uploading some from the trip over the next few days.


Friday 11th June


I can't believe that we are now in the last half term of the year. What a whirlwind! It is lovely to see how much the children in Y4 have grown up and matured since September and this part of the year will have a focus on preparing to move on to Y5.

Our history topic this term is Marvellous Mersey and we will delve into Liverpool's past to examine some of the reasons why it grew from a tiny fishing village to the magnificent city it is today. To coincide with this we are also learning some well-known Beatles songs in music, in particular 'Blackbird' but also Yellow Submarine and Hey Jude.

In maths this week we have started looking at fractions and Scarlett MB has been awarded Listening Learner for her input during Thursday's lesson which demonstrated really careful listening. Our Classroom Contributor this week is George, who is reliably enthusiastic in all our lessons. Our Star of the Week is Ben Mc for the amazing sentence openers he wrote in English and for a great 'can do not can't do' attitude this week. Well done everyone.

Friday 14th May

Year 4 have had another terrific week and we have spent much of the time this week thinking about and describing peculiar pets and I must say, their descriptions show that they have very vivid imaginations! Today we have been learning to and practising throwing in Athletics and earlier in the week we researched some Egyptian gods in History. Today Jamie received Classroom Contributor; Ethan C was awarded Listening Learner and Liam was our star of the week! Well done to you all. The table of the week went to North America - George, Ben C, Ben Mc and Louie.

The scores for homework are looking really good this week. Please continue to message the class email if there are any issues. There is a messaging facility on Mathletics but we are not likely to check it often. The leaderboards are as follows:

Readiwriter: Jamie, Choe H, Lily May, Lucas, Brogan

Mathletics: Chloe H, Jamie, Holly, Scarlett MB, Lucas

TTrockstars: Chloe H, Bobby, Poppy, Michael, Brogan


Good work! Have a fabulous weekend everyone.


From Y4 team

Friday 7th May

Well, this week has been shorter than most, and we hope you all managed to enjoy the rainy bank holiday the best you could. There wasn't a post last week because Mrs Jutla was out cheering on the girls in the football match against John Bosco. I hope the girls enjoyed playing as much as I enjoyed spectating! They all played magnificent match especially in view of the fact that their opponents are all two years older!   

This week we have been learning about heiroglyphics in History and trying out some of our own messages which I'm going to have lots of fun decoding I'm sure! We have had a fabulous week with behaviour and some great celebrations today. Our Listening Learner is Poppy who thinks carefully about what she has learned and adds valuable ideas and information to all lessons; Bobby is this week's Classroom Contributor, he is enthusiastic about all things in and out of the classroom and this is great to see. Our star of the week is Lucas who is always eager to help in any way he can which makes a great impression and our table of the week is Liam, Brogan, Ethan C and Adam. Well done to everyone!

We have a special cup winner this week too - which is published on the link below. 

The leaderboards as of last Sunday are as follows:

Readiwriter: Jamie, Chloe H, Ethan C, Lily-May, Nicole

Mathletics: Jamie, Chloe H, Holly, Nicole, Lucas

TTRockstars  Bobby, Liam, Lilly-May, Poppy, Bella


Have a great weekend. I hope the sun stays out for you!


From the Y4 Melling Team

Please note, work will now be set on Google Classroom for children who are off. If they are well enough to work, e.g. waiting on a test result, then please ensure they complete it. Logins will be put on their reading books, but they follow this format:

If their name was Alan Smith, the login would be:

Email address:

Password: mellingalans

23 April 2021

To welcome in our first hot days of Summer we have played our first game of rounders for the year! We all had such a lovely time on the field and we were extremely proud to see great team work from every child to make it enjoyable for everyone. I would like to say congratulations to our Table of the Week: it wasn't hard to choose this week as this table has really high standards and all the children are always ready to learn. They are Chloe, Holly, Scarlet M and Ebonie well done girls for being so reliable. Our Listening Learner this week is Owen Moss who has put in 110% into his work, especially in maths and the Classroom Contributor is Nicole, for her fabulous story writing. Our Star of the Week is Freya, who is always positive and engaging, she shines brightly, wherever she is. This week we have awarded the Apter Cup to someone who is always trying their best, in and out of class. Click on the link below to find out more...

