
Melling Primary School

Latest News

See below for news about what's happening in Melling.

  • Bill Esterson, MP, visits Melling!

    Mon 30 Nov 2015 C. Miller
    Bill Esterson, our local MP, paid us a visit recently to meet our Junior Parish Council. He was very impressed at their ideas for improving our locality and their knowledge of how to make changes happen. He also visited the assembly and told our children about his week in parliament.
  • Children in Need

    Sat 14 Nov 2015 Mrs Hargreaves

    Another huge thank you to everyone who supported our Children in Need fundraising. It was lovely to see so many children in Pudsey ears and wristbands. We raised a massive £845. This will make a huge difference to so many disadvantaged children. Well done to Mason in Year 2 for winning our huge Pudsey bear. Thank you so much to Jessica, Jordan, Jake, Kristian and Hannah W from Year 6 and Miss Riley who braved the weather to sell the merchandise before and after school.