Leader boards from last Sunday night are as follows:

Mathletics: Jamie, Nicole, Ben C, Lucas, Poppy + Louie (joint)

Readiwriter: Nicole, Jamie, Ben C, Eden, Ethan, 

TT Rockstars: Bobby, Brogan, Poppy, Chloe, Nicole


We hope you have a lovely weekend! From the Y4 Team.





Y4 Summer newsletter

The Government has now published guidance for parents for the 2021 multiplication test in Y4. Click on the link for further details. The Government will be publishing further information in the coming weeks which we will inform you of as soon as we can. 

Friday 16th April


What a fab week we have just had! It was so nice to see the children again and they certainly seem well rested after the holiday, which is great to see. It certainly was a rollercoaster term for them last term! It's an added bonus that the sun has come out and we have been able to do our athletics lessons on the field!

All the children have made a huge effort in their learning this week which is wonderful to see but I would like to highlight our Friday celebrations prize winners: Listening Learner is Eden, who's diligence and attitude to learning has shone through in maths. Lucas is our Classroom Contributor, he is ready to answer questions all the time in every lesson; our Star of the Week is someone who always has a positive mindset when it comes to work and play and that is Scarlet Mc. Well done to you all. The Table of the Week is Poppy, Brogan, Jamie and Dylan, we have noticed how you work well as a team and this is great to see. 

The leaderboard - taken from last Sunday is as follows:

Mathletics: Lily May, Brogan, Nicole, Chloe, Poppy

Readiwriter: Ethan C, Poppy, Nicole, Brogan and Lily May

TTRockstars: Chloe H, Poppy, Nicole and Lily May


Fabulous work everyone keep it up!

27th March 


'Only in the dark can you see the stars.'  (Martin Luther King Jnr)

In view of the varied term we have just had and with the anniversary of the first lock down, I thought that this quote might be quite appropriate to share. 

The bright young things that are the children in Y4 are a delight and it is lovely to see how much they have matured and grown since September.  It was great to talk to all parents again this week. I think that this term, more than any other has truly been a team effort between home and school. The Y4 staff would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you for all the support you have given your child and the school during this time. 

This week Europe table (Lucas, Owen, Freya and Lily-May) won Table of the Week. They have been very efficient at getting ready at the end of lessons, listening carefully to instructions and working well as a team. James was awarded Listening Learner, this is because he is always striving to improve his work and learn from feedback that his teachers give. Brogan received Classroom Contributor, her research and background knowledge on Egypt was very useful during our history lesson on Monday when we learned about Tutankhamun's tomb. The Star of the week is Harry, who always demonstrates positivity and resilience in all aspects of school life. Congratulations to you all.



I would like to highlight the fact that this week there are a large number of children who have not yet got 500 points on TTrockstars / Mathletics / Readiwriter. Can you please check that your child is going on these regularly. If there are any problems please contact the school and explain was the issue is so that we can help resolve it.



Mathletics: Brogan, Nicole, Michael, Poppy, Lucas

TT Rockstars: Brogan, Bobby, Chloe H, Michael, Nicole

Readiwriter: Nicole, Jamie, Lucas, Holly, Scarlet Mc

19th March 


Comic relief day has been great fun. We have put some pictures on the picture page (link below). There is also a link to a video showing the children's first week back last week. 

As special well done to our prize winners this week. Charlie is our listening learner, he is always taking on board what is being said in lessons and this shows in his work. Bella has won Class Contributor, she has been getting involved in class discussions and giving some great answers to questions. Star of the week is Sophia, a fantastic high standard of work since she has come back to school, well done. Table of the week is Africa which is Michael, Eden, Sophia and Harry -  they are always ready and listening for the teacher's instructions and really quick at tidying away when asked! Well done all of you!

The leaderboards are as follows:

Mathletics: Lily May, Michael, Holly, Nicole, Scarlet Mc

TT Rockstars: Nicole, Michael, Chloe H, Poppy, Harry

Readiwriter: Nicole, Chloe C, Lily May, Chloe H and Poppy


The children have worked really hard this week - have a great weekend and we're looking forward to seeing you all on Monday!


From Y4 Team

12th March


The children in Y4 have had an absolutely brilliant week back. It has been fabulous to see all their smiling faces in class together and they have settled back into our routines really well. After just one week it feels as though they've never been away! 

Congratulations to our listening learner this week is Dylan who always demonstrates good learning and this reflects in his work; Michael is our classroom contributor - Mr Fawcett was extremely impressed with his knowledge of Angler Fish! Lily May is our Star of the Week, always ready to answer questions is eager to get on with her work and is always smiling. 

The leader boards are looking good. These are the results from last week:

TTRockstars : Chloe H, Scarlet Mc, Nicole, Michael, Lily May

Mathletics: Nicole, Chloe H, Scarlet Mc, Jamie

Readiwriter: Chloe H, Lily May, Nicole, Ben Mc, Poppy

Well done to all of you.

Have a great weekend!


The Y4 Team

Y4 will continue swimming classes until the end of term. Swimming will take place on Friday 12th March, 19th March and 26th March.

8th March

A massive welcome back to all the children in Y4! We are so looking forward to catching up with you all and spending time learning together in the same space! Thank you to all parents and carers, we really appreciate the huge effort you have put into helping your children learn over the past 9 weeks. Please read through the newsletter below containing information regarding the rest of this term.

Y4 Charity - Mama Kit 


Y4 are finding out lots of information about Ethiopia this term. We are reading a book called 'The Fastest Boy in the World' by Elizabeth Laird, and learning a little about the country and its citizens. There is a huge amount of hardship and poverty in Ethiopia at this time especially in the Tigray region and we would like to highlight the charity below which  is run by a local nurse and provides new mothers with a kit comprising of gruel, anti-sceptic soap and blankets so that these mums can provide basic care for their babies. The link will take you to a page where you can donate a few pounds towards one of these kits. 



We have now uploaded this year's Christmas production onto google classrooms. Thank you so much to the Y4 students who all worked really hard to put this together in a really short time frame. Well done everyone!

Friday 4th December


The Christmas season in school is such a special time and this year is no exception. We feel so fortunate to be with such a lovely bunch of young people who make every day a happy and cheerful one. There is a buzz of excitement in the air as we make preparations for Christmas festivities, and we look forward to a number of events over the next two weeks including Christmas Jumper day, a visiting pantomime and a class Christmas party.

Despite all this excitement, the children have remained focused in their learning this week and I am delighted to announce that Chloe H is our star of the week. She is always smiling, resilient, hardworking and a true friend to all. Thank you Chloe for all you do in class. Our Listening Learner is Ebonie, who demonstrates real attention to detail with the work she produces and is always on track with her learning in class. Michael receives Classroom Contributor this week. With the enthusiasm he shows in his learning, he is a shining example to the rest of the class. Table of the week is North America -  we have noticed some really good team work and cooperation this week from this table in particular. Well done to all!


Next week we will be preparing a short Christmas-themed video. To help, we would really appreciate if the children can bring in some simple winter-themed costumes. We will talk to the class about this on Monday and give further information in the week. We do not expect anyone to make any purchases for this - we will be requesting items that you already have at home. 




Friday 27th November


It was an absolute pleasure to have the opportunity to speak to parents and guardians this week. It is a pleasure and a privilege to teach your children and it was great to get to know you all a little better despite the tight restrictions at this time.

We had a great start to the week when the class had fun out on an archaeological dig, hunting for clues around our Anglo Saxon burial mound, where we learned that the treasures of the past don't always look like treasure when they are dug up 1000 years later! Then on Friday we had first swimming session and we are looking forward to next week. Well done everyone. Our celebration on Friday is an opportunity for all the children to celebrate their successes and give themselves a pat on the back. We are extremely proud of our Apter Cup winner who is a quiet but shining example to the whole school. (Click on the link above to find out more.)

In particular this week I would like to congratulate our Star of the Week - Adam. He consistently demonstrates high standards in the classroom and out, whole-heartedly engaging with school life. Our Classroom Contributor is Lily-May who is a fountain of fun and is always keen to engage in our many and varied discussions during learning time. Well done also to our Listening Learner, James. He has put in a great deal of effort into all his learning recently and most noticeably in the quality of his maths work. Well done also to table of the week - Africa - you are absolute stars! As always, all the staff are very proud of you all.

Parents evening postponed - Y4 only

Due to unforeseen circumstances Y4 parents' evening is postponed until next week and will take place on Tuesday  24th and Wednesday 25th November. Your appointment time will stay the same. 

Friday 20th November

We have had a great week this week learning about Orangutans in the rainforest, Anglo Saxon and Judaism. Yet again there have been many moments this week when the children have made us very proud, so well done class.

This makes it doubly difficult to decide on award winners but there has been some exceptional contributions who have managed to wow us even more than the rest.

Table of the week goes to South America, so well done to Isabella, Holly, Dylan and Scarlet McK. There is always great team work from this table and they are always on task. Our star of the week is someone who has shown an excellent 'can do' attitude this week - Nicole - congratulations on some great work in class. Ben Mc is our listening learner of the week. He always pays attention in class and this is shown  in the work that he produces.  The classroom contributor prize goes to Holly who shone with some of her answers during English this week. There are some more pictures being added so click on the link to have a look.

Friday 13th November

Another Fab week in Y4! We have had 5 days jam-packed with activities. Our Diversity celebration week  kicked off on Monday when we learned some techniques on the Djembe Drum.  We have also had a look at the life of Nelson Mandela and created a poster around what we have learned. Along side this we have  created some art work based on artist and designer Lois Maylou Jones. 

We have of course spent time remembering the fallen soldiers of the first and second World Wars and those that have fought in all conflicts past and present.

To round it off, we have had a fun-filled non-uniform day today to help raise awareness of children in need.


We also celebrated our achievements in class. But first of all I would like to say congratulations for last week’s award winners: Listening Learner – Ethan Quigg who and Classroom Contributor – Poppy Turner. It’s lovely to see how  both put a considerable amount of effort into  work in class whether written down or during discussion.

This week we have the privilege of handing the Courtesy Cup to a very special young person – you can read all about it on the link below!

Our star of the week this week is Scarlett MB never daunted by any challenge she is amazingly resilient and is constantly striving for excellence in everything she does.

Our table of the week is Australia, so a huge well done to Adam, Poppy and Sophia.

Our listening learner this week is Jamie. Who shows through his answers that he is always on task and listens well during class discussions.  Our classroom contributor is Liam. He takes an active interest in everything that is going on in class and a delight to have in class.

A number of children have brought in their own research and work or art work from home. Thank you so much to those children. It is lovely to see that their enthusiasm for learning and eagerness to find out more about a topic that interests them.

πŸ₯‡ Homework Leaderboards Week 10 πŸ₯‡


The results for this week's leaderboards are as follows:


Readiwriter: First place - Bobby, second place - Nicole, third place - Chloe C, fourth place - Lilly-May and fifth place - Dylan


Mathletics: First place - Nicole, second place - Freya, third place - Holly, fourth place - Bobby and fifth place - Sophia


TT Rockstars: First place - Lilly-May, second place - Bobby, third place - Nicole, fourth place - Chloe H and fifth place - Michael


There were some really impressive points this week and great to see more children getting on TT Rockstars. Remember to try and logon at least three times a week.

Y4 Netball After School Club Tuesday

β­πŸ‘πŸ‘ Celebrations! πŸ‘πŸ‘β­


It was quite difficult to choose our Table of the Week this week, as so many have been working hard and doing well under the new seating arrangements. In the end though, the winner this week is Bella, Holly, Dylan and Scarlet McK. They have all worked incredibly hard, are constantly putting up their hands to offer contributions to lessons, and are incredibly well-organised, usually being the first table ready. Well done!


Our Star of the Week this week is Eden, because again she has worked incredibly hard since coming back from half-term. She has had a real 'Can do, not can't do' attitude to her work, and has produced some of her best work yet in Year 4. Well done Eden!

Magazine Articles


In our English lessons, we have started looking at features of magazine articles in preparation for writing our own about the Loch Ness Monster. To create a toolkit for What A Good One Looks Like we have been using some articles from the Eco Kids magazine. The link below gives access to a free sample magazine all about animals.

⭐⭐⭐ Star Writer⭐⭐⭐


Before half-term, the children wrote a letter to Year 5 telling them about the research we have been doing into the Loch Ness Monster. They did some fantastic pieces of writing. The children who received Star Sentence were Chloe H and Poppy, who both used some of the conjunctions we have been practising using. Our Star Writer was Amelia, who as well as using a range of conjunctions, used some lovely phrases in her work. Well done girls!

πŸ₯‡ Homework Leaderboards Week 9 πŸ₯‡


Unfortunately only about half of the class did their online homework during half-term, so the children who did were given an extra reward. The results for the leaderboards are as follows:


Readiwriter: First place - Dylan, second place - Bobby, third place - Scarlet McK, fourth place - Amelia and fifth place - Chloe H


Mathletics: First place - Scarlett MB, second place - Harry, third place - Bobby, fourth place - Chloe C and fifth place - Ethan C


TT Rockstars: First place - Lilly-May, second place - Chloe H, third place - Ethan Q, fourth place - Bobby and fifth place - Michael


Well done everyone!



As part of our history topic on the Anglo-Saxons, we learnt about the Staffordshire Hoard today, which is the largest collection of Anglo-Saxon gold and silver ever found. To explore this collection more, click on the link below.

⭐⭐⭐Celebrations ⭐⭐⭐


Congratulations to our Table of the Week this week: Holly, Adam and Chloe H. They are always one of the first tables to be organised and ready to start the lesson and they work incredibly hard. Huge congratulations also to our Star of the Week, Dylan! Dylan works extremely hard, gets his work done in time, follows instructions well and best of all, listens to everything the teacher says! Well done Dylan.

Homework Leaderboards Week 8


The results for this week's leaderboards are as follows:


Readiwriter: First place - Chloe C, second place - Lilly-May, third place - Charlie, fourth place - Ethan C and fifth place - Chloe H


Mathletics: First place - Dylan, second place - Chloe C, third place - Brogan, fourth place - Scarlet McK and fifth place - Amelia


Well done everyone!

Homework Leaderboards Week 7


Year 4 have had brilliant results on the homework leaderboards this week, such high scores and 22 children have been on Times Table Rockstars! What an improvement from last week! Let's see if we can get the whole class on it this week!


Times Table Rockstars: First place - Bobby, second place - Poppy, third place - Ethan C, fourth place - Chloe H and fifth place - Lucas


Readiwriter: First place - Bobby, second place - Holly, third place - Lilly-May, fourth place - Poppy and fifth place - Dylan


Mathletics: First place - Bobby, second place - Holly, third place - Dylan, fourth place - Scarlet McK and fifth place - George


Well done everyone!

Friday 16th October


We have had another few amazing days in y4! Well done to everyone. Keep it up! This morning we celebrated harvest festival with a video sent by Rev Simon and the children created some amazing seed pictures.  A particular congratulations to Chloe H who was Listening Learner this week and Adam who is Classroom Contributor. We are all very much looking forward to CHET next week. See you there! 

Wednesday 14th October


What a smashing day we've had! The whole class has worked incredibly hard and behaviour has been fantastic. What a great way for me to finish my week and hand over to Mrs Jutla!


Our Wednesday celebrations took place as usual and our Table of the Week this week was Nicole, Ethan C, Brogan and Chloe C. They have all been working very hard and their listening has greatly improved. Well done you four!


A special well done also goes to our Star of the Week, which is Issabella. She works very hard, always listens, follows instructions and has generally fantastic behaviour. Well done Bella!


As part of our Loch Ness Monster topic, today the children used the information they have found out to create questions for our grand class quiz! They then teamed up into four teams: Nessies vs Scientists and Marmadukes vs Wilsons. Each child in every team had a chance to ask the other team a question and all got a chance to have a go at answering. We were delighted with how enthusiastic the children were about the activity and the quality of questions they devised was amazing! Every child in the class participated beautifully in the activity, but in the end the Nessies and the Wilsons won!


I bet some of the grown-ups wouldn't be able to answer some of the questions the children devised. See if you can have a go!


- Which Saint saw the Loch Ness Monster for the first time ever?

- When was the biggest sonar search conducted in Loch Ness?

- Which Wetherell from the Wetherell family exposed Marmaduke Wetherell as a fraud?

- What year did Captain Kev get the suspicion that the Loch Ness Monster is actually a giant eel?

- What are the underwater robots that scientists have used called?


Come on grown-ups, can you beat your child?!


Tuesday 13th October


Please can I remind everyone that Year 4 children have to do 500 points on Mathletics and 500 points on Readiwriter every week. They should also be logging onto Times Table Rockstars a couple of times per week. This week we only had 8 children log on to TT Rockstars. We need great improvement please!


Well done to the children at the top of our leaderboards:


Mathletics: First place - Holly, second place - Scarlet McK, third place - Ethan Q, fourth place - Brogan and fifth place - Bobby


Readiwriter: First place - Bobby, second place - Holly, third place - Chloe C, fourth place - Jamie and fifth place - Scarlet McK


TT Rockstars: First place - Bobby, second place - Lilly-May, third place - Michael, fourth place - Harry and fifth place - Freya


Keep up the good work!

Friday 9th October


What a brilliant week Y4 has had rounded off with a class golden text, for such amazing high standards in behaviour and helping to set a good example to all younger members of the school community.

Congratulations to our Listening Learner Scarlett and our Classroom Contributor Charlie. Click below for information on our well-deserved Cullen Cup Award this week too. We have really enjoyed our science this week, learning about invertebrates and going on a bug hunt. Well done everyone!

Wednesday 7th October


Congratulations to our Table of the Week: Poppy, Dylan and Sophia. They have worked incredibly hard and are always the first table to be ready and organised, well done! Poppy has had an extra special day, as not only is she on Table of the Week, but she is also Star of the Week! Poppy's behaviour, organisation and standard of work has been exceptional for the past two weeks. Well done Poppy!


We have had great fun this week finding out more about the Loch Ness Monster. We have also started our history topic about the Smashing Saxons and Scots. If any of the children choose to do some research at home on any of these topics, please send it in as we would love to see it.


We have also reminded the children today that they need to go on Times Table Rockstars at least a couple of times a week. Not many children are accessing it at the moment, so please encourage your child to log on.

6th October - Homework Leaderboard


The results for this week's leaderboard are as follows:


Readiwriter: First place - Holly, second place - Louie, third place - Nicole, fourth place - Brogan and fifth place - Ben C


Mathletics: First place - Holly, second place - Brogan, third place - Scarlett MB, fourth place - Chloe H and Sophia, and fifth place - Scarlet McK


All of the children in the top places scored over 1000 points, well done!

Please note Y4 have an extra Pro Skills session on Wednesday 7th October, so can all Y4 children please come in wearing PE kits. Thank you

Wednesday 30th September


Unfortunately, we were unable to do a Table of the Week this week, due to overall behaviour, however a special well done goes to Sophia, who is our Star of the Week! She is really standing out for all the right reasons at the moment! Keep up the hard work laugh

Monday 28th September

It is great to see so many children completing their Mathletics homework, however there are several who are not going on Readiwriter. Please remember that children need to earn 500 points per week on both systems.


Well done to our top five on the leaderboard this week:


Mathletics: First place - Chloe C, second place - Brogan, third place - Amelia, fourth place - Michael and fifth place - Owen


Readiwriter: First place - Chloe C, second place - Brogan, third place - Michael, fourth place - Nicole and fifth place - Scarlet McK.


Keep up the good work!

Friday 25th September

Another fab week in Y4! 

A double well done to Sophia who has earned Listening Learner this week. Our Classroom Contributor is Dylan who is always participating enthusiastically in lessons. Please click on the link below for details of the Apter Cup award winner. We are proud of you all!

CHET 2020

We are delighted that we have been able to organise a fun-filled day trip to CHET for Y4 on 22nd October. A letter with full details will be going home on Friday 25th Sept and is on the letters section of the website. Please fill in and return the form as soon as you can to help us with the smooth running of this brilliant opportunity.

Wednesday 23rd September


Well done to this week's Star of the Week, Amelia! She is doubly lucky as her table also won Table of the Week! Well done to Amelia, Freya and Ethan, it is their second week in a row of winning this award because they work very hard and don't talk during lessons or over the teacher. Keep up the good work you three!


Today we also awarded Star Sentence to Michael for using a fantastic verb and adverb in his sentence, well done! Our Star Writer award went to two children, Sophia and Adam. Both wrote fantastic descriptive pieces about the photo of the Loch Ness Monster. Well done to both of you!


Due to technical difficulties, I have decided to set Mathletics homework on Mondays now. This means that the children will have from Monday morning to Sunday evening each week to complete their homework and to earn their 500 points. Please note 500 points must also be completed on Readiwriter during those days each week.


If any children are having problems logging in, could I ask that parents or guardians email me at the class email address above explaining exactly what the problem is. If possible can you attach a screen shot of what is happening. 


Please note, that every child's points automatically resets to zero on Sunday evenings, but when I run the reports I will still be able to see how many points they earned that week, so it's nothing to worry about.


Thank you for your support.

Miss Hopewell

Please click on the link above to see the spellings to learn for next week.

Friday September 18th


It has been another brilliant week in Y4! The children continue to impress us with many knowledgeable contributions to lessons. We have begun our RE topic on Judaism and in science we have been looking at different groups of living things.

Congratulations to Chloe C who received Star of the week and Ethan Q, Amelia, Liam and Freya who earned table of the week. Well done to Harry who achieved ‘classroom contributor’ and Ben C was awarded ‘listening learner’.  


CHET 2020

Unfortunately, it looks unlikely that the usual Y4 trip to CHET  will be going ahead. It was scheduled for 4-6th November. As soon as we get up to date information we will inform you and we will try to organise a day trip to the centre instead, so that the children can experience some of the activities provided.

Friday 11th September


Well done to our first Star of the Week - Louie Rawling and to our Table of the Week - Issabella, Ebonie, Louie and Eden. They have all been working so hard and their behaviour has been fantastic.


Our first Star Sentence went to two children this week - Adam and Nicole - both used Year 4 objectives in one of their sentences despite not being taught them yet. Last but not least, our Star Writer was Ethan Cernat for a fantastic first piece of independent writing. Well done everyone!


Usually we would be holding our Meet the Teacher meetings next week, however due to COVID we are unable to do this so below you will find a powerpoint with all of the information that you would have been given at this meeting. Our class newsletter is also below and gives more information on what our teaching will be based on this term.


Thank you to all of the children for settling in so well and to the families for your continued support and patience. Have a lovely weekend!

Meet the Teacher information

Autumn Class Newsletter

Autumn Term Week 2


We have had a great first few days back in school and it has been so nice to be back with the children again! Thank you to parents and guardians for your patience as we start back at school. As you can imagine this is a new situation for us all so it will take a bit of time for us to settle in and adjust.



Spelling homework has been set by Mrs Jutla - see below for the link. If you need a paper copy please let us know. Spelling homework will be set every Friday to be tested on the following Friday. Mathletics homework will be set on Wednesdays to be completed by the end of the following Tuesday.



  • It is essential that children bring a pack of tissues and their own reusable water bottle into school  - we cannot provide cups at this time. 
  • Reading books have gone home this week. Please return the books only when they need changing.
  • Our PE sessions are on Tuesdays and Fridays and the children need to come in dressed in their PE kits on those days.


Thank you for your support.


Miss Hopewell

Welcome back Year 4!


Miss Hopewell, Mrs Jutla and Miss Stewart would like to wish you a warm welcome back.  The Y4 classroom is all ready and we are excited to see your lovely smiling faces tomorrow.


Start time: 8:50am        Finish time: 3:10pm   

Drop off and pick up at the playgroup gate.


P.E. days: Tuesday and Friday

Please come to school in your outdoor P.E. kit and a pair of trainers on those days.
